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AJ The Ronin

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Posts posted by AJ The Ronin

  1. They don't have to make the CoC 7e base but they can add some of the stuff in it. Chase Rules, new Luck rule, level of success, versus tests and extra dice may be incorporated as alternate rules.

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  2. From their description page: 


    One Small Step for Man One Giant Leap…Into Madness

    Cthulhu: Strange Aeons takes the tropes of Lovecraftian horror and transplants them into a hard, gritty science fiction setting. The two initial books, the Investigator’s Guide and the Keeper’s Guide, define the setting and include everything you need to advance your Call of Cthulhu game into the far future.  Subsequent books will explore the horrors of new worlds and the dark places between the stars.




    (all emphasis mine)


    You can check the project right here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1418216834/cthulhu-strange-aeons-role-playing-game


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  3. The latest update about Pulp Cthulhu was on March 27 and this is what it was said:

    I’ve been working on Pulp Cthulhu. Writing new rules and material, collating previously written material and generally building the supplement. We have commissioned some brand new scenarios for the book, and have another scenario currently in rewrites with the author.

    Pulp Cthulhu’s contents are looking like:

    • A brief history of the pulps.

    • Character generation for 'heroes' (investigators are renamed as heroes, for a slightly more pulp feel), this includes the addition of pulp archetypes, some adjusted skills, pulp talents, new occupations, and new backstory suggestions.

    • A game system chapter, with pulp rules which combine with the standard Call of Cthulhu rules to allow for a pulpier style play.

    • A pulp sanity chapter that provides rules for insane skills, and adjusted insanity outcomes.

    • Rules for weird science and psychic skills, as well as adjusted rules for magic.

    • A set of organizations for heroes to belong to, as well as some ‘evil’ organizations for villains.

    • Advice for keepers on running pulp style games.

    • A chapter of pulp villains, characters and monsters.

    • 1930s history chapter, plus equipment lists and weapon charts.

    That is from this update.

    Originally they said it will be sent to backers in a second shipment, but that was when the books were due on July. Now with the books new date (October) it may be shipped together with the 7e books.

  4. Love the cover! I'm F5-ing Chaosium site but still no book. :P

    Edit: Don't know if this old new or not but FRPgames have the following description for the book:

    Whether steeped in philosophy and existentialism, or action and carnage, the one commonality to all tales of fantasy is the influence of the supernatural on the natural world. Mages, wizards, and sorcerers force the world to bend to their will. They grab the raw stuff, the fundamental essence of the universe, and force it to do their bidding. Offering new options for players of Magic World, as well as other Basic Roleplaying-based games, Advanced Sorcery features five distinct chapters focusing on specific mystical divinations and practices: Deep Magic, Herbalism, Necromancy, Runes, and The Summoners Art. Also included are over two dozen new spells to add to your sorceror's arsenal.
  5. Big 'steampunk' 3.5 D&D setting. Two huge books, by Privateer Press. Converting it to BRP sounds like a daunting task...

    What he said (more or less) :)

    Of the 2 books (there are 7* actually) one of them is pure fluff. Not a single rule in it (The World Guide).

    You can read more about the setting here

    Notice that one of the biggest complains the fan base has is that 3.x do not do justice to the setting.

    It is a dounting taks indeed. But I been playing BRP since 1999. I love the system (mostly playing CoC, Delta Green and the ocasional Stormbringer game) and I enjoy, a lot, the IK setting.

    Now with the Generic BRP I'll have the chance to convert the setting I love in a system I love.

    Awesome, eh?

    *7 books not counting the original adventure trilogy (now in a single volume) and charcter primer (now the 2 huge books mentioned above) :)

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