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Posts posted by rust

  1. Oh no. We are going to have all of those missing arguments again. :shocked:

    I don't think so, people usually do not enjoy to dig up graveyards, so the buried posts will

    probably rest in peace.

  2. Even so often, the GM could make a Knowledge roll (INTx5%) to see it if remembered all it's tricks. A number of tricks up to the creatures INT could be "protected" and safe from being forgotten. Failure means the creature forgot 1 trick, and fumble means it forgot all tricks over the INT protection limit.

    Yep, or I could connect the animal's INT with the tasks and treat them as skills.

    For example, the tasks up to the animal's INT get a skill of INT x 10 (in the case

    of a dolphin 80 %), all tasks above the animal's INT get INT x 5 (40 % in the

    case of a dolphin).

    It seems I will have to playtest the different ideas to find the one that works


  3. Considering how many trick people are able to teach dogs INT 5, I think the limit might be too low.

    Perhaps the number of tricks and INT could affect the difficulty in teaching tricks. So up to 1/2 INT is easy, un tp INT normal and over INT Difficult?

    Yes, I think you are right, eight tasks / tricks for a trained dolphin is really not much.

    It seems I will either have to use your proposal or to define more general tasks in-

    stead of individual "tricks". The latter would have the advantage to require only one

    difficulty, but I am not sure whether I will be able to come up with eight logical and

    useful tasks ... something like "Transport", "Rescue", "Protect Area" and thelike.


    After thinking about it, the 8 tasks could perhaps look like this:

    Basic Commands ("Come", "Wait", "Go", "Take", "Give", etc.)

    Attack Creature

    Protect Person

    Guard Area

    Search Person

    Rescue Person

    Transport Item

    Deliver Message

  4. Okay, third attempt - third time lucky, they say ... :lol:

    Here is a short first draft for a spot rule for the training of animals, a spot rule I need

    for the dolphineers and dolphins of my Varun setting:

    Animals with fixed INT can be trained with the (new) Animal Handling skill, a Communica-

    tion skill with a Base Chance of 05 % and the specific species as a specialty, in my case

    Animal Handling (Dolphin).

    Each animal can learn a number of tasks or "tricks" equivalent to its INT value, so an ave-

    rage dolphin with an INT of 8 can learn up to 8 different tasks, with each task a simple

    activity like "Bring Item", "Carry Item to the Base", and so on.

    The difficulty and required time of the training also depends on the INT value of the spe-

    cific animal.

    I am not yet sure how to handle this, but I am thinking along the lines of taking the INT of

    the animal as a bonus for the Animal Handling skill. For example, a dolphin trainer with an

    Animal Handling (Dolphin) skill of 45 % would add the dolphin's INT of 8 to get a success

    chance of 53 %.

    As for the time, I think that one attempt to teach one task per week could be plausible

    enough to use it. For example, to teach a dolphin of INT 8 all the 8 tasks it can learn would

    take at least 8 weeks, provided all of the trainer's rolls would be successes.

    Please let me know what you think about this - Thank you. :)

  5. I would probably handle the 'Dolphineering' skills with a 'knowledge' skill that would either be 'Dolphin Training' or 'Marine Biology'.

    I would handle the remote control with a Fine Manipulation skill, limited by the Dolphin Training' skill.

    Thank you very much. :)

    With two good options to choose from now, I think I will have to discuss this

    with the players to decide which one (or a combination of both) to use.

  6. rust,

    you might want to investigate the SOFAR channel. I might be a possible method for long range underwater communications on Varun.

    Unfortunately the SOFAR channel is a bit deep down for most purposes, and

    it only works when both parties are within the channel at the time of the in-

    tended communication.

    I think the standard procedure for long range communication on Varun will be

    to send a message drone (dolphin shaped :D) to the surface, from where it

    transmits the message to a communication satellite, where it is stored and /

    or immediately transmitted to another (again, dolphin shaped :D) drone over

    the target (if it is a stationary one), and that drone then dives down and

    delivers the message. Mobile targets, like submarines, would have to surface

    occasionally and to contact the "server satellite" for any new messages.

    By the way, to build an "artificial dolphin" is not difficult with GURPS Robots,

    but the flexibody drivetrain it requires is quite expensive.

  7. How 'bout a robot fish with AI? I think I'll write up a mechanical dolphin.

    There are no AI systems in this setting, the closest thing are advanced ex-

    pert programs that can simulate intelligence without being creative, but re-

    quire a rather big and expensive computer.

    How limited? I think that a radio that can broadcast 1000km can still have a better range than a dolphin.

    The only radio systems that have any range under water are VLF and ELF,

    which require truly huge transceivers and have a terribly low data transfer

    rate (think slow morse code).

    Laser works over short distances only, and is interrupted when the water is

    not perfectly clear, and sonarcom only has a short range and is very "noisy"

    for all marine creatures.

  8. Thank you very much for your suggestions. :)

    One question: If they have remotes, what do they need the dolphins for? Why not just make a remote controlled "fish" to replace the dolphin?

    There are three main reasons:

    a) Dolphins work independently, for example while herding a swarm of fish or

    protecting it from predators, they do not need the permanent attention of a

    colonist for such routine tasks.

    B) Underwater communications are very limited in range, dolphins can work

    outside of the range of communicators.

    c) It is nice to have another mammal from Earth around as a "fellow colonist". ;)

  9. Working on the modification of the BRP system for my Varun water world set-

    ting, I encountered two little problems where I would welcome your advice:

    Much of the actual work in the water world colony on Varun will be done by

    remotely controlled AUVs, drones, robots and thelike.

