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Jon Hunter

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Posts posted by Jon Hunter

  1. I'm always keen to receive feedback(mainly) to make my next attempts better.

    I would be interesting in feedback on Rubble Runners Vol - 1 A Collection of Pavic personalities


    Positive Stuff:

    • Which were you favourite characters and why?
    • What worked?
    • Did the characters that pushed the envelope  a little work?

    Negative Stuff

    • What didn't work?
    • Were any characters dull or uninteresting?
    • Did anything fail to make sense?

    Answer any of these or completely different questions you think are helpful? 

    The only thing I ask is that because fan publishing is a labour of love, as well as being truthful, and honest, be kind in your manner to.

    • Thanks 2
  2. 6 hours ago, prinz.slasar said:

    I'm reading it right now. It's excellent and one of the best [useful] products in the JC.
    Just one thing: There are many typing errors and sentences which aren't going anywhere. Seems very rushed.

    But the quality of the supplement [content] is topnotch and a wonderful resource for GM's.

    Prinz drop me a couple of examples.

    You have just described my english skills perfectly, but most of the document was thoroughly proofed by a  third party apart from back pages and the settings area. Which i've reread and cant find anything glaring.

  3. 3 minutes ago, MOB said:

    Fearing some sort of chaos affliction, the high priest Gaumata sought guidance from Yelmalio. The answer from the heavens was blunt: "Death fosters Life, Life ends in Death. Each is half of the same power". From Rohir Oaklimb, Gaumata learned that by joining the elven heroquest to retrieve the great seed, Haloric and his Templars had unwittingly become part of the Aldryami cycle of Life and Death. By the end of winter (1623), most of the Sunspear Guards (including Haloric Glowbrow) withered and died – at the end, their bodies were like dry old twigs. But those that were married all left wives who were expecting, and the few who did survive gradually recovered when the seasons turned. Indeed, at harvest time the next year they were back in tremendous blooming health, only to have the cycle repeat each winter.

    Ok thats useful for me I ways I never expected.

    So an garden elf in suntown is not going to popular by 1625?

    • Like 1
  4. @Jeff   do we have a take on which notables didn't make it through the liberation, either in one piece or in there former position?

    I have put a line through

    • all lunars, 
    • Hallarax the Singer, 
    • Haloric Glowbrow, 
    • Jorjar the Quick, 
    • Malavar Patroma, 
    • Faltikus the Good, 
    • Benderri ( natural causes ), 

    Another notable demises your willing to divulge?

    Tala Errio - I've got down as a mysterious disappearance.

  5. 3 hours ago, Joerg said:

    It is starting to feel like the HQ1 concept for Eastern Gloranthan roleplaying that each player would create two characters - one meditating mystic doing little but refute temptations over the course of the campaign, and another character (e.g. a martial artist or other more mundane member of Eastern society) that would go on regular adventures. At some point the mystics would gain powers of refutation that would actually influence reality around them, at which point they would join the action and continue to draw (or risk) their growth from interaction with opposing mystics (of the Adpara or Antigod races or worshipers).

    A full sorcerer is starting to feel like a secondary character. Possibly just as in Ars Magica, only with the difference that the major roleplaying focus is on the non-sorcerer heroes, with the sorcerer coming in in a Merlin/Gandalf/Macros the Black/Zzabur function of arcane fire support and even more arcane quest-giving.

    Really much like Urvantan in the middle scenario Urvantan's Tower in TSR (p.150).

    There is a a complexity to the rules i dont think i want to face. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Tindalos said:

    RQ:G page 269.

    "A cult consists of worshipers and a hierarchy. The hierarchy officiates at sacrifices and acts as the intermediaries between the worshipers and the deity. The hierarchy gains magical power (and a good living), the god gets power from the sacrifices, and the worshipers get whatever the hierarchy feels obliged to give them."

    "A deity responds to requests from its Rune Priests, Rune Lords, God-Talkers, shamans, and initiates that officiate at sacrifices."

    "A god usually ignores requests made by its ordinary worshipers because: (1) they do not officiate at sacrifices"

    Officiate means to lead. Initiates are not labelled as worshippers there, but as within the inner members of the hierarchy. Initiates act as intermediaries between lay members and the gods. Middle management, if you will.

    that bit refers to whole structure/hierarchy of the cult and references everything from initiates though priests and to rune lords.  To extrapolate what it means specifically for initiates possibly isn't the best bit of RQG to use. 

    It suggest the sections in 274 -275 specifically about Initiates give a clearer picture.


  7. 2 hours ago, Tindalos said:

    Except the fact they officiate kind of means they are leaders. That's where the term comes from. They're the ones who manage the sacrifices.

    To try and describe how I'm seeing things.

    1. People who don't take part in worship ceremonies.
    2. People who take part in worship ceremonies.
    3. People who take part in worship ceremonies and are worshippers of that god outside of those ceremonies.
    4. People who devote themselves to the cult, lead sacrifices, and know the secrets of their god.
    5. People who manage shrines, teach magic to others, and enchant ritual objects.
    6. People who embody the god in all they do, and aren't expected to support themselves in ways other than being that bridge between the divine and mortal.

    I think we're all understood on 1, 2, 5 and 6 (outsiders, lay members, and god talkers and rune priests/lords)

    It becomes a problem with 3 and 4. The rules would have 3 as a Lay Member, and 4 as an Initiate, but how people seem to expect it is 3 is an initiate and 4 is a God Talker?


