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Agentorange last won the day on August 20 2023

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  • RPG Biography
    Started off in the early 80's with D&D, moved very swiftly on to RQ/BRP
  • Current games
    At the moment just BRP/RQ3
  • Location
    Somewhere in England
  • Blurb
    Born to be mild

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  1. Well, we will have to agree to disagree on that 😁 but as Nick said we've wandered a bit far afield, that said it is my field ( as it were ) because i started the thread and am happy for thread creep to occur All I'm going to say on the subject of gratuitous is look at the description of the elementals in the bestiary ....and look at how they're illustrated. But I've come to a decision. next months geek money is allocated for Vol 4 of pavis + Nochet players guide And the month after that is........Furthest poster map from Redbubble, and probably the Mythology volume from Chaosium which I haven't bought yet. I must say it really does feel as though we're living in a golden age of Gloranthan/Runequest material at the moment
  2. Luckily I bought the PDF/POD combo so everything should be fine. I do keep looking at the Redbubble map. it's only a matter of time until I give in and buy it........👍 I'm also rather taken with the: Inora the Ice Queen fights Chaos T shirt as well.
  3. Seriously it's great - the maps are lovely, there's years worth of gameplaying info ,a wealth of background and who isn't going to love a sewer dwelling Elasmosaur called Cessie ? But......If I'd have known I was going to have to buy an electron microscope to read some of the site names I might have thought twice 😁 I'm not joking. the Hyalors fields section ( p30 ) i am literally using a magnifying glass to make out some of the names. So maybe for a future edition these names could be increased in size just a tad ?
  4. Totally agree - good to see it getting a new lease of life.
  5. Interesting you should post that - saw it many years ago in a book. But one of the things i felt bought the old west to an end was technology. Ok the Telegraph had existed since the 1840's. But starting with the turn of the 20th century you get: radio communication, motor vehicles, aircraft etc etc. That kind of shrinks ( for want of a better word ) the world - it makes it harder and harder to hide and escape or just plain move on, the world has filled up as it were. Anyway we're a long way from Shogun now so I'll shut up 😁
  6. The reason i asked was that i watched the Bridges version of True Grit a few days ago. Even though I'm from the UK I've always enjoyed a good western and I've especially enjoyed westerns set at the end of the era. For Example the Wild Bunch. Ok it's set in the Mexican revolution and you could make the argument it's a kind of war film as well. But I reckon it's a western. Same could be argued for A Fistful of Dynamite. The recent Old Henry is meant to be set about 1910. Butch and Sundances final shootout is historically about 1911 ( I think ) Tom Horn was, what, 1903 ? Which got me wondering when the wild west actually came to an end ?. I actually spent some some on the net looking at stuff ( wikepedia was actually quite useful ). There were what might be considered old west style gunfights after the turn of the century. And a few minor Indian fights and skirmishes after the turn of the century. The closer to the border with mexico the longer it seemed to linger. I've sort of decided on WW1 as being a good cut off point chronologically.
  7. It's been a long long time since i saw the original shogun. I can remember enjoying both it and the book a great deal. I don't have Disney Plus ( UK )so I'm going to be unable to see the revamp. The trailers look good - let us know what you think. As a total and complete aside - and probably another thread, when would you consider the 'old west' to have stopped existing ?
  8. I have to say, I really liked Jeff Bridges as Rooster. In fact I'm going to stick my neck out and say I like the Coen brothers version better.
  9. It used the books to illustrate the themes and as how things we might not consider to be obviously fantasy may well be so. It is after all a library - books are going to be central to what they do. i liked the idea of being able to see C S Lewis original map of Narnia . For those who read books but have never considered an RPG the D & D exhibit may have lead people to consider fantasy in a different light, maybe the Study in Emerald might have done the same. Some people may have seen LOTR or the Narnia movies been lead to the books but never considered the roots of what they've read. Most of us here have been RQ/Glorantha folk for many years even the frivolous ones ( eg me )may well have read more myth and history than the average person. But I still found much to enjoy about the exhibition.
  10. Except it's not about mythology it's about fantasy literature as a reading genre. Obviously there is some overlap: Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Arthur etc are myth cycles, but they are also stories to be told as entertainment and for enjoyment. Looking at some of the themes often seen in such literature: portals, gods and deities, hero journeys etc etc. it's not aimed at the hardcore mythological buff it's aimed at book lovers and readers..
  11. Not one comment ? I'm disappointed in you my fellow lovers of literature 😁
  12. Went to see this at the British Library on Friday. A history and exhibition about fantasy in literature down the ages from Gilgamesh through to modern authors such as N J Jemisin. takes in RPG's, anime and other side quests as it goes along. last day tomorrow sadly but is due to go on tour....so maybe if it's near you you can treat yourself. the british library advert is a bit rubbish, so I'lll post a little clip i found on Youtube to give you a flavour. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  13. Suez canal shutdown ? wasn't that 1956 ? oh, you mean the other more recent one......😁
  14. This isn't really a Runequest question per se, though it does involve writing stuff for Runequest..... I'm writing up some Runespells and rather than have to re create the whole SPELL NAME Xpoints temporal, stackable etc etc thing for each spell is there a way of creating a template in word so I can get the mechanics ( as it were ) out of the way quickly and focus on the actual spell description ? Any advice gratefully received
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