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Code Ronin

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  • Dread Mad Lord of Bunnies


  • RPG Biography
    RPGs for almost 30 years. Newcomer to Runequest
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    United States
  • Blurb
    Just another grognard lost in the dungeon

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  1. Hrm, I'm more interested in RQG, but I'm watching with interest
  2. Necro'ng this thread here. I finally got my RQ game going (life, right?) and, yes, one of my players wants to play a duck sorcerer.
  3. Every week the Epic Games store has a different game (sometimes two) for free. This week's offering is Conarium, a game that definitely puts me in mind of Call of Cthulu, above and beyond the description calling it a "chilling Lovecraftian game." 😋 Thought you might be interested.
  4. As a newcomer to RQ, I appreciate this thread. I posted in another thread my concerns about RQ, and the answers there were very helpful. My daughter is ten and getting into playing RPGs, and my biggest concerns were related to her, how easy it was going to be to teach her to play* and how 'safe' it was to just let her pull the book off the shelf and start reading.** *A challenge, but not one that we can't overcome. She's played 5e and Pathfinder, with a little help. **Which she does. My gaming books are right next to my desk, and one morning I noticed her sitting on the floor reading. I asked her to read aloud to me, and it turned out she was reading the 5e Monster Manual.
  5. Are there plans for community content, something similar to the Miskatonic Repository for Call of Catthulhu?
  6. I have glanced through my Bestiary PDF, and yes, I did see the ducks. And I know the flaming lunatic that will want to play one.
  7. Side note on my order: I was hanging out with my usual gaming group, eavesdropping on their current campaign, and mentioned that I was ordering the latest version of RuneQuest. The oldest and most jaded of us looked at me and asked, "Are you running a game?" to which I answered, "Let me read it. What I've read sounds interesting, though." His response: "Let me know."
  8. Dammit, I should have ordered an extra rulebook while I was at it...
  9. Yeah, page 22 is fine. We watch a lot of documentaries about ancient civilizations, and she's seen worse. My larger concern rather than content/artwork was whether she'd be able to make a character on her own. At the venerable age of ten years old, she has already decided she Knows It All and can do anything. Seriously. When she wanted to make a Starfinder character, I just handed her the rulebook and fired up Hero Lab. At this point, I've read my way through the first hundred pages or so, and I think she's going to need some help with this, at least the first few times.
  10. I am not laminating my iPad. For one, it's not 'my' iPad, I was originally given it so I could test our software on it. And then the touchscreen doesn't work right, and the speakers are muffled...
  11. I consider myself old school, new tools. I like both print books and PDFs. Print books are easier to pass around the room, but my iPad is a handy gadget. With it, I don't have to worry about leaving a crucial book at home. (One of my major frustrations with the current edition of D&D is the unavailability of ebooks.) Plus with the iPad, it's easier to hide what I'm reading from my players. Solid copy on the free ebooks from Chaosium. Still need to copy them onto my iPad, though. And is it weird that I already want to laminate the maps?
  12. Didn't make it to the game store. Ordered it straight from Chaosium. And so the waiting begins...
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