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Everything posted by enn.in.me

  1. Hi Joe. I was part of the SoC crew that ran Gatsby online and have helped Cory run it in person a couple times. We are starting to think about running it online again in November I think. One piece is how you shuffle people from call to call. We used Skype only because Skype is what we use. I suspect it could be done with breakout rooms in Zoom maybe more easily. At least everybody would be on the same call. This requires the ED keeper to have authority to move people around or a way of messaging people to drop out of one call and join another. It would require a lot of adding friends for Skype, so some other software might be better. Discord might be fairly seamless. Each game would have a channel as would the ED, and the ED would message players to drop out of a channel and join the ED channel. For Zoom and some other software, you could pass out character portraits and ask players to use them as an avatar or background, but it would get messy as people have to swap them around. We were audio only. We typically have a google doc for player notes. This is also a place where the maps can be dropped. I have found that the maps are useful, so if you can find a way to make them available to the players, that would probably be good. It is also useful for the Keepers to be able to message each other during the game to help with timing. This is one area where online might be an advantage as the players won't see it happening. Like the others, I'd appreciate hearing how it goes, assuming it does. Good luck and enjoy--it should be a great time. Edwin
  2. Mike, Like the others, I am wondering about the mechanics of the submittal process. PDF or paste in a message? Will they be secret or public? Does the 300 word limit exclude headings, etc.? Also, I have a pitch that includes a diverse cast with conflicting hooks. I don't seem to have the skill to describe the background, the expected adventure arc, and the investigators' motivations in 300 words. I'm at 300 without the PCs, 450 with them. Any advice? Thanks! Edwin
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