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  • RPG Biography
    I've been playing RPG's ever since I got my copy of TMNT when I was 10.
  • Current games
    Tenra Bansho Zero, Call of Cthulhu, D&D 5th edition
  • Blurb
    I'm studying to be a rabbi

leftwingpenguin's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. A minor point, but pretty important to some: Would you consider changing the text under "Gender" in the character creation section to something that doesn't imply that male and female are the only two genders that exist? If you're looking for a suggestion for how that might look, I would suggest:
  2. Really excited about this new edition of BRP, and about the system now being released under the ORC license. Hoping this will result in a new outpouring of material for the system, which has always been one of my favorites.
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