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Geoff R Evil

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Geoff R Evil last won the day on March 19

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  • RPG Biography
    Started at Uni late 80s, so yep, a bit older, played dnd and runequest, but Glorantha always felt like home. Seeking to reconnect to gaming, hopefully face to face but happy online too. Writing a RQ scenario but just as happy to join a game.
  • Current games
    RQ and DnD
  • Location
    UK, Devon
  • Blurb
    Looking for online and face to face gaming groups for glorantha

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  1. The old MacBook Pro I use defaults to resolution 2880x1800, related to the issues I listed above. BTW just making edit access gives you a lot of opportunity to fine tune the chat sheet after basic creation, so nice work. would be nice to be able add skills into sections (agility knowledge etc) as that seems an immediate restriction on creating and maintaining the character in this environment.
  2. I was using chrome on std MacBook Pro screen settings, will check and advise later on resolution, but I remember it is smaller than std top to bottom. I will connect a large monitor and try again, see if it solves it when I get home tonight. I know how hard it is to design something like this for various screen sizes, but blocking the top of content page with the top bar should not happen by default. Of course then you have the issue of when the rest of screen content does not fit down the page. I struggled a little when dragging some of the skills up to the bonus selection boxes, especially if, for example, I was trying to drag from the stealth section at the bottom of the page, again due to screen resolution. I did stop testing on the iPad, I can see you have not fully grappled with smaller screen sizes yet, which is fine. I will focus on testing functionality on larger screens for now. But just to add again … it feels very much like it’s heading in the right direction, good work.
  3. Apologies, the shift in modality of UI caught me out. Found out once I used help. Rtfm. However that caused a different issue, could not clear the help side panel….same with other side panels that pop up sometimes. I found way to do it from char gen was jump to campaign setup, back to char, start agai, it’s saved to last stage, then continue
  4. Cannot get past rune selection page. On iPad. First tried safari, then tried chrome. Neither worked. cannot select the primary rune box at all and cannot select primary rune types, air, sometimes can select darkness and others, but cannot assign as main etc
  5. It’s not just YGMV but also YRMV …. We all have house rules to speed up combat, magic etc
  6. In the old RQ2 days we always used to require dispel or dismiss magic needed to overcome the power of the caster. Like under RQG, you could target a specific spell if visual cues allowed a guess. If variable, it was a guess as to how strong. otherwise just cast at defensive spells, taking down weakest first by default. Or cast on a weapon target enhancements. Countermagic never blocked dispel or dismiss. Personally I plan to stick with this, coz it’s simple and here’s why. with no Pow vs pow, in effect guaranteed success, even when cast on spells on another person, it’s way too powerful. Coz many rune spells are one point, and have strong visual effects. A simple 2 point spirit magic spell is guaranteed to take it down. So something you sacrifice permenant power for can be taken down by MP that the average character can regenerate in 4 hours. So, sorry Chaosium, I think you got this spell description wrong. other alternative. Dispel magic can only dispel spirit magic, and dismiss magic is needed to take down rune spells. I would still seek a pow vs pow.
  7. Might depend on the cult too, but most communities will have a shaman too, and they are likely to be able to discern runic affiliations pretty simply as well as cult status with some magics. Truth cults have spells like detect truth, and any doubt at all might invoke it. So unlikely to be incognito to Humakt for example. as others said, gods know their own and a divination is a simple validation check.
  8. In my campaigns characters are potential heroes so I allow 5d6 take best Three and 4d6 +6 take best two for int and size. sometimes I enforce each roll in turn, str, dev, cha etc, to make it more likely they play chars with varying stats, other times, for long campaigns, I allow allocation as the pc sees fit. even with these generous rolls you sometimes get a really poor character, so I allow one complete re roll of all stats, but you have to take whatever comes even if worse. ultimately it’s how they role play that makes the difference not their stats, so allows survive ability is my thought.
  9. If you really wanted some fun, set up the PCs to be highly motivated to kill Argrath. Perhaps because he has been convinced he has been replaced by a lunar spy or some other issue. Or maybe they have been personally impacted by Argrath policies or actions, and they or their clan needs revenge. Perhaps it turns out they are correct, the Argrath everyone sees is indeed an imposter, someone setup to be assassinated. For Argrath to then step forward as a survivor, but then the PCs have evidence it was a show after all, leading to Argrath needing to find a way to be lenient, so their evidence does not expose him as a someone seeking to dupe all the populace? Maybe Argrath agreed to this, but was unaware one of his other advisors had taken it too far, and deliberately setting up the PCs as assassins, something he feels contrite about and seeks to address somehow, without exposing how he was duped by one of his advisors who he put too much trust in? The end result could be one of powerfully allying the PCs with Argrath as trusted companions, willing to go as far as killing him if he oversteps the bounds of good ruler ship. Complex to do all this, but lots of fun and many ways things could go wrong or even more right. Major plot twists abound here.
