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Everything posted by joen

  1. I would give my right arm to get a Stormbringer reissue. I won't hold my breathe though.
  2. This looks very interesting. I just went ahead and bought it right away because of the price. Thanks for the tip!
  3. I have also had plans to run a campaign set in the Hyborian Age for a while now. I bought both the BRP Universal Game Engine and Magic World for this purpose. But I've think I'll go with Magic World, since it would require less work from my side as a GM and it seems pretty lightweight, which would be perfect for a pulpy sword-n-sorcery game. I'll probably also tone down the magic a bit since it would make more sense in Hyborian Age to have magic be something rare and mysterious. I might possibly use the sanity system from CoC and have magic spells be something that'll cost SAN or POW to use.
  4. Each to their own. I just need a framework to build my stuff on top on and Blood Tide seems to be a good start. I want the rules for naval combat, boarding, crew, weather at sea, mutinity, diseases and just general life at sea. I don't care if the book isn't a good read or if the layout isn't great. Additionally, the missing tidbits wouldn't bother me either (I assume this is the reason why you're referring to this supplement as a "trash fire").
  5. Hi, A while ago I decided to embark on creating a new BRP campaign set in the pirate era. My research led me to Blood Tide: Black Sails and Dark Rituals, which is specifically crafted for such adventures, complete with naval warfare and boarding rules. However, I was greatly disappointed to learn that it's virtually unattainable in Europe. Chaosium has removed it from their online store and erased any trace of it from their website: https://www.chaosium.com/blood-tide-pdf-and-ebook/ Additionally, it's no longer listed on their DriveThruRPG store page: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/138373/Blood-Tide-Black-Sails--Dark-Rituals I'm curious about the reasons behind its unavailability, even in PDF format. It seems my only option is to import a used copy from the US, but the tax and customs fees would make it way too expensive to be worth the trouble. So the question is: why isn't it available anywhere? Also, if anyone has any suggestions on how I might get my hands on this book, I would be eternally grateful.
  6. Just wanted to chime in a say that this looks awesome! I just starred your project on github, when I have more free time in the future I'll definitely try to help out in any way I can.
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