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About this blog

This is the record as told to Hereweald the Chanting Skald of the saga of the Hrothgarsons.

This is my Anglo-Saxon Campaign that will take in some of my own stuff and interweave it with published material from Mythras: Logres and Waterlands. It recounts the sessions played with Wulfhere, Uthric and Dunstan, sons of Hrothgar. They live in Caedering near the Dumnonian border. All the themes and events are real and people and animals got hurt in the making of this as it is after all the Dark Ages. In recording it I have tried to use the style of the Icelandic sagas with a lot of understatement and quite a bit of humour (at least I found it funny). The players are getting into the role of South Saxons which was a bit difficult at first as its almost a default position to play Romano-Celts as opposed to playing the 'baddies' as Saxons. I do have to apologise to the Chroniclers and probably Alfred for stealing their title for the blog

Entries in this blog

Bæl ond Cwaltt

Fire and Violent Death After the Moot, Wæcla held a feast and invited the Hrothgarsons to the High Table to discuss why they had come to Verulamacæster. Dunstan told the story of the Bannucmann in the hope that he would distract Wæcla’s attention but got himself tongue-tied and the listeners lost interest in his telling of the tale. Dunstan was upset with himself but most of the warriors were so drunk that Wulfhere said to him that he did not think it would affect their standing in the Hall

AS18b Edstaðelung ond Āsyndrung

Restoration and Divorce It took a week to travel from Anderida to Hrofnacæster. The Hrothgarsons had travelled along the Roman road using Way stations or staying at Steadings along the way. Northern Ceint was rich and fertile. Ruins of Roman houses were everywhere. Some had been scavenged for stone and others were intact apart from the roofs which had fallen in. Dunstan thought of himself as a builder and he was intrigued to see how the Romans had built their farms and dwellings. He discuss


Nozbat in An Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

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