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  1. About four months ago I stopped using figs and now I can't imagine going back to them. The players grumble a little that they like figs but none have pushed to use them.
  2. Funny, after all these years I never thought about other creatures not having a missile chart. B
  3. I am not an expert on Glorantha by any stretch. But when we started playing RQ we started with this stuff: Wayne's World of Books - Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Foreign Language, Role Playing Games, History, Maps River of Cradles Sun County Strangers in Prax Are good resources for just playing. Lots of characters, maps, and scenarios. These are all based on RQ3. I don't know what MRQ has out. Here are a couple of other websites. Etyries.com - Nick Brooke's Home Page Simon Phipp - RuneQuest/D100/Glorantha Home Page
  4. Perhaps I made a typo somewhere? Where do I use rolling high? I will correct it.
  5. Can you elaborate? 2e is fine. But its up to you. I will manage with either way. Even though much of what I did was based on 3e SRD you will see things I sneak in there that are from earlier editions. The "exceptional strength " Additional for example, the term thief instead of rogue, great swords do 1d10 damage. Just to list a few. I hope to see your character.
  6. Can you elaborate? 2e is fine. But its up to you. I will manage with either way. Even though much of what I did was based on 3e SRD you will see things I sneak in there that are from earlier editions. The "exceptional strength " Additional for example, the term thief instead of rogue, great swords do 1d10 to list a few.
  7. As for a setting I do have a map of our current campaign with a brief description of the lands in the Gallery section of the website. The map is called "The South". Thank you for looking at it and giving feedback. I realize that anyone who looks at this is probably an established DM and have spent years if not decades working on their own game. So I can't imagine anyone actually replacing whatever they are doing with what I put out there. But I wanted to share it with people and if nothing else create some discussion.
  8. You Vagabond! If you take a 3.5 character and convert it there doesn’t need to be any loss of feats or spells that the player is familiar with. If you were to take that same character and move them over to straight BRP you will more than likely lose a lot of your abilities because there is no equivalent in BRP. In some cases making the character not even seem the same. Dextrous fighters and high level casters being the greatest victims. Have you ever done conversions like this Vagabond?
  9. Before you say it muddies the BRP waters I suggest give it a try. Although some things look great on paper but are terrible in practice, these rules may seem bad on paper but work very well in practice. If anything I have tried to stay true to the modular nature of BRP and the level and Additionals(feats) fit that nature. Although I changed SIZ and Weapon Damage for my own reasons there is no reason why those modules couldn’t overlay unchanged BRP. Level being merely an arbitrary mechanic that dictates to a player when he/she becomes more powerful. Same as Glory. Players love rewards of any kind. You seem to be a tinkerer of rules yourself, so I am sure you understand the myriad of paths that tinkering can take you. The paths are infinite. But we don’t have infinite time. So I had to decide on something and this is what I came up with. I am certainly willing to collaborate and I am already taking ideas from Frogspawners website.
  10. It is more about style perhaps. I will say it is mostly the game world that drove this. That world being intiailly built using AD&D. A few things about D&D became just not that interesting to the group. So we picked up RQ. The mechanics for RQ/BRP are really well done. A mathematical masterpiece. But perhaps was to "Real" for us. I am a big fan of both systems and love parts of both. I like BRP/RQ combat but love D&D magic. I prefer BRP/RQ skills but love class roles. So for me this has been my solution. I appreciate the question and will be glad to discuss this further if my answer is incomplete.
  11. If anyone has a D&D character that they could post and I will convert the character? My intent is to show that the character will remain in tack. In addition to stats please give a description of the character as well. Of course his or her fool hardy days are tempered by the new laws of physics they must abide by.
  12. I had posted about this once before and I know others have been putting something like this together. In the download section is now my imcomplete version of what our group has called DQ or Death(Dungeon) Quest. A hybrid of D&D and BRP(RQ). Another name is D&C or Decision & Consequence. The rules are far from complete and downright bad in some places and will cause confusion. But the lay out should give a solid idea of what I am thinking(I hope). I think a DM familiar with both systems could run it reasonably well. We have had a continuous campaign for about 11 months with it. So far it has done a good job of walking the line between the two game systems. My hope is people will give it a try and post feed back on it. Perhaps even taking some interest in helping complete the rules. Please don't give strong opinions unless you have actually tried it. Cheers.
  13. Nice write-up. I would run so fast!
  14. So a vampiric undead guy who creates zombies by touch instead of vampires by bite? Have you made what the character was in life up yet? I would say do that first then increase STR and CON by 1.5 or x2 and then add the abilities you described. Bring him to life through description after that. You stated a one shot adventure, how tough are the players going to be?
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