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Jon Hunter

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Jon Hunter last won the day on November 28 2017

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  • RPG Biography
    Old RQ from back in the day
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    RQ, and whatever the guys are up to
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    You don't want that ....

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  1. First yes , I cut this down to mainly Balazar material to keep the book size down, a chunk of troll material is being compiled into the trolls of the elder wilds which wll be smaller. Read the example clans descriptions, some have permanent settlement,s some are completeley nomadic it depends on the clans cirumstances, history and ethos. The sacred sites are permanent settlements shared between clans as well. For me the nomadic, distribted and shamanic nature of the culture leads to many variations along broad themes
  2. If players create one trick ponies like this, rather than trying and undermine the character give him lost of problemsm to deal with that arent spirit combat. scoial, physica and skill absed probelsm. Whn he spells and skills arent there to deal with these issues the penny may drop.
  3. Well thankyou the kind words mean alot, particualry about respect and the heart. Many thanks also go to Frank whoes proof reading and editing were more than invaluable. Dario for much fo the inner and character artwork and Neil for an awesome job of the layout.
  4. Again thankyou for the kind words. much appreciated. Let me know which bits really work for you.
  5. The reason is simple im dyslexic and the wonderful Frank didnt pick it up... sorry. No more reason than that. Thanks for the kind words, im glad you enjoyed it.
  6. What are currently the best published sources on troll shamans? Does the troll incarnation of DakaFal have a different name?
  7. OK first off bringing any giant size creates into any combat system designed for human to human size combat is going to be diffiult and require compromise. Remmeber susyems are easy abstractions to contain a story. I agree that the RQ3 system created pretty unkillable beast, the RQ 2 system makes them feel a little tissue page thin a times, and they could easily fall victim to a lucky peseant with a pitch fork. ( Hyoerbol used ). We aren't limited to those two solutions and there could be more. That again will be compomises but may scale better, within the effetcive range; One possibility that jumps to mind is to make the bonsu on HP bonus for size( and/or power) a gradient rather than linear, a couple of options below; Linear Progression Hybrid 13 - 16 +1 +1 +1 17 - 20 +2 +3 +3 21 - 24 +3 +6 + 5 25 -28 +4 +10 + 7 29 -32 +5 +15 + 10 32 -36 + 6 +21 +13 37 -40 + 7 + 28 + 17 There is obvious a place where this scales and becomes silly, but i think thats well oustide what we create rules for. I would note that HP location boundaries are set to increase every 3 extra hps, that probably does not translate to large monsters and ypu need to look at increasign ti every 4 or 5hp. The other less nuanced suggestion si to just give massive monsters an extra hp special ability where you add 5, 10 or 15hp as a special ability.
  8. I think 210 pages is enough for now, especially as we are hoping for POD. Some of these bits fill in gaps, and some will be brought into potential future supplements
  9. I'm going to be dropping some bits and bobs that didn't make it into the final version on here. https://www.backtobalazar.com/npcs-domio-katalin-redrock-orlanthi/
  10. I think its those Pesky retailer leaking stuff. I think after the flack they got for the Lunar Book Chaosium are within the right to remain stum, until much much closer
  11. Back to Balazar - A Griffin Mountain Companion for 1625 Is now Live on Jonstown Compendium at an introductory price of $20.00 going up to $25.00 later https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/484904/back-to-balazar?affiliate_id=1427871 Feel free to turn this into a discussion thread as well happy to answer questions on why certain choices were made and not.
  12. I have no offical guidance, but i would say the sanctify spell is specific to the cult that gives the spell. That seems logical to me.
  13. Sometimes just apply common sense nad make a decent call in the moment. My expoerience on these forums tells me someone will always disagree with how you apply common sense and someone else will think your a genius.
  14. https://www.backtobalazar.com/myths-tales-of-balazar/ A little more content, teasing what is to come.
  15. Its with Neil G for layout, the text and art finished.
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