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Posts posted by Pentallion

  1. I'd love to as well.  I had been running a RQ demo for Cult of Chaos, but stopped until such time as I have an actual RQ product to demo.  I have to spend frugally right now, so couldn't get RQ2, I'm saving for RQ:G.  Once that is out, I can start doing demos again and would do Cons too.  Do I need to register separately for Cons or is being in Cult of Chaos enough?

  2. RQ3 was better in the attribute departments.  Endurance check?  Conx5.  Brawn?  Str vs Str.  I don't like having to bother figuring out what it could possibly mean for a STR 6 person to have 100% Brawn skill.  So what?  It's stupid.  Whole skill is stupid unless a better example of the various ways it comes into play can be used.  But why? STr vs STR works fantastic.  Attempt to fix something that was both elegant and unbroken.

    • Like 2
  3. I vaguely recall Jeff once saying that Greg once said that every species of animal in Glorantha had a sentient version somewhere.  That could have been before the chalana arroy cured my brain chills however.

    • Like 1
  4. 10 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    HQG p.48: "...the petrified blood of dead and wounded gods provide magic crystals. These crystals provide magic from a Rune that might differ from the hero’s own Runes. The players or GM should give the crystal a colorful, but enigmatic name, like Arroin’s Tears, Esrolian Ruby, Smoke Rock, Snake Crystal, Barnablood, Ernalda Tears, Gata Save, Grandpa’s Aid, Second Wind, Star Tip, etc., and assign it a Rune."

    It's already in HQG.  And it explicitly allows you to gain magic for something that you do not necessarily have directly via yourself or your god/spirits. 

    Personally, I'd probably add some level of bonus/penalty in trying to use a crystal of an opposing rune, but the basics are there.

    the intent was to deny use of the power crystal, not give them even MORE advantages for having 200 points of power crystals.

    • Like 1
  5. Power crystals should have a rune affinity with the god whose blood they belong to.  Then only those with the same rune affinity can use them.  This would help longer campaigns because Chaosium handed out power crystals like candy in the old days.  This way, most power crystals would be for sale and good ones, usable by the party, worth their weight in gold and far rarer.

    • Like 5
  6. On 12/24/2015 at 0:02 PM, soltakss said:

    I have played with 3 RuneQuest groups in my 30-odd years of roleplaying.


    The first, at Uni, lasted for 3 years, before we all left and went our separate ways.

    The second, post-Uni lasted for eight years before I moved to Ireland.

    The third has lasted for 10 years and is still going.


    Each group has had a fairly constant set of players, the last group having lost and gained one player, so I would not say that any of my players are rotten.


    Then the problem with tick boxes IS a myth in other words?

  7. On 12/7/2015 at 6:54 AM, soltakss said:

    As a GM, I have better things to do than to than police skill ticks. I also have better things to argue about than whether a skill use gets a tick or not, as the criteria are vague at best.


    I have seen the tick-chase and didn't like it. In fact, one of the players in one of my old groups drew a cartoon that had a PC searching around, jumping over a stream, climbing up a tree, casting disruption at a skeleton, only for someone to shout "Derak - Have you finished collecting firewood yet?". 

    Sorry you have such rotten players that it's a problem.

  8. 13 hours ago, Ali the Helering said:

    I think that this is fine, if one buys into the Monomyth being the actual truth.  If you don't, and I certainly do not, then it can't be. It all depends on the vision that one is following.  YGWV, which is essential and half the fun in playing in such a complex and well-realised world.  I prefer to use a RW Bronze Age model for much of what I do, which is why I see it this way.  "Gloranthan reality" is in the mind of the beholder.  Eegads!  I sound like a post-modernist!  Perhaps because I am.

    In the clash between the Heortling and the Talastari way of worshipping the storm there is an interesting way of seeing the 'reality' of a unified Greater God of the storm.  For me this is reminiscent of the clashes between the prophets of Ba'al and those of YHWH in the late Bronze and early Iron western Semitic religious RW cults.

    Have yourself a merry little mid-winter festival, birth of Mithras, Children's Day, Constitution Day, Good Governance Day, Malkh-Festival, Newtonmas Day, Quaid-e-Azam's Day, Takanakuy, or even Christmas.


    In Glorantha, EVERYTHING is the actual truth.  You're expected to only buy into part of it.

  9. On 12/23/2015 at 6:25 AM, Ali the Helering said:

    YGWV! My reading of the Nights of Horror indicates a possible clash of chaotic magics.

    "The Emperor grew desperate and summoned his powers of Chaos to aid him. The Orathorn magi summoned their own Secret Powers and this combat with the Lunar Chaos suddenly loosed alien worlds upon the battlefield. All mortals turned and fled, fighting wherever they had to against the inhuman foes which dropped from the burning scarlet and yellow skies."  (The Redline History) 

    Even the Emperor has to fight chaos creatures.....so, I wondered what indications we have of chaotic forces around on or near the steppes.

