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Geoff R Evil

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Geoff R Evil last won the day on March 19 2024

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  • RPG Biography
    Started at Uni late 80s, so yep, a bit older, played dnd and runequest, but Glorantha always felt like home. Seeking to reconnect to gaming, hopefully face to face but happy online too. Writing a RQ scenario but just as happy to join a game.
  • Current games
    RQ and DnD
  • Location
    UK, Devon
  • Blurb
    Looking for online and face to face gaming groups for glorantha

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  1. The point of a myth style history is that truth is something that somewhat that evades us all. Of course in your Glorantha, the truth as seen by your players is defined by you, myths are exactly that, and the idea of canon has always felt wrong to me except on basic cult setup.
  2. Good point on eurmali become other being so cheap, in my game one has become Raven. So I like transform self being considered as a way to get an advanced form of the species. on sure shot I would advance the success level by one, so success becomes an impale for example, feels about right for one rune point. Still get 100% chance too. Back to the original question, in Sun County I would make Foundchild the main hunting god. It’s culturally locally accepted with praxian, thus reducing tensions, and is an up yours to the dorasing yinkin preference for cats.
  3. Excellent work, will definitely use this, thx
  4. Release in the UK is not til 11th April
  5. I live on the edge of Dartmoor, it’s certainly fertile landscape for the mindscape needed for RQ. Anyone who has walked down a hillside to find themselves walking over a pond on a slope held in place by a layer of moss and grasses, knows what fear feels like…the next step could be your last if you go through. Ever walked a moor when a fog comes down you cannot see more than ten foot? That it what lost feels like. Unexplained by science, gives you all you need to understand how to describe spirits. I see no reason to consider such earth spirits as male or female, either can offer solace or reason to fear. of course those damned sorcerers see it all very differently.
  6. Thx guys. I am in the midst of inducting a new player now, not complete, but expect all to go well. If that changes I will advise here. A 6th is unlikely, we had that many at the beginning and while it works fine in tabletop, on roll20 things like combats just take too long and it’s hard to accommodate individual actions properly.
  7. Makes sense @Jeff, I would just allow more sneak skills to contribute to rune lord status as others have listed above. As this is a local temple decision it’s up to the GM to decide if the local temple hierarchy would countenance rune lords with those skills, such as under lunar occupation it makes a lot of sense.
  8. Hi This campaign has now been running well over a year in both real time and game time. We have had someone drop, and we are looking for a fifth. We play on roll20 with zoom audio and visual. Uk Time 7.30 til 11 sometimes later on Tuesdays. Current group is. Babeestor gor, Humakt, Ernaldan and an Issaries. All Pol Joni. They are now allied to Pavis post Argrath leaving, helping to defend Pavis County and have been adventuring in the rubble too. So the new player must be pol Joni or could be a zebra rider as they are aligning with them too, as this crew are proud horse riders or otherwise a good horse rider for some reason a groundsman would not keep up. Let me know here if interested.
  9. Just to confirm on drivethru a $ voucher works against a future UK £ purchase? thx
  10. Given the loot from the Tusker lair, assuming they get that, I would expect them to spend more than 400l to show their new noble status and generous spreading of wealth through employment. It’s all relative, my crew also had to contend with annual feeding of Redeye which they befriended, so that first sacred time turned into a net loss for them and they had to pay from their own pocket. It kind of focussed their mind on what being a thane meant and that with great wealth comes great responsibility and expenditure.
