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Mechashef last won the day on September 19 2018

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About Mechashef

  • Birthday 01/20/1969


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  • RPG Biography
    About 36 years of gaming. Mainly RQ & Super Squadron, but some D&D.
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    Canberra, Australia
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    IT Consultant

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  1. Of course. 🙂 That big strong CON 20 heart will be pumping blood around like anything. Cutting of a limb will result in a veritable blood fountain. That lethargic CON 5 heart will result in paltry trickle of blood weeping from the torso 🙂 leaving the character the dilemma of which part of the backpack to stow their severed limbs in, and how to accomplish that without arms. Though perhaps the stashing of severed arms in a backpack is an important but often overlooked task for suitably embodied allied spirits.
  2. Two of my sons and I participated in a CoC session at Can Con. We had a very enjoyable time and I hope we'll be back next year. A big thanks to those who organised it.
  3. I have a spreadsheet containing generated weather for each day of the year (min/max temperature, wind and rain) for my non-Gloranthan world. This is for a few reasons: In my opinion, some missile weapons are over powered if the detrimental effects of wind on accuracy are not played. Rain can slow down travel, leading to interesting encounters Ship travel becomes much less predictable and reliable The character following the Storm God has the useful ability to often predict the weather for the next day (2 days on a special roll, 3 on a critical) It just adds flavour. I use a calendar so the players know when their next holy day is, when long term sorcery spells expire etc. Having generated weather on the calendar wasn't hard to add.
  4. Mechashef


    It is debatable whether this would apply. Unlike damaging venoms, ghoul venom does not have any effect until it equals or exceeds the victim's Con. If reducing the POT to below the victim's Con is enough to un-paralyze them, then I can see an argument for there not being any healing and thus no rest required. The only "healing" is purging of the remaining venom. This doesn't follow normal natural healing rules: So most adventurers will purge 2 or 3 points of POT per day. Whether rest is required to purge ghoul venom would seem to be an ambiguous point, falling into a GM's call.
  5. Mechashef


    Ghouls have a nasty venomous bite which paralyzes the victim until they die by losing 1 CON per day. However it can counteracted by an antidote (spider venom is half effective). Can you take an antidote to purge venom from your system even if you are not paralyzed? For example: If an adventurer with a CON of 12 has been bitten and currently has venom POT 10, then takes an antidote of POT 6 (12 before being halved), presumably that drops their current venom to POT 4? Can the POT affecting the adventurer exceed their CON or is it capped at their CON? For example: If an adventurer with a CON of 12 is bitten and their accumulated POT is 14, is the POT that needs to be reduced by the antidote 14 (the POT of the venom) or 12 (their CON value)? If an adventurer is paralyzed, do they need to be given enough antidote to bring the POT down to 0, or is it sufficient to merely bring it to below their CON? Regarding their howl, the bestiary mentions that Countermagic, Shield and Neutralize do not protect. Can spells which remove magic, such as Dispel Magic, Dismiss Magic and possibly Neutralize Magic remove the effect? Thanks
  6. Best wishes to Matt. Your podcast is my favourite gaming one. I look forward to Matt returning.
  7. D&D Adventure B5: Horror on the Hill
  8. I agree. The existing index is not great. Yours is a much needed improvement. Thanks. The Bestiary one is also rather annoying and seems to be a confusing mix of an Index and a Table of Contents.
  9. Should that be Heal 4 or Heal 5?
  10. Like many people I've often played using a subset of the rules and until recently have not been very diligent about tracking damage to weapons and shields. Since paying more attention to that aspect, it is surprising how much of an impact it has. One thing I've noticed is that shields (and also spears) have an advantage akin to the old trick in first person shooters of carrying an enemy's weapon. In first person shooters I often carry a weapon commonly used by the enemy because you typically don't run out of ammo, When you kill bad guys you frequently get their ammo. in RQ, many enemies carry shields. If your medium shield is getting too battered, loot one from an enemy you just killed. You can use their medium shield at the same skill as yours. For most weapons, the chances of being able to loot an identical weapon is not great (spears are often an exception). Sure you could probably find someone with another weapon in the same category, but the 1/2 skill modifier is a pain.
  11. I will always play it as the damage goes to the rolled location. It makes more sense to me both from a logical and a gaming point of view. If it goes through to the shield arm then plate armour on that arm will be a must have for just about every shield user. And if Armoring Enchantment is ever brought back, then it is obvious which is the first location to enchant. I feel having the damage go through to the shield arm adds a level or predictability I don't need. And while I have no experience with combat using weapons, I have spent a lot of time holding pads while people punch and kick them. When holding a big shield style kick pad for someone who kicks hard, I put a focus mitt pad between my arm and my ribs. Those hard kicks coming through the kick shield don't hurt my arm, they hurt my ribs as my arm is smashed back into them.
  12. Thanks for the responses people. Very much appreciated.
  13. And another that I forgot to add: When an adventurer gains an RP they also usually gain access to another of the cult's special Rune Spells. If by casting a one-use Rune Spell their RPs are now less than the number of special Rune Spells they "know", do they also lose access to one or more of those special Rune Spells, bring the total they 'know" down to their new number of RPs?
  14. My apologies if these have already been answered and yes they probably fall into the category of "whatever the GM decides". Question 1 Rune Points (RP) can be reduced by casting one-use spells. What happens if casting a one-use Rune Spell would lower a Rune Priest's RPs below the required minimum (typically 5 RPs)? Is it: They can't, the spell won't be successfully cast (similar to not being able to voluntarily reduce their POW to less than 18) The spell is cast and the Rune Priest's RPs are reduced to below the required minimum and the priest loses their Rune Priest benefits (similar to if their POW does go below 18) The spell is cast and there are no issues. Rune Priests are allowed to have less than 5RPs once they have successfully qualified as a Rune Priest Question 2 In a similar way can an Initiate (or priest if option 3 above) go to 0 RPs and if so, what happens? Question 3 For reusable spells, can the RPs be regained while the spell is still in effect? Extension allows spells to last for extended periods. If a spell (Shield for example) was extended for a season, could the RPs used for the Shield spell be regained via a worship ceremony before the Shield spell expires? Warding seems like a very relevant example. If the RPs used for Warding can be regained while the spell is in effect, wouldn't temples and important buildings eventually become infested with dozens or hundreds of Warding spells? Thanks
  15. If someone is fighting on a raft do you limit their skill to their boat skill? If someone is fighting on a ship in rough sea conditions do you limit their skill to their ship handling skill because the waves are moving the ship? Or would you get them to do a DEX test every so often, or perhaps limit their combat skill to DEX X 5 or some other modifier due to the unstable environment? If the charioteer, or someone paddling the raft, or someone actively controlling the ship participates in combat while controlling their vehicles then I would limit their combat skill to their appropriate vehicle skill (and require a skill test under some conditions), but not so for passengers.
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