    Three possibilities immediately presented themselves. 

    Than Ulbar, with the skull of Atyar.

    Pocharngo's fragments after his battle with Boztakang.

    Tien's invasion army, defeated by Basko.


    Personally, I think the latter has the most interesting possibilities.  Therefore in my 'A Land Fit For Heroes And Their Horses' blog, relating to Pent (obviously!) I conceived of them as an extended family who have contact with Tien through a sorcerous approach, backed up by a considerable library of 'acquired' grimoires in the Tower.  As they die, so they are used as a source of zombies, supplemented by unfortunates from Pent and Prax. 


    I was reading somewhere about the chronomancers and how they can't change time only relive it, but they tried to change the Night of Horrors to save Hon-Eel.  They found themselves falling from the sky and taking part, but could change nothing.  In other words, their time travelling attempts may well have caused the Night of Horrors and it was them falling from the sky that day.

    Could the magicians of Orathorn have drawn them into a Heroquest?  Perhaps the magi of Orathorn are living time in reverse and no one had ever heard of them before because they're not from before, they're from after?


  10. 3 hours ago, K Peterson said:


    It doesn't exist because a good GM doesn't allow it.  GM's, therefore, have no right to complain about it.  They've only themselves to blame if they let it be a problem.   Therefore, the entire argument is invalid.  It's a myth.


    As for those who don't like tick marks, well, there's always a grinch ;)



  11. 2 hours ago, smiorgan said:

    BTW, a house rule I used was to allow to tick all skills, including knowledge skills. When you use knowledge it becomes clearer and more solid in your head. And (depending on the situations) you might also learn new facts.



    When someone in the party makes a World Lore, everyone in the party who failed the World Lore gets to mark it.  You learn something new everyday :)

    • Like 1
  12. 16 hours ago, soltakss said:

    RQ2 and RQ3 had experience by tick-box, which led to the Tock-Chase, where everyone tried loads of skills, just to get a tick, with a fairly random set of increases.

    I abandoned this years ago, replacing it with a number of Experience Points that the players can choose to spend on increasing any skill, even ones they didn;t use in that session. It works a lot better, as it stops the tick chase and allows players to focus on improving those skills they want to improve.

    I've GM'd since the early 80's.  Everyone loves tick boxes.  There's no such thing as Tock-Chase.  It's a myth propagated by GM's who don't know the simple word : NO.  Better yet, the simple phrases: You can mark it. and Don't mark it.

    • Like 4
  13. Borderlands is absolutely designed for beginning characters!  The adventures are all low level.  The Duke provides free combat training and ups the characters starting Folk Magic.  You start that campaign a wet behind the ears rookie and leave it a solid character that can now face the dangers of Griffin Mountain or The Rubble.

    Another great first adventure is The River of Cradles scenario Troubled Waters.  A nice lengthy campaign for beginners.

  14. 9 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    The Coming Storm has the Dragonrise as a background event (PCs will feel the earth shake and see a massive dragon fly towards Kero Fin) but allows players to witness and participate in some of the subsequent events.

    The stars consist of ten orange stars (the color of Orlanth, one for each member of the ritual) and one green and are called the Eleven Lights by the Orlanthi. This is also the name Argrath bestows upon a new Magical Union which takes an important role in the Battle of Dangerford.

    So you aren't actually taking part in the Heroquest and disrupting the Lunar ceremony alongside Kallyr?  You're on the sidelines?  I sincerely hope not.  The players got to take part in the Sky Ship and I'll be disappointed if Red Cow doesn't let them take part in the Dragonrise too.

  15. 6 hours ago, soltakss said:


    Get the PDFs as well, that way you can get a start before the books actually arrive.

    That's what I was trying to estimate, when the pdf's would become available.  So the pdf's might be for sale even sooner than 2-4 months?  That would be fantastic.


    @ Steve:  No one has come out and said it's about the Dragonrise, but what else can The Eleven Lights mean?  Read "The Dragonrise" pg 734 Guide to Glorantha.

  16. So 2-4 months.  Reason I'm so curious is because we just finished the Sky Ship quest in our campaign and the very next session we play is the Dragonrise.  So I'd like to postpone to wait for the official release, but my players are not too keen on waiting till next summer.  Now, if it were going to come out somewhere Jan to March, they might be willing to doodle around playing Stormbringer or something till it gets here, but seeing as we have at bare minimum a good 6 months of the campaign after the Dragonrise, well, taking a long break isn't ideal right now.

  17. On 10/25/2015, 12:25:31, Jeff said:

    The two Red Cow books are just flat out awesome and are in layout. We are redoing our layout templates and upping the awesome factor, but we are SUPER excited about this.

    Trollpak just needs me to start commissioning art.

    What's a typical time between when something is in layout and when it actually is for sale?   I mean, how far along in the process is that phase of production?

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