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  • RPG Biography
    Player, GM and collector of RPGs since the mid 80's
  • Current games
    RuneQuest and Call of Cthulhu
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  1. In my own campaign, heroquests have been the primary vehicle for players to discover and acquire Draconic magic. And now that they have learned some they are in the process of setting up their own means of worship to replenish their abilities in the mundane world. Secretly, of course, given current attitudes towards this sort of thing. I have always loved the idea of "dream" dragons and what that implies. Whilst running through The Dragon of Thunder Hills, the players came face to face with such a creature and it has become a much bigger part of the campaign than I expected. In one memorable session they entered the "dream" to find the "dreamer", effectively embarking on a heroquest that led them face to face with a creature beyond mortal comprehension. - Merrick
  2. I had the good fortune to play in the game and it was a great deal of fun. We befriended the workers, prevented a disaster, went off-roading on a hellish planet, dealt with extreme car sickness, blackmailed the head of the facility and started a labour movement before flying away. All in a days work for the crew of the RV Common Good. Our biggest challenge was finding some way to curse Ian's dice. He kept nailing the target number over and over again leading to some remarkable and humorous setbacks on our part.
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