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  • RPG Biography
    Played back when there was THAC0. Play tested a few books. One time Greg Stafford asked for assistance with an Excel file and I was no help whatsoever.
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    WFRP, RuneQuest, Ars Magica

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  1. I think this is key, not just for Honor but all passions. If a thane tells you to do something you wanted to do anyway, you can argue that’s Loyalty but it’s not really. When the passion interacts with another course of action — your thane tells you not to take revenge on the warrior who killed your brother — following the passion (refraining from attacking) feels like a check to me. To that end, refusing to take opportunity of an ambush or joining an outnumbered fight, particularly when you probably need the advantage to win, sounds like honor. I also like the suggestion of taking a prisoner’s word, again especially if the rest of the party calls you a fool for it. n.b. I come from Pendragon where awarding checks, or even increasing a passion outright, frequently comes from indulging even if no roll is made. YGWV.
  2. Interesting that a lot of people seem to take this interpretation, when it didn't occur to me. FWIW, I (like a few others here) come from Pendragon, where Passions can absolutely go above [20] but there's a good deal of diminishing returns. I don't see much danger of allowing it in my games, but I'll admit I've never gone long enough for it to come up. But I would still take [Passion] 100% as "it's a defining feature" not "you are now an Unknown Armies avatar and doing anything other than [Passion] is taboo."
  3. Yep, this is exactly the behavior you want to discourage. With my group I can just ask "hey, don't do this." Some players might want a little more structure (one attempt/session, etc). We play short sessions online, so I'm in the "once per adventure" rather than "once per session" camp. That said, I'm also kinda okay with repeats if it's not too abusive. I don't want situations where characters are "holding back" on potential opportunities for coolness in case they're going to need it later. Besides, once you've gotten your Experience check for an ability you're already going to be looking for something else to use, so my players are usually spreading out their rolls without additional pressure. Really, as with most things, it comes down to MGF. Is it a pain to track which abilities have augments applied and whether they're still in effect? Don't sweat it. Is it bogging things down to rely too heavily on augments? Maybe they only apply for extremely dramatic moments. You may need to experiment to find the right fit for your table, but you'll get there.
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