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Posts posted by scott-martin

  1. 4 minutes ago, jeffjerwin said:

    Pelorian Erlanda

    Everything after this is great but this early note is what brought my seat to full upright position. Could this be pronounced something like Orlanda, Orolanta or Eurlanta in the right corner of Saird, I wonder? A mother goddess of the sky or at the lowest Middle Air, a woman with her own portfolio that overlaps the god of Heortland. 

    Did they ever find a father for Yelorna? Might he have been the masculine earth to combine with feminine air (again, inverting the elemental hierogamy we see in the south), for example? 

    I wonder if you ever see esoteric representations of Orolanta in a fake beard. Obviously nobody wears pants in the low country or she'd have that going on too.

  2. First, I see that three of the "rainbow" softcover first state Roots of Glorantha books went on eBay today (easy search) so let the competists shudder and the lustful sigh.

    Here in the Castle Coast where we drill every day for the war with the blue man that never comes I rarely get even an hour away from the screen so a deep dive through the archaic materials has been elusive. I apologize to those who have been counting on me to assimilate and translate the waking dream history they reflect. It will happen in our lifetime, more or less. But today I got that hour and a few broad notes strike me:

    A. The Lifebringers may not have been the only missionary civilization bringing a god from Central Genertela. By circa 100 a religion identifiable as "Yelm" is making inroads among the Pendalites, complete with chariots and archery. Imagine a dawn age where sons of the Sun are racing to spread their gospel ahead of the storm pantheon: the dark is over, make way for the day. Obviously given the dating this is not under the auspices of what becomes the Bright Empire under the god Nysalor, although "Yelm" may in fact come to other lands after the Sunstop. 

    B. Seeing Damol in action gets me looking for "theyalan" storm people who evolved independently from the Heort / First Council and were only later attached to the god we call Orlanth. Wild brainless Damol is of course a son of "Aerlit" and so at least considered a brother to a historical Malkion who does not appear in these sources. If I were a gambler I'd bet a little money on aspects of Damol emerging in the "Malkion" legend that becomes useful at various times and places.

    C. The unassimilated Pendalite remnant devolves in diaspora into the miserable lion people we now know. The historical experience of some if not all other "hsunchen" nations may be similar. Meanwhile Pendal's curse forbidding his children to ride horseback can be rehabilitated as a way around contradictory information about which castes can ride: for converts with Pendalite blood, it's not a good idea. (Greg's hatred of the horse is once again on display here.)

    D. Triolini were also interbreeding with our nations in those days, creating hybrid peoples whose provenance is now lost to Time. This is likely where knowledge of the Sea enters land lore. The children of Waertag may or may not have succeeded in suppressing the results to pursue their putative monopoly. "Malkion," for example, is also a child of ocean on his mother's side.

    E. Arkat's War undoubtedly altered the mythic landscape of the West as much as it did in Central Genertela. New gods rise and old gods are suppressed. This means that, for example, these archaic materials may either reflect their redaction of history (and so are completely anti-canonical in the Hero Wars era, a fiction promulgated by the losers of history and preserved by eccentric dilettantes) or the history that prevailed before the Autarchy and its own collapse. Given the wealth of detail here I tentatively favor the latter case where it doesn't explicitly contradict objective sources. 

    F. Before the totemic nations, the Elves. There were also darkness people early on who may or may not have been what we would call trolls.

    G. The archaic West became relatively rich with dead mythologies within a short period of time as nations were exterminated and their gods lost, converting their material apparatus into anonymous metal. Third Eye Blue may recall how some of this is done. The presence of Third Eye Blue in some phases of the Apple Lane experiment is interesting.

    H. I'm sure I'm at best wrong everywhere but this stuff can only be made meaningful to those who need it. When the war with the blue man comes we need every weapon from history we can find.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Joerg said:

    now that Greg cannot finish the manuscript any more).

    This is a fantastic strategic point. "Unfinished" has different connotations now for the fiction in particular.

