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Posts posted by AikiGhost

  1. I'm hoping to kick off a post apocalyptic dark fantasy game where the setting on the surface is dark fantasy, but underneath it is set on a slowly decaying post galactic warfare isolated ringworld where te remaining rate sufficiently advanced tech is seen as magic but also various forms of "corruption" (Nanites, radiation,, warp engine leakage, or whatever handwavium you care to mention) gives characters mutant powers/magic.

    Ideally Id like to use the same system for PCs but also for major NPCs and mutant creature/chaos nasties from the swamps of "don't go there".

    What system from any BRP variant or supplement would people recommend for such a game and why?

  2. Holy necro batman!

    I played in an openquest game of Steffs a couple of years back at continuum and really enjoyed myself. It was a mish mash of European colonial history mixed with the discovery of a new continent in the north full of fantasy races and magic weirdness, I liked the concept very much. I wonder if anything is coming of that?

  3. You may or may not have see my previous post about Unknown Armies Sanity system in BRP. But in continuation of the same game setup I have one minor worry. Most of my players will be able to get into the central conceit of a group of high tech vigilante/bad asses of one stripe or another being brought together to form a super group and go on missions for a super secret agency.

    I just have a feeling that one or two of the players will have a tenancy to "go off the deep end" in terms of playing their dark eyed loner who doesn't want to work for the man. Now in principle I have no problem with this as long as they eventually go along with the central mission and help out their comrades, even "Im not helping the man do his dirty work" RP is to be encouraged. But does anyone have any good ideas of ways to induce these particular PCs to go along with the plot without it being a railroad?

    What kind of leverage can you suggest to use on this kind of high tech half crazy vigilante badasses?

    Ones I thought of so far:

    Threats to Family/Loved ones.

    Return to Death Row (where they were recruited from).

    Slow death by nasty bio plague (Only the agency has the tech to keep it at bay)

    I'll probably let each player choose what the agency has over them that keeps them in line.

  4. I am one of the (apparent) few that find the CoC rules more elegant.

    Its not really a question of elegant. I do really like the simplicity of the BRP/CoC sanity rules. I'm just after more detail and your current sanity meter levels affecting in game reactions. Knowing that gunning down the kid pointing a gun at you WILL affect your character in a definite way from now on etc. The UA madness meters make moral decisions more mechanically interesting IMHO.

  5. I'm in the planning stages of a modern watchmen/punisher/batman style supers who are really just well equipped vigilantes campaign and thought I'd like to use a more deep sanity mechanic than the CoC one when the Unknown Armies sanity meters popped into my brain. I want the fact of what the PCs do and the violence and other things they are involved into mount up and genuinely damage the PCs psyches during the course of the game.

    Has anyone already used the UA sanity system in BRP/CoC? If so how did it go? Any pitfalls?

  6. I do not really see the 'need' for them, it does not add realism (and my games strive for realism and atmosphere, i find realism aids in immersion) so even though i run low combat games, the extra time spent on this rule just feels like a waste of effort :)

    As I said this rule actually takes less time rather than more to run and to write stuff up for (No APs/Hps per location). Also "realism" (whatever that means) is kind of an odd goal for an RPG.

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