  10. Spirit magic spells at level 8 and 10 should be extremely rare, even for a shaman to find, and probably even harder to obtain because they would most likely be held by powerful spirits. So the core of your problem here is allowing the shaman to power play this and gaining such spirits. I have a shaman in my game and he has managed to get spirit screen 6, and that needed not only excellent roles to find the spirit, but an extremely risky fight to wrest it from that spirit. I get as GMs we need to accommodate many player types to maximise game fun, but ultimately it’s our Glorantha and we decide. So interpretation of things like second sight and mass power sources is down to you, faced with a power player I might have this effect even with small groups of 4 standing closely together and moving for example. I would also allow that using the skill means a lack of attention in the real world…you don’t see that power source draw it’s bow and aim it at you for example.
  11. Well fire season is lazy time, agriculturally speaking, hence why it’s the ideal time for a cattle raid. In a game I played in the GM had the cattle taken onto land that was close to the starter kit scenario with the demonic Earth Demi god. They took some of the herders and killed some, so the criminals needed catching, and we chased them into the demigods tower. Just a way to stitch this scenario into your game.
  12. I agree @Kloster but I also feel it’s a fine line. This whole tapping conversation in the context of illumination has been very enlightening. I think ultimately tapping is evil. But illumination can rationalise (correctly or incorrectly, your view) to use evil ways to balance the fight against evil ways, which is why the lunars rationalise the use of chaos, yet within boundaries. Who is correct? Well I feel lunar doctrine goes too far and rationalises the use of chaos against non chaos to drive their interpretation of civilisation. Whereas my illuminated Humakt rationalises using evil tools like tapping to fight those that use those same evil ways. Yet he would not adopt chaos to fight chaos…that is the Arkati boundary I think. Or at least my characters interpretation of that boundary. Hypocrite? Maybe, but he is my hypocrite and I am happy with that. YGMV
  13. Agree @Rodney Dangerduck I don’t want my Humakti Sword to descend into that area either. I consider I would have considered tapping an abomination before I was illuminated. But as an Illuminate, now fighting very powerful lunar sorcerors and Red Goddess cultists, one’s who use the bat that destroyed the souls of many of my clan at Boldhome, I feel it’s OK to use against those that use it against me and mine. Kind of a payback. But not against those whom I consider fight with my definition of honour, I.e. in line with their god guidance. As a new illuminate, I feel he still believes in the gods and does not see Illumination as a way to subvert their well worn myths that have kept us all alive and flourishing so long, and he does recognise that excessive tapping may have contributed to the downfall of the Justreli. It’s still an abomination. But one that can be turned on those that live by it, and he includes all lunars in that. He also feels a need to keep the sword from others who would abuse it, as he sees it. Additionally my GM has put up some warning markers, the sword gains power as it taps, and it’s a demon about which I know little of its motivations. I have used it once after it had been unfed for 700 years and getting it back in its scabbard to stop fighting was an effort. So I already know it’s a weapon to only use when really needed. Plus as I am unskilled in it, I can only be effective when casting sword trance, which adds in its own limitations too, although with an allied spirit one can bypass some of those.
  14. Just wondering how an illuminate of theistic cult, one that does not use sorcery, reacts to obtaining an item that can tap. My GM introduced a dagger that taps POW of foes it hits giving my char MP. My illuminated Humakti decided to keep it, safe, to not use it unless in dire straits…it just felt wrong. So as an Illuminate he decided if it was a life saver, maybe he would be tempted to use it. Never used yet. So I have a Greatsword now,never used one, but swordtrance sorted that out, turns out it’s an Arkati artifact, a demon embodied in a sword called a godslayer, because each hit taps the pow of a foe giving its wielder hp up to conx2. Now that’s more tempting to use ( it has other features that will develop as it sucks souls, to be discovered). So now I feel I really have to think through how an illuminate applies their enlightened thoughts to such an item. He decided that against hated foes like illuminated red goddess warriors and sorcerers it was OK to use, not dishonourable at all, just a way to equalise the fight. But he won’t use it against non chaotic or non illuminates, except maybe lunars (high hate lunar passion). The aspect that gets me thinking is the honour passion, as a Humakt Sword, achieved after illumination, he feels he is pushing the boundaries of honour using such a thing. Thoughts?
  15. Agree @Mordante, if you like the crunch of combat, sword and board starts to make more sense when you can always parry at the same time as you attack. In fact if the sword and board person is faster then the 2 handed weapon person, you can imagine they may delay their attack until the two handed weapon person attacks, then attack at the same moment, thus giving them no chance to parry….you might want to rule they need a superior dex to manage this, or maybe a opposed dex roll, making the combat more crunchy, but I enjoy that aspect of RQ. The gritty realism is something I enjoy. And if you and your group get familiar with the rules it all flows pretty well and fast enough, for me anyway. I can completely understand those that prefer more role play over roll play, I just like both.
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