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Posts posted by sladethesniper

  1. I have a geographically dispersed group so there are some players that are FtF with books and dice, and the other players are on Hangouts.  It is...not optimal.  I prefer FtF, but since a gaming group  is not something that just happens, you have to take the good with the bad.



  2. I am going to second the idea that (Nick was talking about on page 1) the setting is the most important part of a game line.  A good setting can drag a lackluster game system into success (Shadowrun) and if you have a good enough setting, you can build a very devoted following even if the crunchy bits are almost universally hated (Rifts, from Palladium Books, specifically).  Getting an IP that already comes with a strong catalog of items is a good deal, but even that can turn sour if you don't support it well enough (LUG version of Star Trek) or your licensing agreement is atrocious (Star Wars comes to mind, but a lot of the Anime based in the mid-90's were like that such as R. Talsorian's game Bubblegum Crisis and Palladium Books Robotech license that is still causing them issues).


    So, the key to success would be to have an original setting that is engaging, the system to not be bad (but being good is not that important) and to support the game with several books a year over the life of the game.



  3. Yeah, I kind of agree with just letting them pick their skills, although I would allow things like Native Language (learning grammar is fun), Use Technology (for all the tech kids have), Bluff (kids lie...), Mathematics (STEM careers), Basic Science (of you could make them take Biology, Chemistry and/or Physics), Popular/Geek Culture (because kids care about these things), Play Musical Instrument (band nerds), Athletics (they play a sport), Manipulation (for those kids that can get away with anything), Fashion (for the popular kids), Home Economics (Home Ec), Basic Mechanics (shop class), Intimidate (for the tough guys and girls), Streetwise (for the street rats)...and of course you could justify pretty much any skill depending on background.


    I would limit these skills to a max of 40%



  4. I was actually curious about this myself recently. I was looking for damn near anything that had a space or cyberpunk setting I could lift from. I was playing too much Shadowrun on the PC lately. I think I'll be purchasing several PDF's of other sci-fi / cyberpunk games in the near future and examining if the mechanics are worth lifting or if you should just pull setting stuff from it and just use BGB character creation. Would anyone be interested in me posting my results?


    I would enjoy seeing what you were able to find and convert.



  5. There is also the old Cyberspace game from ICE.  From what I recall, the skills work on a d100 base.  The stats are also based on a 1-100 scale, but you can just divide by 5 and call it good.


    The system is pretty robust and the critical strike tables were pretty awesome.


    It would make an easy BRP baseline for a cyberpunk game...



  6. While I like all of the ideas presented so far, the issue of collateral damage is still there. Superhero vs Supervillain fights can occur in BRP, but there will be hundreds, if not thousands of bystanders killed and wounded. The funny thing is that if you handwave away the lethality of superheroes, it either makes them very susceptible to regular mundane weapons, or makes regular people exceptionally hardy. I simply ignore convention and allow super powers to be very lethal.


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  7. Actually, I'm not really recommending it, just that I am more familiar with it.  Sorry if it sounded that way.


    In the downloads portion of the forums there are some things there that might be of some use for you  this one.


    Also, there is a really good BRP sci-fi kit bash that one of the forum guys here (soltakss I think) did up.  You may want to PM him and see if he still has it...



  8. Yes, I create characters in Cyberpunk then transfer them over...same with D20 or World of Darkness.  I have found that making a character in system X keeps the flavor of the setting even when the game is run in system Y.  I use BRP as my rule set for all my games that I run...even though I build PCs and NPCs in various other settings, then just transfer them over.  


    There is something of the setting that is brought across when you make a character in one setting and run them in BRP.  That is one of the reasons that I love using the system, it allows for easy ports of settings into the rules set...but that is really what BRP is...a rules set, not a setting, thus it is easy to just bring what you like into BRP.


    As for netrunning stuff, are you using Cyberpunk 2020 or do you have Shadowrun?


    If you are using Cyberpunk, the special ability of Interface would be that in BRP as well...just multiply it by 10% as a skill or leave it as a 1-10 scale if you want to keep all netrunning stuff as is in CP 2020.


    Looking that Net chapter in CP2020 2nd Ed, a lot of stuff is just based on REF (which in BRP would be DEX)


    All of the other stuff (data walls, memory units, security, etc.) is based off a 1-10 scale, so you could just use that as a stand alone part of the game (keeping it using a 1-10 scale with the BRP stat being /2 if you need to do stat+ability/skill stuff).  All the relevant stuff is on page 151-153 of the 2nd Ed CP2020 rulebook...and can be easily kept as is...since Netrunning has always had the feel of a minigame anyway (which is why I just go with the hacking instead of netrunning schtick).


