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About this blog

In this blog I will be posting unedited notes and session reports from my Paladin campaign which used the real Paladin setting, i.e. the Crusades. The players knight were in the retinue of Boemondo of Taranto all the way from Apulia to Antioch (then the campaign took an unexpected turn).

Entries in this blog

Father history

Starting glory: according to class + Grandfather glory/10 1069 End of grandfather's career "Ordinary year" 1070 Fights the Byzantines "1: Dies from random cause 2-9: Garrison 10-20: Fights the Byzantines" 1071 Drives the Byzantines out of Apulia "1: Dies from random cause 2-5: Garrison 6-20: Conquest of Bari (300)" 1072 Capture of Palermo after a long siege "1: Dies from random cause 2-5: Garrison 6-12: Fights against Abelard (100) 13-20: Conquest of Palermo (300, Hate (Moors


Alexandre in Rules

Grandfather History

Starting glory: 2500 1047 Robert de Hauteville comes to southern Italy with only 5 knights. The PKs’ grandfather is one of them.    1d20 Result Event 1 Died of random cause 2-17 Garrison duty 19-20 Raid (50 glory)


Alexandre in Rules

Character Creation

Character creation is as per the Paladins rulebook unless otherwise noted.  Step One: Personal data Name: Norman name Son number and age: Will depend on the family history and Father’s Class Homeland: Apulia Home: all PK currently live in Taranto, but see Father’s Class for place of origin Culture: Norman Liege Lord: Boemondo of Taranto Step Two: Family The PK all have the same grandfather. Roll each PK’s father’s class. If one of them


Alexandre in Rules

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