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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. Good points on the cliffs being so high and the minimal width for possible path... looks like a potential survey of the south side is in order but am thinking now that any trade would have to be developed greatly, salt, silk, fish before there is reason to come back down the river to the bay, sounds so strange saying that. Thanks again.
  2. Yes Jaja, it was Sklar, I couldn't find it. The maps I have show Midrue between Backford and Jansholm. I am looking for anything on that area. I sent jeffjerwin a note as he seemed to have developed quite a bit by the looks of his posted Volsaxiland's map. I realize the canal boat its 1800's modern (the canal boat) but it would be interesting pulling the boats back to Sklar or a wharf near there, possibly a tow-path gets developed over time? Someone would have to make the tow-path or develop it. Maybe Backford sponsors some Dwarves to build, anybody rent gnomes for excavation purposes? Likely too costly with Dwarven labor...
  3. Oh, I wasn't looking for it but there is a good bit on Scorpionmen in Resolutions - Chaos. Outside of Rebirth it seems eggs are lain in Storm and hatch by end of Sea. It talks a bit about allied spirits in giant scorpions which is a bit scary. Looks like I'll need to reread Snakepipe Hollow as I recall there is a nice band of scorpionmen in there...
  4. Sorry if I mislead. I was thinking maybe Gagix allowed some other females to also reproduce to increase reproduction. The idea that she increases output is the same result. I wasn't quoting Runequest but typical scorpion reproduction with scorpionman replacing scorpion. It sounded simple enough. Will just assume Gagix increases her offspring output to the numbers allowing reconnoiter of Bullpen and Backord and eventual overrun. This would be more than 20 years after the start of this campaign being generated. I love this level of detail, it really allows the players to better imagine their surroundings and solidifies reasons for being in a place. No thought to deal with Gagix, no one in my campaign will have a Heroquest Super Bowl ring! Thanks again.
  5. Joerg, the experience with the mosquitos sounds terrible. Those pests have ruined many good camping adventures for me. I say go early or late season or stay home! That is unless there are bats or blue martins around. Or like in Corfu, the Gorakiki Alter...
  6. I meant Gagix, was reading in the Cuts Book when I was typing... I like the Vigor spell idea and the thought on log term resistance to poison if it ever comes up. The causeway fits well enough for me, I'll use that. In order to get to and from maybe there is a tow-path along the Syphon to get boats back to Mirrorsea as I don't think everyone could use the Fish Road? (I will need to read up on the Fish Road.) Funny to think they are being towed downhill! I'll also need to develop the small town that is about 28 miles west of Backford, the Runequest Campanian shows one there but no name is given likely as its under the 1000 population mark. I'll assume a small wharf there to transfer Backford goods to seagoing craft? I'd say based on the discussions here that only low draft canal boats could make it to Backford unless the river were flooding and that would be wild and dangerous without magical ~ elemental assistance. I like how this is shaping up, again thanks to all of you for the input.
  7. Dried shrimp are shrimp that have been sun-dried and shrunk to a thumbnail size. They are used in many East Asian, Southeast Asian and South Asian cuisines, imparting a unique umami taste. Umami, which is also known as monosodium glutamate is one of the core fifth tastes including sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. Umami means “essence of deliciousness” in Japanese, and its taste is often described as the meaty, savory deliciousness that deepens flavor. How would you say “essence of deliciousness” in Uz? This cracks me up! A handful of shrimp is generally used for dishes. The flavors of this ingredient are released when allowed to simmer. Dried shrimp was introduced to the American South in the 18th-century colonial period, by thriving Filipino fishers in Saint Malo, which was located in present-day St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, on the shore of Lake Borgne, until 1915. In south Louisiana, dried shrimp are often added by Cajun cooks to gumbo, to add an intense salty flavor. They can also be eaten as a snack by themselves, and can be commonly found in snack-size portions in south Louisiana's stores. Simple enough, change "shrimp" to scorpionman meat and change "Asian" to Genertela. "Cajun" would be Troll and the menu in Troll Pack could have scorpionman gumbo when in season. Too funny. Additionally, from what I read scorpionmen mate during spring and summer then give birth several months later to LIVE babies, called “scorplingmen.” There could be some interesting sample gathering ventures into the Footprint to get the babies. Does Bagog figure out a way to generate "herd fertility", a gruesome thought... Maybe that is what allows Bagog's ability to have her minions overrun Backford? Maybe one venture into the Footprint would be to snatch scorplings? If only Bagog can generate infants than this becomes a heroic task either way its creepy stuff! I don't know what Nethack is...
