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Posts posted by Dredj

  1. Hi,

    Does anyone know how gaming is doing in India?

    As India liberalizes and becomes more prosperous, there should be more people with time to game. They are not yet as rich, on the average, as we in the US and Great Britain are. So everyone might not have signed up for World of Warcraft. Many Indians {about 200 million, I think} are literate in English. There is no obvious reason to assume that the percentage of Indians literate in English who might take an interest in RPG's if exposed to them is any lower than the percentage of US citizens or British subjects who have taken an interest in RPG's. So for all I know, gaming might actually be expanding there, and I'm just unaware of it because I don't happen to know any Indian gamers.


    From what I know about India, they hardly take any stock in leisure time. It's pretty much work, work, and more work, which conventional wisdom would say would make them rich. But it's the countries that work hardest to have leisure time in style that are always the richest--because a lot of money circulates when people are buying leisure items and activities.

    India isn't exactly known for it's creativity, mainly due to its over-emphasis on just working.

    Besides, there's a push to bring most of those jobs that have been outsourced back to the U.S. Many politicians are talking about tax breaks for companies that keep the jobs in the country. So India's future isn't quite certain for the near future.

  2. I was skimming through Blood! last night, and I'm not entirely sure how close it is. I think a conversion wouldn't be too difficult--not that you would have to, as everything you can do in this game you can probably do in BRP. I really only mentioned it because of the damage tables.

    The system boils down to everything being a percentage, keeping it a very "human level" game. Both attributes and skills are percentages. Attributes don't come into play unless there isn't a skill to cover the thing your PC is doing--or an attribute is being directly acted upon (both like BRP). There are also derived attributes (Health, Sanity, etc.) from the main attributes. You also need the varied dice for Blood! that BRP also needs. But there isn't a resistance table. Mostly, Blood! is about setting (or is it theme?)--mainly 80's style gory, slasher horror whether you want supernatural elements or not. But I really like the write ups of the monsters--really horrific stuff. The author also took all the Ann Rice and WoD romanticized fluff out of vampires to make them into true horror creatures. Funnily enough, the company that makes Blood! also has a D20 rpg making fun of people who read Ann Rice books and Play WoD.

    Oh yeah, I forgot, they have a RuneQuest conversion ebook. I think that pretty much answers everything.:party:

    RPGNow.com - Postmortem Studios - BloodQuest

  3. There are also other games, older BRP games, offshoots and what they call 'fantasy heartbreakers' over at good ole rpg.net. Some you might want to look at, are Mongoose' RQ, Fifth Cycle, and The Legend of Yore. The last two are getting pretty rare, but both have very servicable wound systems of that type. Also Warhammer frpg, any edition, and RQ2 (of course).

    Thank you. I'll check that out.

  4. What I'm specifically looking for is something that says:

    Head=1/3 total hp

    arm=1/4 total hp--if more than half hp is taken, then arm is disabled (much the same for the head).

    There were more to the rules, of course, like characters bleeding to death from their wounds. Since I'm going to be running some survival horror games, I want to have the characters disassembled piece by piece--have them favor an appendage that's in the process of getting too mauled.

  5. It's the system from Stormbringer.

    If you take a single injury that's equal to or higher than your Major Wound threshold (1/2 of HP, rounded up), you roll d% on the chart.

    Results range from horrific scars, nerve damage, concussions, loss of extremities, internal injuries, broken bones, to mutilations.

    They're pretty nasty, actually.

    If I remember right, I didn't care too much for the Stormbringer damage rules. There's a lot of those kinds of tables out there, anyway. Check out Blood:

    RPGNow.com - Postmortem Studios - Blood!

    which is also a D100 role-playing game system.

    And 10 Million Ways to Die: RPGNow.com - Iron Crown Enterprises - 10 Million Ways To Die

    is nothing but those kinds of tables.

    I also believe that the rules I'm looking for are also in Cthulhu Now and/or Delta Green. I'm sure it's Cthulhu Now.

  6. I just ordered it today, and was wondering if anyone else had it? I'm a fan of space colonization and was hoping the book had some good artwork in it as well as great information.

    I'm interested in what kind of artwork the book may have in it, as I'm looking for maps for High Frontier type space colonies.

  7. Does the new BRP rules book have comprehensive hit locations like in the ElfQuest rpg? I was hoping that CoC had them, but it doesn't.

    I'm looking for hit location rules that determines what percentage of hit points (out of the total hit points) it takes to cause a limb to be severed or to determine when enough damage has been done to a certain limb to cause serious blood loss to occur (bleeding out); or to render the limb immobile.

  8. I only found it yesterday (thank you link page!) and haven't given it a proper look yet. It looks more like an NPC creator from my first brief look. You can add new races, so I presume it can do monsters too. Perhaps not the really weird though.

    Get it (and a CoC sibling) here;

    Software für Unterricht und Freizeit

    Is there a page for it in English? I'm a mono-linguistic Yankee.:o

  9. Looks pretty useful, and it runs on Linux as well (under Wine). If they made one for BRP I'd probably be interested.

    Are there any other useful tools out there? I've got the BRP character Generator but haven't played much with it yet.

    There's a BRP character generator? Does it make monsters and NPCs on the fly, too?

  10. Resident Evil (if it had a more Mythos flavor and other stuff to fight besides zombies)

    Resident Evil does have many other things to fight other than zombies. The zombies are there for you to wade through to get to the bigger, badder creatures. I would think that the Resident Evil universe would be the easiest, by far, for adding the Mythos to the zombie stomping action. After all, where did the T and G viruses come from? Why do people and other creatures who are injected (not just infected) with either virus turn into monstrosities that grow several other limbs? Could the reason why the T and G viruses give "immortality" to its victims be the reason why many of the mythos are immortal? Are the owners of Umbrella Corp.--as well as those cultists in Resident Evil 4--Mythos cultists trying to facilitate the return of the Old Ones by wiping out humanity?

    I'm on a Resident Evil kick right now. So please excuse my fanaticism:) However, I sincerely believe that the Resident Evil franchise is the one of the best candidates for getting its own p&p rpg.

  11. I've been thinking that if video game stores also sold p&p rpgs (or p&p rpg stores selling video games), there would be a lot more people gaming with p&p as more people would be introduced to it.

    I think the perfect rpg to get more younger people into gaming would be an rpg based on an established video game world like the Resident Evil series (I'm picking that as I'll be gaming in that world, soon), and make it into a source book like Amazon.com: Resident Evil Archives: BradyGames: Books

    Then add the BRP system plus the Mythic GM Emulator Mythic Game Master Emulator

    if you can get the Mythic creator to go along.

    With the Mythic GM Emulator, you don't need a group to play and you can play anytime for as long as you need.

    And with the Resident Evil (or other video game franchise) license, it can be sold in video game shops as a source book with an excellent p&p rpg system attached to it.

    My personal thinking is that the p&p rpg industry simply isn't taking advantage of what people are gravitating to, nowadays, or of the resources they have on hand. Or I'm totally ignorant on how things actually work in that industry. Personally, it's long seemed to me that the Resident Evil series has been screaming for a p&p rpg license, as the series literally has everything in place for one.

  12. For planet creation:

    Well, there is no BRP SPACE game yet, but when one comes out maybe.

    Actually, there is/was and I just bought the last copy of it tonight from Chaosium. It's called: Worlds Beyond

    It's supposed to give stats for making robots; how to make starships, and gives some in-depth floor plans of some ships. And it has an alternate hit location system.

    Plus there's over 20 worlds profiled as well as a number of alien races.

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