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Posts posted by soltakss

  1. 16 hours ago, Pentallion said:

    It doesn't exist because a good GM doesn't allow it.  GM's, therefore, have no right to complain about it.  They've only themselves to blame if they let it be a problem.   Therefore, the entire argument is invalid.  It's a myth.

    As a GM, I have better things to do than to than police skill ticks. I also have better things to argue about than whether a skill use gets a tick or not, as the criteria are vague at best.


    I have seen the tick-chase and didn't like it. In fact, one of the players in one of my old groups drew a cartoon that had a PC searching around, jumping over a stream, climbing up a tree, casting disruption at a skeleton, only for someone to shout "Derak - Have you finished collecting firewood yet?". 

    • Like 8
  2. 8 points of divine magic to make some people feel a bit uncomfortable? I can live with that as a game balance thing.


    After all, to feel cooler, all they have to do is to move out of the area of the spell. Increasing the ground temperature by 40 degrees Celsius doesn't even make it painful, just very warm. It isn't as though you have opened up a lava pool.

    • Like 1
  3. RQ2 and RQ3 had experience by tick-box, which led to the Tock-Chase, where everyone tried loads of skills, just to get a tick, with a fairly random set of increases.

    I abandoned this years ago, replacing it with a number of Experience Points that the players can choose to spend on increasing any skill, even ones they didn;t use in that session. It works a lot better, as it stops the tick chase and allows players to focus on improving those skills they want to improve.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Rick Meints said:

    The top backers are getting a special "thank you" reward for their generous patronage. That backer level isn't just about the value of each specific item, it's about their belief in the project and their support of what we are trying to do.

    The chart below is not official just yet, as we are making sure it has no typos or mistakes. If you spot any, please let me know.

    Screen Shot 2015-12-05 at 9.59.02 AM.png


    Is there any chance of having a level that has all the PDFs but not the hardcopies?


    I no longer buy hardcopy but would like to get the PDFs. I know that I can up my pledge to include the PDFs, but I am not sure how much each PDF costs, so it is difficult.


    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, David Scott said:

    The RQ Companion p27 says "To reproduce. unicorns mate with lesser animals. including mare, does. or fine-boned hinds.

    If mares, does and hinds, then zebras are fine and so are antelopes, including sables and impala. If cows, then bison and rhino are fine.

    Not sure about Bolo Lizards and Ostriches, though. :)

  6. I wouldn't put him as an Ancestor Priest, as he isn't part of the Raus family. Duke Raus is the head of the Raus Family in the area.

    Seven Mothers ties Raus too tightly to the Lunar establishment, which is fine if that's what the GM wants in the campaign.

    A Lightbringer might be too far in the other direction, thumbing Raus' nose at the Lunars.

    So, a Yelmic/Earth priest would make sense, Lodril is a good choice as it is a peasant god, so good for Raus' farmers and can claim connections to the Agimori and Oakfed if required.


    • Like 3
  7. 4 hours ago, David Scott said:

    Yes you are correct on the RQC. No official change yet and some of my work won't survive editing. However they need horses to breed in that article. Given the popularity of horses amongst the Praxians, I doubt there would be any bred Unicorns in the Wastes. Much more fun to have them fetched on a dangerous HeroQuest back to the Green Age. I'm not saying that other Unicorns don't breed that way, just these don't have the opportunity.

    They could breed with any virgin animal, as I recall, normally horses, but other creatures as well - Including their riders!

    I can see a unicorn happily tupping a herd beast, especially a zebra.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, TRose said:

     I remember reading in Ancient Medieval times people thought if you went South far enough , it would become to hot  also and things would catch fire.

    I haven't been to Australia, but ...


    • Like 4
  9. 13 hours ago, metcalph said:

    They were given places in the area.  It's just that they were rewarded with better places than the Hungry Plateau.  As per sidebar p313 of the Guide, the Sable Tribe was given Kostaddi while the Bison received Sylila and Vanch.  