  8. Scorpionman Meat - So based on the Tradetalk 12 Saronil Whiteteeth in Chaoswood "It squirmed and struggled as huge chunks of fluffy white meat were removed from its tail, dipped in the butter and served to the matriarchs." Trolls like scorpionman tail... maybe an interesting trade opportunity here? Evidently the trolls digestive track keeps them from being tainted with chaos? The silk trade to larger Holy Country cities from the troll spiders along with salt and fish from the river to Sundome are really developable for Backford to me. Are there any references to a player character developing an immunity to scorpionman poison? I know its a stretch but if they will be fighting them a lot over the course of the campaign it may come up. Also, Stonewood would be for very high level PC's if and when I could develop that further, besides a quick dash and grab for novelties which would be perilous of course to hinder regular moves in that direction for trade. Backford Wharf - Regarding Backford (I don't know enough about the magical bridges but will read up more) I am curious about a wharf. If there was one there, what form would it take? Pretend maybe the Erol deepened the riverbed and slightly constricted its flow with maybe a crude spillway? I need more research here for sure... but wanted your thoughts on an appropriate wharf, maybe just beach the merchant craft? Thanks again in advance for any input ~ thoughts.
  9. Silk would be a big deal along with other items, maybe traded to Nochet or other locations, similar to salt and fish to the Sundome. I like it, but trolls cannot be trusted? If the trolls are given scorpionman meat... I wonder what if anything could be a trade good from Stonewood. Does anyone know of a source on Stonewood? There is a note in Tradetalk #4 and in the Guide but I don't seem to be able to find much, possibly small stone animals could be exported as novelty trinkets or gifts for the wealthy? (funny, I was typing this as you posted the comment on Stonewood Joerg...)
  10. "Backford (medium city): Located right on the south bank of the Syphon River, this city controls the the main ford across the Syphon. All traffic on the Royal Highway has to go through the city gates, which has ensured a modest income to the otherwise pressured Eorl of the city." I see the city as being anywhere from 2500~7500 but likely 3500~5500 at it peak, declining as the timeline moves closer to whenever the Gagix invades? Maybe scorpion men don't swim and the river is used to escape or maybe there is a chaos type of nepidae that would really put the kibosh on that idea? The idea that Backford is on the Royal Highway makes me think that a rock ford wouldn't be impressive/acceptable, thus the bridge? Maybe the bridge is a more crude construct with a stone base and is made of wood, which is washed away once in a while? Also if the Syphon overflows its banks the ford would be impassible to non-aquatics for a period of time wouldn't it? This also makes me think a bridge of some sort would be there? One other note, from Thunder Rebels says "Backford, a fortified city, is the safest crossing of the Syphon." which also makes me think there might be some sort of keep, again I think of Cordoba and the Alcázar... (picture attached) seeing I am stuck in Spain maybe the cross-cultural mosque-cathedral (Belintar temple) would literally represent the mishmash of religious beliefs flowing through that region over the years similar to southern Spain? I know its a stretch but I used to love using architecture as a way to give examples to players of what something may look similar to. Knowing that the medieval feel would have stopped at Durengard, it is only is only about 20 miles from Backford as I see on the map I have from the 1983 Companion and so could have a strong religious influence there? The salt trade is really solid, I love that idea, the fish would be a great second trade good. Regarding any port/wharf does everyone feel the craft would be beached and unloaded or would their possibly be a small wharf? I suppose the demand for such a structure/facility would be based on the amount of trade flowing through the city/town. Another trade connection could be Trollwood and or Stonewood... what would trolls want, dwarf haunch or maybe scorpionman meat, I recall and article with them eating it like lobster? I'll have to read up on the "fish roads" as I never even heard that until now! I am a few years out of date... I do see it in the Guide P249. I'll have to read that "tome of knowledge". I am really delighted by the input, thank you!
  11. The drag file option seems to be available to me now. Cheers!
  12. I have not played Runequest for many years but did for a good bit in the late 80's and early 90's. I am getting back up to speed and looking at setting up a campaign based in Backford. I love the idea of Aeolian Orlanthi but want to look into time frames and starting plots for the campaign. I hope to make it work so it starts before the Lunars invade say about the year 1600 with characters close to 20 years old. Possibly some of the older relatives have gone off to fight the Lunars in Sartar? I am thinking that one of the characters is a nephew of the Eorl of Backford and a poor noble or bastard. Maybe he is charged with fetching some fertility stones with another relative who is an initiate of Elmal from the Sundome. It's a stretch but would lead to so many interesting plot hooks. Dried fish is taken to Sundome to trade for fertility stones to help the aling argriculture around Backford? Does a trade triangle somehow require stops through Apple Lane? How do I better tie Backford to Sundome and Central Sartar? I am thinking for the campaign that Backford would not be a rocky crossing with the Syphon running to it but rather a smaller port with a actual wharf built at the ford with a bridge like the Roman Bridge of Córdoba (not as big) built over it with a toll gate of some sort? I don't have to follow Gloranthian Dogma 100% but I'd like it to at least be plausible. Any ideas or thoughts on expanding this would be great. Also, I tried to post a few photos but was not able to get the URL to take. For future is thee a trick to uploading something?
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