    I don't know where you have got the idea from that initiates lead sacrifices and ceremonies, I've reread the rules and its just not there. It read it likes its Possible but it would not be usual.

    Initiates can sacrifice power and are expected to sacrifice magic points, but its usually someone higher up leading the worship.

    Id don't think your structure reflects how runequest lays it out.

  8. 1 hour ago, Tindalos said:

    The language used is that Initiates aren't just regular worshippers but the people who help manage the rituals, it's not just the role of a god-talker to manage sacrifices but all initiates. (RQG 269) it's why the god listens to initiates for the purposes of divination and divine intervention. Initiates perform the sacrifices themselves.

    If there's intended to be a middle position between lay worshippers and the people who do the rituals, it seems glossed over.

    Within Glorantha an initiate is a committed worshipper, the role that you expect them fulfill is the role of priest, devotees, god talkers, shamans and  to a certain extend rune lords.


    • A lay member is a casual or pantheistic worshipper.
    • An initiate is a committed worshipper but not usually  leader.
    • The religious leaders are Runelords, priests, shamans, etc.

    However you start to get limited access to the cool magic at initiate level.


  9. 10 minutes ago, Tindalos said:

    I'd still say magic is important and widespread, but that no everyone would have rune magic.

    And the character creation rules for RQ:G are expressly designed to produce proto-Heroes, rather than ordinary members of society (although nothing stops them from being both) as noted on page 23.

    Initiates have always been almost universal in Gloranthan society, the modification of runemagic in RQG has made the casting of rune magic by initiates more common and accessible. This both affects PC's and NPC's.

    How that affects everyone I think we yet to work out. IMHO  Most NPC's initiates would have a rune point total of between 1and 5, some will be alreday spent, and other points will be budgeted in for specific tasks before the year end, and sacred time renewal. Also most people would select day to day useful spells and no combat orientated options.

    However with the new rules I would expect more NPC's initiates throwing rune magic around in life or death situations than we had before, I think that makes the game more engaging and interesting.

    Its not just the PC's magic that got pumped in RQG.

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Corvantir said:

    I know the difference between the adulthood initiation rites and the cult Initiations. As far as I know, everyone is initiated into adulthood and is at least Lay Member of a cult in Glorantha.

    To my mind that is a false distinction they are one and the same. I challenge you a good range of adults to show stated in official publications whoa re not initiates, intiiatehood is near universal in adult Orlanthi society.

    9 hours ago, Corvantir said:

    At first, I thought that the ratio of Initiates could be someting like 10 %. But that does not fit with "Most" as far as Sartar and Animal Nomads are concerned. Around 60 to 70% could be a good fit for "most". A 10% ratio sounds good for regions like Dara Happa where most of the people are communal worshippers. A ratio of more or less 25 % sounds good everywhere else. All this sounds good to me of course.


    The differences in other religion is possible and may fit, but its never been explicitly stated by anyone anywhere, YGMV but to claim that what glorantha is like doesn't reflect the wider held position.

    IMHO the widespread nature of magic in Glorantha is a key component in what makes the world so unique & special.  To demystify the world and reduce magic to begin something that isn't common is not in keeping with the spirit of the world. Also to make the players a powerful subset of the population again seems to break the world view I have.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    ...and sorry for any toes I step on, but the last 2 years of RQ G cements that thought into a bit more permanency.

    just an opinion

    id agree, but i think we have gained a lot more than we have lost.

    There were a few placers in Character Creation that i liked the elegance of RQ3, but it dropped a few clangers s well.

  12. 5 hours ago, Crel said:

    *whistles innocently* RQ3's method may be worth looking at, if you're interested in smaller modifiers...

    I think it was the best yet, more nuanced, not sure why Jeff went the way he did.

    With 25 years hindsight 3rd ed was better than we originally thought in many aspects

    • Like 2
  13. A similar question to the passions question ealrier;

    Are the geases for Humatki, Yelmalio,  are they Intended as

    1. definitive lists of what  does exist within the cults in game world
    2. examples of things that could exists within the cults, and is presented a limited list for sake of brevity and game play

    My view they are examples of what could be, do others agree?

    Also do gifts and geases exist for other cults but are less common? 
    Is there a connection between the truth rune and gifts and geases?

  14. 23 minutes ago, 7Tigers said:

    Remembering that a lot of people are very reluctant to pay "too much" for a non official pdf. Or even for an official one...

    Depends on the quality....  i think everything i've seen so far in terms of quality to price seems well priced.

    Martins books at the top end is a labor of love that (i will purchasing after Christmas) , that deserves the high price.

    Most of the scenario packs for $5.00 seem like cracking value.

    • Thanks 1
  15. I think the movement rate being flat for each race is one of the weaknesses of RQG, but there is a limited to how detailed you want you a simulationist system to be.

    I'd toyed with modifying movement rate by dex 13-16 , +1, 17- 21 +2, etc ....

    But CoC Things works too. 


  16. 8 hours ago, Bill the barbarian said:

    No Pavis Royal Guard? Or the Real PRG the zebra riders, was it? And what of the Trollkin night watch? The folk of Mani’s fort or the real city?

    You've just mentioned 4 independent groups that could be in any state of disrepair, or could become self appointed authority in a power vacuum.

    Argarath may have his stuff together, but he may be overseeing a disaster like Libya posy Gidaffi or everything in between.

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