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[441 AD **Part B**] The Consequences of Good Intentions



As Ambros finally wakes up with the sun shinning on his face, still groggy trying to figure Out what happened. As Ambros was finally able to see straight, he realized that he was slumped Over a horse. Confusion sets in very quickly, as Ambros was able to get into the saddle and finally was able to slow down the horse. 

Ambros: “Why the hell did you guys knock me out?” as Ambros rubs the cheek where he got hit.Portrait-64.jpg.14446912952292a6f03c389f2626ef40.jpg

Sir Terric: “You tend to be noisy, since we had to leave discreetly. There was no choice then to let you sleep.”

 Ambros: “Where are we going?”

Sir Terric: “We are heading to a monastery, no more questions as it will all make sense when we get there”

after what seemed like for ever with the sun passing over top of them, you were able to see the monastery from a distance. The group began to get closer to the location, an unsettling feeling befalls on Amrbos. As they approach the holy place, Ambros slides a dagger into his boot before making his way into the monastery. With the group of knights waited for Ambros to hurry up, after a couple of minutes he finally got to the door. As Sir Terric knocked on the door, you could hear the monks behind it  and scuttling to the door to answer. As the door slightly opens, you can see a young monk on the other side. The young monk was about to speak as Sir Terric, kicks in the door and rushes in.ll with their play swords drawn towards Ambros.

download(1).jpg.637c6dde5bcd417b866a79d950f55345.jpgAmbros: “You two must be important as I think they sent us to kill you”

As Ambros spoke these hollowed words to the two boys, they began to cry. After a brief moment Ambros was able to hear the two knights coming down the hall running and shouting for Ambros. As they entered the door,  which was left it wide open by accident. Ambros began to shoves the two boys behind him and draws his sword, knowing full well that he was no match for the two knights. Ambros begins to stutter a he tries to speak.

Ambros: “You…You will not harm….harm these two BOYS”

The two knights chuckle as Sir Charles steps forward to try and grab the sword softly. As Sir Charles is within striking distance, Ambros strikes without hesitation and landing a blow to his right arm as he tries to avoid the blade. Putting everything behind his swing of the sword and landing a major blow to Sir Charles as he drops in pain and blood going every where. 

[Passion Roll: Love(Family)]
Rolled 7 vs 17 - gained +5 to his sword skill

Ambros: “Now Back up and I am taking these boys with me”

Sir James in shocked of what just happened finally comes to and pulls out his sword in attempt to cross blades withe Ambros as anger over takes him. Sir Terric finally made it to the door where all the noise was coming from and saw Sir Charles on the ground bleeding out and Sir James and Ambros are about to cross blades with the two boys tucked behind Ambros. 

[Oracle dice]
had to bring in oracle dice, as this was gonna be a hard decision on what is to happen in this moment and Good dice won this round.

Sir Terric: “Ambros you fool, what have you done”

Ambros: “I’m protecting the boys from you monsters, trying to kill two young boys”

As Sir Terric is about to speak, you can hear several saxons voices coming from the stairs. As Sir Terric points to the window and yells to Ambros to take the two boys to Brittany. Ambros and the two boys jump from the window without hesitation and the two boys land gracefully. Where Ambros on the other hand lands awkwardly and twist his ankle. Struggling to get up, the two boys try their best to help Ambros up and get him to his horse. Ambros tosses the two boys on his horse and begins to ride without looking back. 

[Time Jump]
With the three young lads traveling across Britain, Ambros finally is feeling the effects of sleep deprivation. Ambros looking to see how the two boys are handling this rideimages(3).jpg.eb0e1f668cd0dd3497b30cffeb961867.jpg and from his ankle it seems like it has started to take it’s toll on them. Ambros against his better judgment, attempts to find a place to rest. After what seems to be couple hours, Ambros finds a home on the edge of the river. Ambros jumps off the horse and waves to the boys to sit tight as he approaches the commoners home. The boys from the distance could see Ambros dropping coin into the man’s hand and waved the boys over as he heads to the barn. As the boys get there, Ambros has laid a blanket on the hay and tells the boys to get some rest. Boys obviously tired, didn’t put up much a fight as the current circumstances were not ideal. 

[oracle Dice]
7 v 9 in favor of the bad outcome

As the young lads were sleeping, Ambros was awoken by the faint sound of horses approaching the bar. He attempts to cover the boys in hay then hides behind an open door with his sword drawn and only his thoughts of how he could keep the two boys safe till he could get them to Brittany. 

[Passion Gained]
Devotion(Pendragon) 12
Rolled 9 v 12

+5 for passion passed and +5 for attacking in an ambush

rolled 18(17) vs 21

As the unknown man walks in and without hesitation Ambros brings down his sword with all his might. As his sword breaks through the mans armor, he drops to his knees in pain as the blood rushes from his back. You can here someone else running in as they could here their companion in pain. As the man ran into the barn and as he turned into the door is met by Ambros’s blade across his chest. Without another word, the man dropped to his knees and slumps over and Ambros is able to take a moment to breath while taking it all in. After a moment of silence, Ambros is able to hear the two boys crying from all the noise and seeing the two bodies. Ambros quickly collects the boys and gathers there stuff and rushes to his horse. Seen the two other horses sitting near the edge of the barn, Ambros rushes over and grab the reins of the horses. As he takes a brief moment as these horses look similar, but was unsure of who horses they had belong too. Ambros raising each boy onto there horse and began to ride once he sat on top of his horse.

[Roll Recognize] 
Rolled 7 v 3

Ambros: “My lords, I promise to keep both of you safe as long as I live” 

Too be Continued.....


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