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Everything posted by KPhan2121

  1. I prefer to use Maptools to store information like character sheets, NPC stuff and whatnot because for some reason my entire group is really OCD about erasure marks on physical character sheets.
  2. Ah, understandable. I and all of my friends are videogamers, so I guess that sentiment is lost on us. But, I think alot of the appeal of RPGs for my group is the cooperative story-telling experience that we simply don't get in video games.
  3. When you play on Google Hangouts, what software do you use to help you play? Or do you simply have a character sheet and some dice?
  4. Most of my RPGing is done electronically even if my group plays face to face we use laptops instead of character sheets and dice. We use a software called Maptools and I've been using a modified version of Booga's CoC 6th Edition Framework. How do you guys game? Do you prefer online using voice chat or in person? Do you use electronic tools or use good old fashion character sheets and dice? If so, why do you prefer one over the other?
  5. Ah, the attack/defense matrix is a little confusing to read but I think the way you explained did was very good.
  6. During a session, one of my players stated that the a special success on an attack roll could be partially negated by a success in a defensive roll. Now I've ran the game as if rolling a special or critical always did a special success, unless the opponent rolls a corresponding critical or special on their defense roll. Is that incorrect to the rules?
  7. Thanks for the advice, I've been putting it to good use. Btw are you the guy who wrote the Classic Fantasy book?
  8. Been using Classic Fantasy for BRP for some time now. I want to take some spells from D&D 3.5 and convert them to BRP. However, I can't seem to find any magic conversion rules for BRP. Do they exist? If not, is there anything I should look out for if I were to create my own conversion rules?
  9. So one of my players is using a dagger (Since he impaled a dude and couldn't retrieve the weapon). Another man (enemy) wants to move in with his spear and hit the player. He says he opposes the closing. Is that possible? I thought the Closing and Disengage rules were meant to be used by short weapon users to move inside a long weapon's effective range. So the question is, can you use the Closing and Disengage rules to stay out of an opponent's longer reach until you find an opportunity to strike?
  10. Got into the Delta Green Playtest past it's deadline. I have to say, overall I really like it. The rules are simple and easy to read and understand. I like the fact that the weapon stats section is just a bunch of generic guidelines. The simpler combat rules are fast and don't get bogged down on dice rolls (auto-fire, anyone?). There isn't that weirdness when a character maxes out a skill since the highest it can go is capped by x5 it's correlating stat. It certainly maintains that BRP-style combat and straight forward dice rolls. I like how the sanity rules are given better guide lines to how it affects a character. Now onto the stuff that bothers me. I feel that the mechanics of the RPG does not fully support the illegal conspiratorial nature of Delta Green. I think that bonds were a step in the right direction, but feels half-assed. Like it was added as a cool thing but never developed beyond that. There needs to be a mechanic that measures the amount of suspicion that surrounds your character/group. This "Suspicion Rating" should be a number between 5-95. Whenever a group does an unwarranted search on private property, their suspicion rating goes up. Whenever a group requisitions a gunship or calls the local forces for help, their suspicion rating goes up. In between missions, the GM rolls against the Players' suspicion rating and if it succeeds, one or more of the character's actions have gained the attention of the government and is under some internal investigation. The result would probably be lost in sanity points and/or losing bond points. After that the suspicion rating will reduce itself somehow to a minimum of 5. The point is to provide the players the ability to use their governmental powers, but at a cost. Most importantly to provide mechanical support for the professional and mental deterioration of the agents as they work for the group. The mechanics of an RPG need to support the experience that it's trying to give to the players. If crucial elements of it are left vague and without structure, it will leave newer players and GMs confused and discouraged. What do you guys think?
  11. This is a very interesting idea, however I'm more inclined towards the combat rolls as opposed skill rolls. It's simply easier to implement. A suggestion for you, I wouldn't make parrying or dodging require a roll. Instead the attack penalty decreases as they parry more per turn cumulative. Less rolling in combat overall.
  12. Started looking at the spot rules, thanks for that. Didn't realize how important they were. Funny thing is in the middle of the duel the PC just went "fuck this" and rushed the guy, knocked him over, disarmed him and held a dagger to his face kinda like what Briene did to Loras in Game of Thrones. We did it almost as written in the rules. Rolled few grapple checks and done in a turn instead of a few of them.
  13. I don't use the fatigue rules since I only recently started playing BRP(only had a few sessions under my belt) so I'm sticking to basic rules till me and my group get use to the rules. Well, this situation I brought up was a one on one duel, a "trial by combat" situation and they couldn't do any underhanded stuff without the judges seeing.
  14. Yeah, I had to pull out some stuff that wasn't part of the rules. Borrowing concepts from Dungeon World like soft moves (set up descriptions) and hard moves (the actual rolling and results) in order to make break outta the hit-parry cycle.
  15. How do you guys handle fights between two opponents that have 85+ weapon skills? Alot of whats going on is hit-parry for alot of turns and the occasional special. Is there something I'm missing? I'm using mostly standard rules, like Weapon Skill to parry and -30 penalty per success. I know that you can make multiple attacks per round if you have at least 101 weapon skill but no one is there yet.
  16. Yeah, I misread the part where it said "used in conjunction with Unarmed, Grapple and Melee Weapons Skills" as you roll the skill dice on top of the attack roll instead of rolling a sucess or better under the martial arts skill with the attack roll.
  17. A player character took European-style Sword Techniques as a Martial arts skill. In a combat, he rolled a normal success and got a special in his Martial Arts check. After a few seconds checking the rulebook I went with what was written, changed the attack result to a special. Am I missing something? It feels like I'm doing something wrong. What would do you guys do?
  18. Cool, I'm glad to see it continue on in some form. There needs to be a D&D style RPG that uses d100 system.
  19. How about instead of extra damage, it allows for armor penetration? 1 point of AP for every 5% of accuracy?
  20. Well, I really love lethal combat, makes it alot more tense for my players. A solution would probably be to use Heroic HP values or limit the amount of bonus damage to maybe +5/+10 damage?
  21. The Classic Fantasy Revised book keeps referencing a Volume 2, but I can't find any information on it? Am I crazy or is it not out yet?
  22. A few weeks ago, I had a dilemna about low damage-dealing weapons vs high armor and people offered alot of really good suggestions(most of which can be found in the rules btw). However alot of it went against my creed of simplier and faster. I really wanted to have it where every turn, some dynamic of combat changed, did not like the situation of hitting the same thing and not scoring some damage for alot of turns. So I asked my question to my players, after some dicussion we've thought to add power attack and deadly aim from Pathfinder. The idea is that any attack can sacrifice accuracy for damage, every 5% of accuracy can be sacrificed to add 1 extra point of damage. This allows combat to flow pretty quickly, while keeping the advantages of wearing plate mail since you have to stack more damage to reliably penetrate it. What do you guys think of it?
  23. Well I tend to throw alot of weak minion-type enemies at my players and its a huge hassle to try and record their parry modifiers, I thought about this idea because you wouldn't have to keep track anything, just roll and compare.
  24. Martial arts can be used with melee weapons and it adds another damage dice to an attack, so if I take a halberd, I can deal 4d6+damage bonus points of damage per attack. Does that sound a bit op to you guys? How do you deal or not deal with martial arts.
  25. I was thinking, why don't we use the opposed skill rolls rule for combat? For those who don't know, the opposed skill rolls is that the two opposing characters roll for the skill, they have to roll under their skill rating but over the opposing character's roll as well. We apply that to attack, parry and dodge skills. Would that make combat way to swingy? Like a character with 80% melee skill could get downed by a 40% pretty easily if their luck was bad enough. What do you guys think?
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