  11. My campaign included their Pol Joni clan working with Pavis post Agrath leaving. They were sent to a Pavis County village to protect it from a tusk rider raid…yep Apple Lane part two moved. They found the village priestess had summons evil. They decided they wanted to force the tusk riders to attack on the PCs terms so they could put their defences into full effect. So a Summons Evil was done with a Tusker effigy. It worked, summoning the tuskers who were hungry to attack anyway and it did not take much to tip them into a headlong ill advised attack with little preparation. However during the ritual, the Eurmali with a magical spirit flute, criticalled his play flute. The music reached the ears of Redeye, who was also worshipped by the tusk riders and thus linked to the ritual. After the fight and when the PCs celebrated…the Eurmali in the Uleria temple taking his reward, felt the ground shake as Redeye approached. Luckily the Ernaldan in the group specialed her orate in earthtongue and placated it a little, but it demanded tribute including the flute to be replayed. So the Eurmali was summoned, naked with all signs of a Uleria worship on full display, and did as asked, playing for the giant boar. This allowed a further Ernaldan orate and a bargain was struck, feed the boar once a year in the village and it may assist in its future defence…..they are now realising the cost of this is more than the annual food take of the village environs, creating a new dilemma, fight Redeye…also sacred to earth cultists like the Ernaldan….or feed it. So the PCs find a healthy chunk of their annual adventuring income goes to feeding the pig, orchestrated by their Issaries player. A fun low level set of consequences of using Summons Evil. They are certainly more circumspect of using it again.
  12. Promise is a promise. As in any campaign many aspects of the story have yet to play out. So some aspects I won’t cover here…yet. The HQ in the temple of the twins led to a quest to get an item that helped them defeat the lifethief their, recovered from a pathway to hell. They get out, and use the item to finally kill the lifethief there….massively minimised version of events. The story really continued in getting the spirit of Amaragga back. Basically, it turns out Bingana, who stole the spirit Amaragga, is an Eirithan closely tied to the disorder rune. In my game she evaded the PCs for quite a while, she was part of the Pol Joni clan and in their clan. I also decided Amaragga was previously owned by their clan. So Bingana was just stealing her back from the bison riders. Causing all sorts of political ructions. But later it turns out she was being manipulated by Amaragga to get back to her original location….she was a twin spirit (of course) of another earth spirit, called Getank, the spirit the Mani clan in the Big Rubble worship. Mani fort is on one of two twin hills….the other hill was Amaragga’s before the trolls took over the Big Rubble. It was abandoned because old Pavis city magicians who turned to vampirism to sustain their lives, took over the twin hill. Now my PCs are trying to drive them out. Again manipulated by the fertility spirit Amaragga who realised she needed death cultists to deal with the vampires. One pc is a Babeestor Gor and another is a Humakt. To further complicate matters the group ends up allied with Hargran of Zebra Fort despite his semi rogue status as a lunar collaborator. How this will play out for the PCs, some of whom have allied with Joraz the Rider cult and thus Pavis, if they succeed, and how this Allies them with the Mani clan, or not, and re establishes Amaraggas worship in the Big Rubble or not is all to play out yet. There are other aspects of fall out from the HQ in the temple of the twins yet to play out, such as a horse that they brought back with them and how that may or may not help the pol Joni clan in Prax.
  13. From what I remember the core rule book had errors regarding shields, and the arms and equipment guide was meant to be the definitive version. what a shield is made of should not make a difference to starting skill levels.
  14. As @DreadDomain says, it is dead easy to use RQ3 stuff in a RQG game, literally just lifted some of Sun County stuff into my campaign. Including sorcery stuff. Running RQ3 stuff needs some interpretative license, but it’s what GMs do all the time. No biggie. But I can totally see how hard it is to change the written content accurately to RQG. They messed up so much good stuff in RQ3….but also fixed some stuff nicely too.
  15. I am suggesting that the comment added in brackets is probably your own, and the conversation with Greg merely identified a tribe that took heads and that they are not related to Thanatari. The way you phrase it implies that the Than perversion stemmed from the Orlanthi practise. I don’t see that correlation except in your own added note in brackets. I have also not seen anything in the myths that make this connection at all. Quite the reverse. Purely a headless god taking heads to replace its own. Hence my lunar sympathising accusation as you make a correlation insinuation that is not backed by facts. All in the best possible taste obviously!
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