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Posts posted by icebrand

  1. If I have a skill of 75% with a 4% crit chance, and I take a -10% penalty, what is my crit chance? If I have 33% skill with a 2% crit chance, and I double it to 66%, then do I have 4% crit chance?

    75-10 = 65. 6.5/2 = 3.75 => 4%. We don't use 5% crits, so its not an issue. For us 71-79% is 7 and 61-69% is 6. Extra easy.

    And for B, no, of course not, 66 = 6.6/2 = 3.3 => 3%.

    To calculate CRITS "the BRP WAY":

    1- Divide your skill by 2 (add 1 if you got an even number, is "easier" -i would even say way easier- for math challenged people and wields the same result)

    2- Discard your units if they are 0-4. Discard the units and add 1 to the result if they are 5-9

    3- THERE YOU HAVE!!! Your crit rate!!! Now go amaze your players!!!



    66 = 66/2 = 33. Discard units. 3 crit!!!

    123 = 124/2 = 62. Discard units. CRIT IS 6!

    421 = 422/2 = 211, Discard units. CRIT IS 21!

    77 = 78/2 = 37. Units are over 5! Add 1!!! CRIT IS 4!

    32 = 16 = 2%

    Easy as pie huh? For specials do the same; just multiply by 2!

  2. Narl, why not modifiy their character sheets to include that info already? Unless you're using it to subtly get them using maths it makes more sense to go for that sort of shortcut rather than the chart.

    Erm, its faster to calculate it than find it on a table, even if the table is on the char sheet?

  3. Okay, thanks for clarifying that it is for a house rule. Sorry to be nitpicking, but I've spent too much time thinking about this sort of thing -- I play BRP with my kids (ages 6-11) and I'm always looking for easy methods and shortcuts. They like using a chart and it is the best method I have found for them that preserves specials and criticals.

    I'm in the process of making them a character sheet that has the chart right on it next to their skills. I'm going with the always round up method since it makes for a shorter chart. :)

    Use my shorcut then!!! the ONLY difference is that x0-x3 will get a +1, and x8-x9 will get a -1 to special chance. Its the exact same otherwise.

    You CAN bother adjusting, but i see no gain at all for the extra complication.

  4. Not as simple as you put it. In MRQII criticals are 10% and you ALWAYS round up, whereas in AHRQIII, you round up if it's 0.5 or higher, or down if it's lower.

    For example, let's say you have a 37% skill, OK? In MRQII, your critical is 4 (3.7, you round up), easy. So, in AHRQIII, you'd get 2 for a critical, and 8 for a special, wouldn't you? NO. The critical is 2 ( 1.85, you round up), true, but the special is 7 (7.4, you round down). It's more intuitive in MRQII.

    Are these calculations for a house rule? They don't work with BRP rules as written (normal rounding). Nor do they match with the chart in the book (round up).

    For example, 123 skill would give a Special on a 24 or less by your calculation method, while in truth is is a 25 or less for a special (.2 x 123 = 24.6 which rounds up to 25).

    The crit calc is for a house rule, and the special calc is modified for our crit. If you want a AH (or BRP? im confused now!) you must use 3-8 instead of 5 to round the special; at least, 8 gives you 20% of whatever skill chance you have rounded up, as opposed to 5, which gives you the 20% of the rounded up skill.

    Expample (maybe i wasnt clear enough). The only difference are numbers between 8 and 3; to apply my method to BRP as is, adjust the skill accordingly or just add +1 if beween 3-7 or +2 if 8-+. 0-3 is +0.

    Thus, 77% would be 14+1 = 15 (15.4), while 78 would be 14+2 = 16 (15.6). You get 16 till 82 (80-82 is just 8*2) and 83-87 adds +1 so you have 17. At 88 it gets +2 again.

    Overall, my calculation is WAY easier, and grants the same special spread, only with a small difference (basically, 20% of results "move" either +1/-1, but the spread is the same, and its WAY easier).

