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Posts posted by Solardog

  1. Then I shall do a write up on the first sections on the inside of The Ship this coming week, thats accessible without using a whole week cutting through the plating.

    There are stuff in there that is quite, spooky :)

    Space hulks are always spooky. Space Hulks

  2. I have read an really god Sci Fi comic, Missile Mouse by Jake Parker

    There are two stories, Missile Mouse: The Guardian Prophecy, published in Flight Explorer and the comic book Missile Mouse: The Star Crusher

    The protagonist, Missile Mouse is an agent for the galactic security agency (GSA).

    The universe is really god as an rpg universe and role players could be agents for the GSA.

    Jeff Parkers homepage: http://agent44.com/

  3. I noticed the link to the infamous "review" what did u think of it? I thought it was superb though I do have to disagree with him on a few points, a bit more so than I did with the phantom menace review.

    I like both of the reviews, but the phantom menace is a little bit better. I like the off beat humor, and the "serial killer" character.

    He also have some fun Star Trek movie reviews.

  4. I never used the Third Imperium setting for Traveller, for my taste it has far too many serious

    plausibility problems, so almost all of my settings were "homebrewed". As far as I can see, this

    is how most Traveller referees who do not like the Third Imperium handle it, although there are

    a number of good commercial alternatives available, like the Traveller version of Babylon 5 or

    Martin J. Dougherty's Far Avalon setting.

    Ringworld would be very interesting, but this game is almost impossible to get nowadays, and

    Future World is more a sketch of a setting than a real setting, it lacks almost all of the typical

    "stuff" needed for a Traveller campaign, especially spaceships.

    Don´t forget, Hammer's Slammers, Hyperlite: The Sirius Treaty and Twilight Sector. But also the upcoming Reign of Discordia. I think that Reign of Discordia is very promising. I was thinking of buying the TRUE20 version but i am waiting for the MGT version to be released.

    Another good sci fi resource is the GURPS Space Atlases. I think that Space Atlas 2 the corporate worlds is particular good.

    Gurps Space Atlas 1-3 are available in electronic format at e23

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