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Everything posted by Dochsavage

  1. (Thread necromancy in progress) Traveller education (2d6, avg 7) is a general attribute for a broadly applicable knowledge set, usually from formal education. So, numerical scores would imply: 2 - Low literacy, little to no knowledge outside of their personal sphere of contact. Any schooling was lost on them. 4 - Functionally literate. Personal knowledge is limited to their regional culture and personal subculture. Some knowledge of family professions. 6 - Literate. Experiences periodicals of personal interest on occasion. Has a functional knowledge of their world culture, but focuses on their regional culture. 8 - Educated. Well-rounded personal education with continuing educational interests. Good knowledge of their world culture, basic science, history, and local systems. 10 - Very educated. Actively seeks out news and knowledge. Broad knowledge of home world local systems both current and recent historical, good knowledge of humaniti cultures. 12 - Highly educated. As 10, but with greater depth of knowledge, and some basics of uncommon technical knowledges. Actively analyzes news of current events. Within their personal field(s), they are a walking source of knowledge regarding impactful events, their implications, and the people involved. 14 - Cutting Edge. As 12, but to the extent that they rapidly become an influencer in any relevant society, often sought out by journalists for their perceptions.
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