  5. Not as simple as you put it. In MRQII criticals are 10% and you ALWAYS round up, whereas in AHRQIII, you round up if it's 0.5 or higher, or down if it's lower.

    For example, let's say you have a 37% skill, OK? In MRQII, your critical is 4 (3.7, you round up), easy. So, in AHRQIII, you'd get 2 for a critical, and 8 for a special, wouldn't you? NO. The critical is 2 ( 1.85, you round up), true, but the special is 7 (7.4, you round down). It's more intuitive in MRQII.

    For a special, just use the tens x2 and discard the units if 1-4, add +1 if 5-9 (ie: 147: 14*2+1; 143: 14*2)

    For a critical, do it the other way round ;)

    So, you're happy calculating the special success chances for 33%, 77% and 123%? No cheating. Let me know how many seconds it took you to calculate them.

    About half a second each (maybe 2 seconds the 3 of them?)

    33 = 3*2 = 6

    77 = 7*2 = 14 +1 (cause the unit is 5+)

    123 = 24 = 12*2

    EASY AS PIE!!! ;)

    I'm curious though that if I dump special success from my BRP games and adopt MRQII's levels of success instead, with 10% crits and all, if it will mess up balance at all in BRP.

    We use "easy specials" (like above) and "easy 10% crits". Everything works fine (but again, all chars are well over 100% fighting skill, and theres not much chance to hit people.

    Also, outside melee combat there's no specials.

  6. The biggest problem with recreating the advantages of a 2h sword over sword & shield comes down to its historical use. In reality the greatsword wasn't often used against sword and shield in a historical context.

    I cannot aggree more. The problem is, there's an "ancient weapons" table, where there should be... at the very least 3. You have renaissance weapons side by side with stuff thats out of use for 700+ years. So, war hammer you say? Ok, that one is for use against plate armour, and it only became popular when plates were common, and shields fell out of fashion.

    If we are playing that, you may have a longsword (bastard sword in the rules?) but no chance at a rapier, YET... Or maybe the rapier in the rules is not a rapier?

    They suffer the same problem as "light revolver". What the heck is a broadsword? A real broadsword is like... XVII-XVIII century!!! Then again, it may be a spatha, a viking sword, a knight sword... Maybe the bastard is the knight sword and the greatsword is the longsword? Or is the bastard the longsword (and every sword from the celts 500bc to 1200 ad is 1D8+1) and the greatsword is a zweilhander or claymore?

    The problem with "generic" weapons like that is that armors are NOT suppossed to be generic. Or maybe they are?

  7. so...where's the stuff about Gauss rifles ? ;)

    Pistol, Gaus (single stage)

    Skill: Revolver (or energy pistol on sci fi-est settings), 1H weapon

    Base: 20 (99-00 malfunction)

    Damage: 1D6, impaling, silent (projectile is sub-sonic), 1 attack (1/SR)

    Ammo: 3, 6 with extended cartridge

    Range: 30 (extremely accurate for a handgun)

    HP: 12 (can't parry)

    STR/DEX: 7/5

    ENC: 1.0

    Value: Expensive to Friggin Expensive (depends on setting)

    Rifle, Gaus (multi stage)

    Skill: Rifle (or energy rifle), 2H weapon

    Base: 10 (+10 with bipod; 99-00 malfunction)

    Damage: 2D12+4, impaling, 1 attack (1/SR)

    Ammo: 2

    Range: 150 (300 with a telescopic sight)

    HP: 12 (can't parry)

    STR/DEX: 12/5

    ENC: 5.0

    Value: Friggin Expensive to unavailable(depends on setting)

  8. Which IQ scale are you using? And what is the standard deviation? The values look off to me. So do your probabilities.

    I took the IQ data from here:


    Its probably not 100% accurate, but seems accurate enough for an RPG! (uses a normal curve with 5 sd, based on 2 test results) Also i didn't find much raw data, but if you have a spread of your own, id be glad to use it instead!