    Since BRP does not have a Remote Control skill (or I missed it), I think about

    introducing such a skill, with specialties like Aquaculture, Construction, Mining

    and Survey.

    The alternatives I see would be to make it a Craft skill or a Technical skill,

    but the ability to remotely control a machine is not really a craft, and it is

    more in the Manipulation category than in the Technical skills' Mental catego-

    ry, I think.

    One of the professions on Varun is the Dolphineer, someone who trains and

    "commands and controls" dolphins, and therefore needs a very specific set

    of skills, from veterinary medicine to diving and diver sign language (which is

    also used to command dolphins).

    Since I have not found any Animal Training or Animal Handling skill, I think I

    will make the training and animal care part of Dolphineering a Craft skill to

    avoid the introduction of several subskills (Animal Handling, Animal Training,

    Knowledge / Dolphins, etc.)

    Well, what do you think ? - Thank you. :)

  10. Up to this point the setting has been somewhat generic, it can be played with

    different systems. Now it is time to take a look at the actual system used.

    Here is my first draft of my ideas for adapting BRP to the Varun setting, but

    there will of course be more than a few changes before this becomes "final".

    Power Level

    Normal, no Powers


    Point-Based Character Creation

    Education/Knowledge Roll

    Total Hit Points

    Fatigue Points


    Skill Categories

    Complimentary Skills


    Aging and Inaction















    Security Officer


    New Skills and Specialties

    Animal Handling

    Craft (Aquaculture, Seafloor Mining)

    Firearm (Sonic Weapons, Spearguns)

    Hardsuit Diving

    Heavy Machine (Seafloor Crawler)

    Knowledge (Varun Nature, Varun Project; specific other cultures and planets)

    Language (Diver Sign Language)

    Melee Weapons (Diving Dagger, Diving Spear)

    Pilot (Shuttle, Spaceship, Submarine)

    Repair (Spaceship Systems)

    Science (Cartography, Marine Biology, Oceanography)

    Technical Skill (Marine Engineering, Spaceship Engineering)

    Varunian Cultural Skills

    Knowledge (Varun Project) + 20 %

    Swim + 20 %

  11. What I would do is take the total volume of the structure and multiply it by a density factor to get an approximate mass.

    Yep, this is what I intend to do for all other seafloor facilities, but I wanted

    to design one of them in a little more detail to get a plausible value for the

    density, which I can then use as a "shortcut" for all future calculations.

    Besides, the design gave me a nice list of all the stuff in the setting's main

    location, and makes it much easier to write a description of it for the play-


    But juggling with stuff like "137 VSP = 18.495 dtons" once is quite enough

    for me, from now on density will rule. :)

    By the way, the Ghara Dome, without furnishings, vehicles and inhabitants,

    has a little more than 14 kg per cubic meter.

  12. Meanwhile I have designed the SWATH Carrier (= "floating starport") and the

    colony's domed habitat Ghara Dome with the GURPS system to find out how

    much construction material will have to be transported to Varun, and what it

    will cost.

    The SWATH Carrier has a mass of 4,800 tons, its parts require a transport

    volume of 8,100 cubic meters, and they cost about 70 million credits.

    The Ghara Dome has a mass of 3,300 tons, requires a transport volume of

    8,800 cubic meters and its parts cost about 150 million credits.

    So, with another 70 million credits for the mining platform, the biggest items

    of the colony's equipment will cost a total of about 300 million credits - less

    than I had expected. And the bulk transport starship that the colonists will

    have to charter for the transports also has to be less big than expected.

    The next step here would be to calculate the approximate mass, volume and

    cost of all the other, minor stuff (machines, vehicles, robots ...), but this has

    to wait, because I am beginning to suffer from mild symptoms of a "numeracy


    I mean, whoever invented "1 dton = 500 cubic feet = 100 VSP = 13.5 cubic

    meters" and similar conversions obviously had a sadistic streak. :eek:

  13. An author once remarked that about 90 % of the details he came up with for

    the background of a story never makes it into the actual published novel, and

    in my experience the percentage of the details of a roleplaying setting that

    actually make it to the table is not much different.

    For example, when I tell the players in a science fiction campaign that a cer-

    tain planet has only mild seasonal variations and a year of 439 days, they ra-

    rely realize that I had to determine the planet's axial tilt and the star's mass

    and the planet's orbital radius and make some calculations to know this with-

    out "winging" it.

    However, I like to design settings, and so I do not care too much whether all

    my material is actually used, I am quite satisfied that it is there, that is has

    comparatively few "bugs", and that it could be used if someone wanted to do

    so. If it is really used, that is the cream on the coffee.

  14. Gee, if you make Varun much more inhospitable, the PCs would be better off asteroid mining.

    Well, think of the warm climate, the sun, the sea, the swimsuits ... :D

    What if the "trained dolphins" are quietly staking out colonies of their own and dealing with the locals in their own way.

    A good idea. Once the dolphins have learned what is safe and sufficiently nu-

    tritient to eat, or have created their own food supply from "escaped" fish,

    there could very well be some dolphins, especially ones born on Varun, who

    decide to "go native" and give up their "jobs" with the colonists for a much

    more free life elsewhere. - Thank you. :)

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