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Posts posted by BMonroe

  1. In my games, I let the players choose from either of these two methods:

    Roll 2d6+6 for all stats, assign how you want

    Decide what sort of guy you want to play, and just assign all the stats as you please, but within reason

  2. It should be soonish. I'm actually heading down to Chaosium tomorrow to pick up printouts of Enlightened Magic, Advanced Sorcery and (another book I'm not sure has been announced...) to give them a last look. All three are essentially done with layout, barring any changes based on error-trapping.

  3. I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions for a starting scenario that would be appropriate for a 9-year old newbie to tackle on his own? I don't mind making up an NPC or two to give him a hand, but the scenario itself should hopefully be fairly straightforward to convert so that we can start gaming without further ado.

    Gah! Sorry, I just noticed this.

    My own son is 8, and we've played a few rpg sessions together over the last few years. My suggestion is simply to keep it light and fast, and let him direct the action. I'll throw out some basic elements like "You've just come back to town, and the mayor tells you that a shipment of grain is late. Why do you think that is?" And then the Boy will say its goblins in the forest, or they got captured by trolls in a cave in the hills, or maybe bandits. And then I'll just roll with that. I have a little map I use of the general area, as well as one of the town his guy lives in. That helps frame things. Sometimes he'll just look at the map and want to explore.

    Don't stress out over NPC stats, etc. I just use the "Average" stat values form everyone, unless I'm making a boss monster of some sort. And just use the quick NPC creation stuff in the Chronicler's chapter when he's interacting with something that doesn't want to kill him.

    You'll have a lot of fun. I've found its a great way to exercise my creative muscles just trying to keep up with his crazy ideas.

  4. Oi!

    Can any of my gamer pals help me out here? I'm trying to track down some of the contributors to the old White Dwarf "RuneRites" column. If you know any of the following fine folks, please let them know I'm trying to get in touch with them:

    Andrew Brice

    Peter Davies

    Richard Case

    Simon Basham

    Dean Aston

    Yvonne Newham

    Alex McCunn

    Angus McLellan

    Robert Dale

    Barry Atkins

    Dave Lucas

  5. Oi!

    Can any of my gamer pals help me out here? I'm trying to track down some of the contributors to the old White Dwarf "RuneRites" column. If you know any of the following fine folks, please let them know I'm trying to get in touch with them:

    Andrew Brice

    Peter Davies

    Richard Case

    Simon Basham

    Dean Aston

    Yvonne Newham

    Alex McCunn

    Angus McLellan

    Robert Dale

    Barry Atkins

    Dave Lucas

  6. I know getting it up on Drivethru is one of those 'to do list' things for the Chaosium dudes. I spoke to Nick about it a few weeks ago, and he was going to pester Charlie about it. I'm sure the CoC 7 Kickstarter, GenCon and NecronomiCon has gotten in the way.

    I'll touch base with them again next week and pester them about getting it up on Drivethru.

  7. According to the Chaosium website Magic World has now been downloaded

    374 times. Since only a very small percentage of the people who bought a

    game writes reviews, one can expect only a very low number of reviews on

    the Internet. The interests and opinions of a few hundred people remain al-

    most invisible on the general Internet.

    Note that's only the number of PDFs sold.it has sold a -lot- more physical copies. It's doing quite well, actually.

  8. But Sinbad movies absolutely have weird mutant people, usually feral descendants of whatever lost civilization he's discovered this time, and these nasty little dire dwarves qualify. Give 'em squad tactics and a shaman with a dirty magical trick or two up his sleeve, and let 'em be recruited as henchmen by your Harryhausenian Big Bad sorcerer. Nothing says "creepy" like horny little man-things drooling over the captive princess.

    Totally! Call them "troglodytes" or "ghuls" or whatever, and off you go.

  9. Well, AD&D was essentially a 1-20 scale, and BRP is 1-100, so a +1 in D&D translates easily to a +5% in BRP.

    After that, you really have to to a lot of eyeballing. The baseline assumptions between the two systems are different enough that its not easy to do a simple translation. BRP characters tend to be somewhat fragile, no matter how long you've been playing them, whereas D&D characters rack up tons of hit points, and become rather indestructible at high levels.

    So, use your best judgement, really.

  10. First, I tried emailing "magic-world@chaosium.com" to send some Magic World errata I found. That came back as undeliverable.

    Then I had to email a question on my Chaosium account and their site said to email "fergie@chaosium.com". This also came back undeliverable.

    Of course they were still functional enough to take my $$$ for Magic World...so at least that part of the company works.

    Tcgb: sorry it's been a hassle for you getting in touch with Chaosium. I know they're wrapped up in the CoC 7 kickstarter right now, so that may be part of it.

    Also, I don't think Fergie is there any more, so his email address ,ay be a black hole.

    I've directed this thread to Nick, and hopefully he'll be able to offer some clarification.

    All that being said, I'd encourage you to check the errata thread in the Magic World section of the forum. If anything you noted isn't already logged, please make a. One of it there, and I'll incorporate it into my next revision of the MW errata.

    It's appreciated, really. Just remember, there's a reason they're not called "Orderium".

  11. I'm planning to pickup the BGBin the next couple of weeks to 'tweak' MW a bit, so it has proven to be a good entrypoint for me. BTW, any other MW product ready for GenCon?

    Hopefully! I hear a few things are being jiggered around, and there should be one, maybe two items out for GC.

  12. thanks for the review. I always say that with the BGB, you don't really need to buy anything ever again, so I'm sure I don't need it, but I want it anyway. :)

    Oh, totally. I love the BGB and have lovingly tweaked it for many different games.

    The intention of MW was really to have an entry point game for the BRP line that appealed to people that might not be interested in CoC. Some new players might find the BGB dauntingly large, and might not like CoC, so maybe they'll give MW a shot.

    It's been getting a lot of nice recognition, too, so I hope we hit on something here. Apparently it got a write up in the latest issue of Knights of the Dinner Table.

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