    1 hour ago, Joerg said:

    In the Antirius Hill of Gold myth, the enemies include the cruel god (who might be ZZ, or Shargash/Shadzor) and the Selfish God (who might be the Storm King). It stays silent about the cold woman. Assigning these epithets rather than distinct names might be the better praxis. Shargash and Jagrekriand both describe the dismemberer of Umath, but might be hard to identify by third party worshippers as the same entity that I prefer to call Tolat rather than Vorthan.

    It might be the medications talking but your insight into current lord of the red planet as an underworld entity who traverses the sky got me wondering whether the Shargash rune is more accurately an upside-down inversion of Truth and Alkoth is a city where the bijiif still rules, "Dara Happa After Dark." No idea where that ends up though.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Herd men are omnivores

    I wonder if their masters feed them on a ghastly slurry rumored to contain "herd meat" and even the flesh of fallen tribal hostages. "Two-Feather Bob never came back from that raid but we found finger bones in the herd droppings that season." It sounds a little easy but restores the evidence behind the Tapir Tribe's bad reputation. They still survive on endemic "cannibalism," just not personally . . . the herds are the ones with a taste for bipedal fare.

    For all I know a Glorantha where this applies would have hidden structural parallels between herd culture and spontaneous outbreaks of ogrism.

    EDIT also this program of "new riders for renewed herds" is astounding. Although I suspect the Moro would complain bitterly to have their "mounts" taken away . . . what is a Praxian without a steed? Practically an animal again.

  5. 43 minutes ago, JonathanQuaife said:

    FWIW - I am pretty sure I read somewhere that the Lunar attack on Sartar in 1602 benefited from a MoLAD contest - with key players being drawn away from Sartar to the Holy Country... this may have been in the Dragon Pass rulebook itself, or perhaps an account of the fall of Boldhome in WF?

    Yeah, this goes back to Dragon Pass: "A vacancy in the throne of the Pharoah to the south drew off many of Sartar's best swordsmen and seekers, and the Lunar Empire seized the opportunity to invade the kingdom and sack Boldhome."


  6. 9 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    Why do mammals appear to be on the Gods Wall then?

    If anyone has completed the full Da Vinci Code analysis of the Wall's profundities this would be a good time for them to step forward. For me the Wall contains all the lapses and innovations of Time and so from a certain perspective reflects the moment of Umath as well as more conventional golden age that came before. This is the snapshot that shows us the hidden cracks that would later become the world. It's literally the primal scene from the Copper Plates told in a different language.

    Now at that moment you have a lot of people and forms that aren't necessarily important yet, people who will go on to become templates for creatures like bears or goats or lions. Within the golden age, nobody knows that bulls will become their own tribe. They just know Urox is the shape he is. Some people on the Wall become patrons of tribes. Others have not done so or their people died out. (Side note: a surprising number of Wall entities survive and have reproduced in one vestige or another. This isn't really a map of the world before it broke, only the pieces that come down to us.)

    Within the true Golden Age there may be a whole ecology of marvels that have since degenerated or gone extinct, flying horses and griffins, snakes of fire, predators and prey born when Earth and Sky were married. Before that, a whole ecology of marvels from Earth and Water, but they have their own empire and so the sea is still full.

    Mythologically I suspect the difference between mammals and birds is that real flight is mostly barred to the fleshy children of Umath (or Aerlit) and may actually be the condition of our bastard birthright. We breathe. We aspire to the heights and make great running leaps. We innovate also. 

    This may be why a certain faction within the empire hates ducks as an embarrassment and a profound disappointment. They're almost birds but don't even have the dignity of being born in a proper egg. 

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  7. On 3/19/2019 at 7:03 AM, Joerg said:

    Does anybody know more about the recipe/preparation method for the ancient Persian holy drink of soma? Short research points to it being plant sap harvested from ephedra or sarcostemma, and potentially non-alcoholic yet inebriating.