    If you are using Shadowrun...um...yeah...I love the setting, but I pretty much despise the rules.  The netrunning chapter is big, unwieldy and I have never actually read through it in 2nd, 3rd or the new (5th?) edition.  Can't help you much, but the following may be of some use:


    Shadowrun to BRP

    Logic                                      INT

    Intuition                               WIS

    Charisma                             CHA

    Willpower                           POW

    Strength                              STR

    Body                                      CON

    Agility/Reflexes                                highest or average becomes DEX

                                                    SPD is not converted (use 11)

                                                    EDU is not converted (use background to determine)


    “Street Level” PCs  are just poor

    “Prime Runner” PCs are just well equipped


    Stat range is 1 to 6 for humans


    Skill range is 1 to 10 for humans


    Stats conversion

    1              8

    2              10

    3              12

    4              14

    5              16

    6              18

    7              20

    8              22

    9              24

    10           26


    Skill rating conversion

    1              10%

    2              20%

    3              30%

    4              40%

    5              50%

    6              60%

    7              70%

    8              80%

    9              90%

    10           100%

    11           110%

    12           120%


    Damage ratings

    Number x type = damage

    Light = x 1

    Medium = x 1.5

    Serious = x 2

    Deadly = x 2.5


    Armor Ratings

    Ballistic x 5 = SP

    Impact x 5 = SP



  9. Well, there are a few rules systems for D20 that are easily portable to BRP...both a Shadowrun and a Cyberpunk version. I have both versions if you are interested.


    The biggest issue is capturing the "flavor" of the setting.


    The hardest part is whether or not to have netrunning be some hallucinogenic consensual reality or whether to deal with it as simply as hacking as per Walter Jon Williams in Hardwired.  I prefer the "Hardwired" model.


    I have found that using Cyberpunk character generation to be easily portable to BRP...


    Cyberpunk Stat x 2 = BRP Stat

    Attractiveness   = Charisma

    Body                      = Constitution and Strength

    Cool                       = Wisdom

    Reflexes              = Dexterity

    Move                    = Speed

    Tech                      = Becomes a skill

    Empathy              = Charisma (HC is based of Wisdom for Sanity tho)

    Luck                       = Turn it into action points or something



    STR is the “exception stat”  use the STR stat in Fuzion to find the mass in Kg/lbs able to lift at a particular STR and then modify that stat (square root of that number = STR in BRP)



    1 DC = 1d6 of Fuzion Damage

    1 Kill = 84 points of Fuzion Damage (equal to DC 14…)


    For Cyberpunk 1 damage = 1 BRP damage

    1 SDP = 10 BRP damage                

    1 point of Humanity = 1 point of Sanity


    The lifepath is an excellent way to boost characters from basic starting abilities without much difficulty...just change every +1 into a +10%.


    That is what I do.  Hope it helps out.



  10. I like the concept, and have written them up as CoC characters previously.  I love the concept, and late 70's, early 80's cop/PI shows always make me happy, but I like the idea, especially cameos/crossovers, because what could be cooler than going to Hawaii and doing a Hawaii 5-0 session, meeting up with Magnum PI, heading to San Diego and doing a buddy PI episode with Simon and Simon, not to mention Kojak, Starsky and Hutch, CHiPs, Baretta, Hart to Hart, Remington Steele and Stingray.  For more grit you can have them help out the Equalizer or head to Miami to work with Detectives Sonny Crockett and Rico Tubbs...



    I have also done Scooby Doo...



    ...and yesterday while out running, I was listening to the song "Pepper," and thought that the people in that song would make for a very interesting, if deeply flawed characters. Marky (football player rapist?), Sharon (bi-sexual), Sharice (lesbian), Mikey (facial scar), Bobby (racist), Tommy (pianist, 1 leg, and suicidal) and Paulie (has a limp)...


    Marky got with Sharon, Sharon got Sherice
    She was sharin' Sharon's outlook on the topic of disease
    Mikey had a facial scar, and Bobby was a racist
    They were all in love with dyin', they were doin' it in Texas

    Tommy played piano like a kid out in the rain
    Then he lost his leg in Dallas, he was dancin' with a train
    They were all in love with dyin', they were drinking from a fountain
    That was pourin' like an avalanche comin' down the mountain

    I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows
    I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
    Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
    You never know just how you look through other people's eyes

    Some will die in hot pursuit in fiery auto crashes
    Some will die in hot pursuit while sifting through my ashes
    Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain
    That is pouring like an avalanche comin' down the mountain

    I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows
    I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
    Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
    You never know just how you look through other people's eyes

    Another Mikey took a knife while arguing in traffic
    Flipper died a natural death, he caught a nasty virus
    Then there was the ever present football player-rapist
    They were all in love with dyin', they were doin' it in Texas

    Paulie caught a bullet, but it only hit his leg
    Well, it should have been a better shot, and got him in the head
    They were all in love with dyin', they were drinkin' from a fountain
    That was pourin' like an avalanche comin' down the mountain

    I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows
    I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
    Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies
    You never know just how you look through other people's eyes
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