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Posts posted by rsanford

  1. Hi all,


    I am a BRP noob that after reading Magic World still finds himself with a few questions. If any of you gurus would contribute to my education I would really appreciate it!


    1. Assuming a battle is occurring in an open field what is the largest number of attackers that may engage a single target hand-to-hand? In other games my group uses a hex-delimited mat for battles and 6 attackers may engage any target at one time. Is the same applicable for Magic World?


    2. How much are actions that affect allegiance worth? For example how many points are incurred when someone is murdered or healed? How many for sharing your lunch with a beggar? How many for building a bridge?


    3. What type of actions generate balance points? The book suggest tending trees and building bridges, any other (more practical) examples?


    4. If I understand the rules correctly (page 62) characters casting  spell in combat may not both move and cast in the same round. Is that correct?


    5. Page 85 of Magic World indicates that to disengage from an attacker, an adventurer should use an attack successfully, dodge successfully, or turn and run. Page 62 indicates that to disengage from combat an adventurer must declare his intent at the beginning of the roud, make no attacks, and successfully dodge all attacks made against him. Any insight into how this is supposed to be handled?


    6. The weapon length rule on page 92 makes me think that adventurers with long weapons go ahead of adventuers and npcs with shorter weapons despite DEX rank. Is that correct? The same rule suggest that a player using a long weapon cannot be attacked by a player using a shorter weapon until the player using the shorter weapon makes a successful dodge to slip inside the guard of the player with the longer weapon.  This implies to me that the player with the longer weapon will get at least one free attack. Is that correct? The rules also seem to indicate that once the player with the shorter weapon is within the guard of the player with the longer weapon he is no longer in immediate danger (assuming the guy with the longer weapon doesn’t move back). Do I have that right? If so why is that true? Couldn’t the guy using the spear just move his hand-hold further up the weapon? Is it accurate to think that weapons such as the quarterstaff and greatsword have significiant advantages because they can be used at short, medium, and long distances (page 72)?



    PS - I recently posted a review of Magic World on rpg.net at http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/16/16300.phtml. It will likely all be old hat to people on this site but I would love to get your feedback if you have the time!


    Any help is much appreciated! Thank you!

    Best regards,


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