    The tradition of Looking For Soma goes back to the philologen and remains fractious. I like the "cocktail" hypothesis (see also Gods Wall II.23) and the recent "mushroom honey" angle is also interesting. Mysteries of Minlinster, secrets of the hive. Where the bee gorakiki went.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Brootse said:

    diamonds (especially Falangian Diamonds)

    While the Falangian is an in joke for fans and might figure in long-term development revelations I wonder if it's simply the trade name of faceted stones or even decorative glass the dwarves sell us ignorant yokels.

  9. Mulling archaic Teshnos and when the "naga" people vanish from history finally lights the bulb: "wareran" should be spelled "wareyan," as in Indo-Wareyan migrations.

    Lodril is of course half Old Norse "Lodh" (pendulous globe) and half English "low drill," with echoes of various Wagnerian fire / forge / volcano gods around the edges.

  10. Just now, Joerg said:

    Less developed antecessor humans is something missing in Glorantha.

    I think it was Rilke who called the man rune a historical compromise between hsunchen and mostali. I would love more tribal origin myths or at least a rich sense of where "warerans" begin and everyone else (maybe including "theyalans") leave off . . . not in terms of idealized genetic "types" (yikes) but simply the stories people tell about where they came from and why their neighbors are different.

  11. I am not them but the short answer historically has been "go there and report back." Individual explorers and small teams have uncovered aspects of life on the lozenge that surprised even Greg. They'll have to do it again to bring the far corners up to what we now know about the center.

    For me there are sensitivity issues around doing a lot of publishing for Teshnos by the book as it now stands until that deep exploration happens. Lazy subcontinents and spice-laden air just don't cut it. 

    If I were going there today I'd start with what's left behind after points west break off their Greco-Bactrian thing. The archaic materials touch on a people called the "nagas," which have obvious parallels to the history of India north and south. Go as far into the dravidian zone as you can. Start there. If you find that the border between them and the gigantic archipelago is porous, that's okay. Maybe they were talking to each other throughout Time and we just don't know yet how that conversation played out.

    I do like elephants and wavy knives though. What if Geertz's Bali had an entire subcontinent to spread across, rangdas and barongs all the way down.

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  12. 24 minutes ago, Joerg said:

    Still, I would rather compare the Mirrorsea Bay to the Baltic in terms of freshwater/salt water exchange, or possibly the Black Sea. It combines two major and productive catchment area aestuaries in a rather small area, almost like the lagoon of Venice. The Choralinthor water should be borderline potable.

    Side question (aren't they all): does your Mirrorsea have amber or a similar unique trade commodity?

  13. 3 hours ago, Joerg said:

    magical crystals

    I don't really know where the line is between crystals (active or dead) and gem-quality rocks. One magician's focus may be another one's bling without attunement, cult preferences, etc. Some minerals are still palpably sacred to everyone who knows how to move POW points around. Others are just diamonds. And some in the middle are important to other people but we don't know why . . . "Falangian" diamonds as it were.

    We see this line blur in the old Pavis with the "diamond" that is also a power crystal whereas rock quartzes (known in real world fringe spirituality) don't carry a magical charge. There aren't a lot of diamonds or even gems in Pavis beyond the Raus hoard, which is ambiguously specified as "uncut." Is this a reminder to players that most Gloranthan gems aren't faceted or an in-setting acknowledgement that some diamonds are cut and others are not?

    Pavis is a strange city in a lot of ways. I would have expected MORE references to a crystal-working tradition there but the jewelers seem to be primarily goldsmiths and do their business off camera. Probably Mysteries of Flintnail.

    I really like the decadent dwarf "gem cutters." Given the symbolic role of diamond in their society this may have what we consider sexual undertones with cutters brought in to adjust the elite and paid extremely well to be discreet. And since the Diamond Mountain people reject iron, what are they really like?

  14. 42 minutes ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    "Triple Dark Goddess"

    Definitely. If you have Dark Earth, you're on the non Fertile side and don't necessarily pass on your crown from mother to daughter but from auntie to niece . . . Asrelia and TKT are sisters, one lucky and one not, Ernalda and Maran are sisters of binary aspect, Babeester and Voria are sisters.

    Running through this thread is the notion that Aldryami and Mostali are also Earth Tribe peoples only estranged from human history. 


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