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Will be a complete Solo play attempt using a combination of rules for Pendragon.

Entries in this blog

[440 AD][Book of Sires][Squire Edition] Victim to Victory

440 AD Ambros Character Sheet   PRE - LUE Winter Phase Winter began like many others, fairly calm and peaceful to many around Britain. As winter continued, day by day the weather started to take a turn for the worst as it started to come down harder. With blizzards hitting all over the country, travel have become extremely dangerous for many.  For Ambros, it seems to only get worse as he found out the truth about this winter as his horse ended up breaking his lag. [Weather] Us


DMMori in Solo Play - BoS

[439 AD][Solo Play]The Fall of the Fool

Early Spring  As the sun starts to rise and clouds start rolling in and light drizzle begins to fall from the skies. With the cool breeze coming in from the windows being left open from the servants, Squire Ambros appears above the blanks to survey what the weather looks like from his blankets. After a brief moment decided it was appropriate to sleep in, since he is now a squire and not a commoner like the rest of his family. As the morning starts to roll through, you can hear someone yelli
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