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About this blog

In Icelandic literature, the primary meaning of the word Þáttr (plural  þættir) is a 'Strand' (as in a rope), and when used in medieval manuscripts, it has developed in pieces of narrative writing into several metaphorical meanings with a basic sense of 'a subsidiary part of something'. Therefore,  it refers to episodes or 'strands' of a story subsidiary to the main theme, he has come to mean by modern editors to describe a particular kind of short story in Icelandic prose

I intend to post a series of Þáttr which are part of my Germanic campaigns (Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian and Hanseatic) partly as interest and enjoyment for the reader and partly to bring together the scraps of notes I’ve made over the years about myths and their inter-connectedness. I hope you enjoy them and will comment on them to bring in new ideas for both you and me.

Entries in this blog

Fields of Rye

Freiherr Johannes Pähler vor dem Holte stood and admired his ancestral lands. Beside him stood the taciturn young Franciscan, Brother Thomas, who had taken up residence in the Baronial home and was said to be planning to build a Franciscan Monastery. Vor dem Holte had recently returned from the Northern Crusade in Samerland following the death of his father, Freiherr Meinhard, at the hands of the Hanse. Freiherr Meinhard had been accused by the Hanse of banditry and murder of merchants. The Hans


Nozbat in Þáttr

A Strange Conversation

The huge raven alighted on the branch that buckled under her weight. The object of her attention was a man leading a horse through the forest at the edge of the lake. The raven was ravenously hungry, anticipating a feast of eyes, tongue and liver when the Rusalka was finished with him. The thought of the Rusalka made the raven nervous. She shifted on the branch making the man with the horse look up suddenly. "Stop following me, bird," shouted the man, breaking the silence. He looked around for


Nozbat in Þáttr


Angrboða closed the door into the main hall where the Jötunn still drank, boasted and tried to outdo each other in feats of strength. It was sadly often the case at the Yule feast.  Angrboða sighed and turned to her companions. “Boys will be boys, Angrboða, you can’t change the way they have acted for millennia”, said Sívör. “But girls will be woman”, replied Angrboða, “ and as ever, we need to plan for the coming year to counter the Æsir. Our men are too busy swinging their dicks to consid


Nozbat in Þáttr

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