    Being given the Hungry Plateau as a reward would be kind of like giving invaders the local tip as a reward for seizing a city.  I think instead the Hungry Plateau was settled some time after the battle of Argentium Thi'rile by Sable overlords worried about the decline of their native traditions.

    OK, that makes more sense.

  10. 5 hours ago, metcalph said:

    I'm somewhat mystified by Gerendetho's main claim to mythic fame, the creation of the Hungry Plateau.  It seems an overly colossal bit of civil engineering for rather a petty dispute.  My guess is that the people of mythical kostaddi had some compulsion to level the mountains of the Plateau and plave their waste in what is now Jord.  Instead of one great mythic action, it was a longterm cultural effort which may be related to the city of Senthoros.

    I don't know, giants are not known for being reasonable and I can see a dispute between a bunch of giants and a son of Genert going that way very quickly.

    Argan Argar cut the top of a mountain off to make the base for the Castle of Black Glass, so it has happened more than once.

  11. 13 hours ago, metcalph said:

    The closest rune that I can see for Genert's Rune would be the Power Rune (ie the one that Pamalt has) which is close to the spear that Gerendetho prominently bears on the Gods Wall.  

    That's not a spear! ;)

  12. Evade is flinging yourself out of the way, with no regard for the consequences.

    Acrobatics is neatly flick-flacking out of the way and remaining on your feet.

    Neither are really the same as RQ3 Dodge, which was different to RQ2 Defense.


  13. 7 hours ago, David Scott said:

    @soltakss, I don't think this is true anymore. The Hungry Plateau in size is smaller than the Eiritha Hills. The population comparison is Praxian Sables: 75000 (140 clans), Hungry Plateaux Sables : 40000 (75 clans). Given the population pressure on the land, other tribes wouldn't just be edged out, they'd be exterminated. The Sables on the plateaux clearly are supported by magical means, raiding other tribes just isn't going to work in an area about 40 miles by 65 miles. There maybe small herds of ritually kept beasts of other types, but I doubt they have riders.

    That's a shame, as it means that the other Praxians who helped drive out the Pure Horse People from peloria didn't get to settle on the Hungry Plateau and were not given a place in the area.

    While I agree that the Sables would be dominant, thanks to the Great Sable Conversion, I don;t see why the other tribes would be exterminated. Weaker than and dominated by the sables, yes, but exterminated?

  14. 5 hours ago, Zit said:

    Rules cannot solve everything, role playing and background help.

    Regarding troubadours, as far as I know, it designs someone, male or female (trobaritz), who composes -or knows how to compose- poems in the Occitan language. He must not be an interpret. Many nobles were troubadours (ex.: Guilhem, Comte of Poitou and Duc of Aquitaine, or even Richard Lionheart, even if not among the most famous ones), and actually the very first ones where probably nobles. This concerns of course people who has been at least raised in Occitania, probably not in England. So you can make your troubadours very different from minstrels!

    You may like to write it "trobador", as in the Occitan language.

    Indeed, that is pretty much how they are treated in Merrie England.

  15. On 11/27/2015, 3:57:07, Manu said:

    For instance, the South of Pamaltela is a very hot place, even the water is on fire. But also, it is said that it is from the south that Chaos is invading the continent. Is Chaos coming from the fire?


    The fire comes from the Sky, when generat separated Earth and Sky, he knocked the Sky off its axis and the north part moved up a bit while the southern part moved down so that it touches the earth. The fires of the Sky flow down and fall on the earth, causing an intolerably hot area, part of the Hero Plane, with a desert on the edges.


  16. On 11/27/2015, 2:35:28, Zit said:

    Isn't it possible to pay via Paypal ? I haven't seen it but I may have fumbled my "Read/Write On A Screen" roll.


    I have paid for previous Kickstarters by Paypal, so I would think so.

    Or maybe not - Just backed it and it is asking for a Credit Card.

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