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Ron McClung

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Everything posted by Ron McClung

  1. MACE 2019 Friday: 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM Call of Cthulhu 7e: The Shadow Over Providence Saturday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Call of Cthulhu 7e: Dead Light: Surviving One Night Outside of Arkham You don't have to run the same adventure but I would prefer you stick with Call of Cthulhu. Email me at gaming@justusproductions.com
  2. Where can i download the episodes? I don't have E6.
  3. Hope you don't mind I borrowed this and reposted it to my web site as a PDF
  4. http://seawolfsden.net/cults-of-chaos-a-time-of-harvest-episode-1/ I posted a general summary of what happened when I ran it. It was a quite fun. Ended it a little earlier than planned and they totally skipped the dream adventure.
  5. This will be a great help. Thanks Anyone have one for Episode 2?
  6. I am going to be running it at MACE in Charlotte, NC (November 11-13) as well as Episode 2. I am just the opposite - NEVER have run an organized play game in my life and never wanted to until Cults of Chaos came out. I have been very relieved to see that it is way more sandboxy then standard OP games. Yes, the organization needs a little work but in general, I don't feel constricted. My feeling is that the purpose of CoC is more about getting people to play the new edition and less about the OP side of it. I don't feel constrained to guarantee the same experience between two tables. So I feel a little more free to improvise. I think the key to this is understanding the core gimmick behind the plot and making sure any improvisation is in the spirit of that gimmick. If you stay true to that, you are good to go. I don't feel that all the key points (photo, the child's poem and picture in the school house) are required to come out. If the players pursue it, sure, but if they don't, it's there loss. As long as they get the general idea that something is going on in Cobb's Corner, you are good.
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