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Everything posted by kronovan

  1. My investigator is a Priest that's enough of a pacifist that he would never use a firearm or an edged weapon. Being a harbinger of light, in more ways than one though, he'd be certain to carry a torch and use it if necessary. Mostly he'd just wisely run away though. Being a coach of his parishes little league baseball team and an accomplished player himself, he's got a good throwing arm and views a torch as just a short baseball bat. Yes I know it's a weird character concept, but I'm one of those players that'd rather die roleplaying than play a less-flavored / min-maxed PC. As to the torch going out, according to page 248 of BRP a torch only does that on a roll of 96-00 - unless I'm not understanding that correctly.
  2. Hello all, I'm new to Call of Cthulhu and this question came up when I created my 1st character. I'd like to have my player character capable of throwing burning torches, but from read through of the 6th Ed rules I'm not sure how far they'd be able to throw it. This is the RAW: "To hit a target with an object, or to hit a target with the right part of the object thrown (such as the blade of a knife or hatchet), use Throw. A palm-sized object of reasonable balance can be hurled three yards for each STR point exceeding the object’s SIZ. An object designed to be thrown can be hurled up to six yards for each STR point in excess of the object’s SIZ, and perhaps bounce on for more. Keepers must choose the multiplier suitable to the baseball, javelin, etc." The CoC rule is quite a bit more generous than the Basic Roleplaying 4th Ed. rule, which would only allow an unbalanced/improvised object like a torch to be thrown 1 meter for every 3 STR points that exceed the objects size. That BRP distance for thrown objects doesn't seem to be in sync with the type of scale and distance CoC is using. I'm also not sure a torch fits either of those descriptions in the CoC Throw rule. The BRP rule for balanced objects is 1 meter for every STR point that exceed the object size. My PC has a STR of 13, so should I just split the difference between BRP and CoC rules and allow them to throw a torch 1 yard for every STR point exceeding the size - so basically 12 yards (36 feet) for my PC? A follow on question would be where do you find the size of objects in the CoC rules? The weapon listing tables don't give any SIZ/Enc values such as the BRP tables do. Are you supposed to just go by what's in BRP?
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