  9. Preety much spot on huh?


    The 3 first columns are real world data, 2D6+6 is your INT value, roll chance is the actual % you have of getting that number. Now you can let your players re-roll 2 and 3's without any guilt whatsoever, and also, you know how SMART a character is (yeah, yeah, i know IQ is just a part of int, but i think this is a damn good approximation for a game, huh?)

    Now, stat for female humans!!! Some of us have noted that females tend to (are actually) smaller and weaker than a male in many species (and noted as such on rules!). Maybe game designers chose to avoid differences due to sensitive issues... Anyway:

    STR: 3D4.

    Females have, at equal mass, about 60% strength on the lower limbs, and 40% strength at the torso. Source is wikipedia so not sure data is actually correct.

    I like rolling 3D4 since i freaking loathe D3's, and i like the results way more.

    SIZ: 2D6+3 for chicks is ideal. Average male (1.75) is 13 siz, and average female (1.60) is 10 siz.

    This makes females smaller and weaker to a male.

    For female player characters:

    First and foremost, we roll 2D6+6 for everything. Girls get to choose 2D4+4 and allocate +3 to another stat of choice or roll 2D6+6.

    SIZ we select based on whatever you feel your character height should be. Then roll for it, and if higher, you can exchange it for another roll (remember we roll 2D6+6 for all). If lower just discard it.

    Well, that's it, hope you like it!

  10. So far im using:

    • MRQ2 rules for %'s over 100% (highest skill rolls 100, the opponent rolls with whatever is left as penalty)

    • BRP "special hit vs normal parry becomes normal hit" and so on

    • Fire & Sword / MRQ2 combat maneuver mix

    Need to playtest still, but looks decent on paper! I'll post them when i finish with it (i need to finisish copying / ripping off riding rules and then i'm done with my RQ2 monster)

  11. There are many improvements and fixes that have been made to the RuneQuest system since 1980. I loved Chaosium RQ2, but I could never go back to it because of all the fixes that I would have to pick through and apply to solve all the problems that I could simply avoid by starting with a more modern incarnation of the rule system.

    Thing is, i find most of the "fixes" detrimental to gameplay. We really don't care about fatigue, unintentional knockback, sorcery, and all that crap that came later. BRP is another story and i DO like it a lot!

  12. That's probably GM fiat time rather than a rule. Alternately I can't remember if RQ2 had incidental knockback rules. If not, then it's standard in RQ to say that for every 5 damage over a person's SIZ they get knocked back 1m. E.g. SIZ 14, damage 21 equals 2m of knockback. Parrying a giant may result in taking more damage from the knockback than the attack.

    Nopes, no incidental KB on RQ2.

    Weapon sizes are cool, but they kind of shaft (even more) characters that don't use 2H weapons...

    Maybe use SIZ ranges? like 10 > 30 > whatever ?

  13. Given that you want to stay as close to RQ2 as possible and don't want to track weapon breakage the quickest fix I can see is expanding the results of specials and criticals vs a parry.

    Special attack success vs normal parry is the same as normal success vs failed parry

    critical attack vs special parry: same as normal success vs failed parry

    critical attack vs normal parry: same as special success vs failed parry.

    That way you'll get something happening much more quickly.

    I like it a lot!!! Maybe on a crit vs normal the attacker may choose between ignoring armor (crit result) and normal damage OR special damage?

    Also, shields still block with AP, so shields give a more reliable defense, but weapons can deflect potentially more damage!!!

    The only problem i still see (and its the same on basic RQ2 rules) is that you can effectively parry a giant!

  14. On RQ2, parrying weapon only gets damaged if attacked by a sword or similar. I just dropped damage to parrying weapons (so i dont have to track weapon HP most of the time), basically making swords work like every other weapon; but let's stick to RAW for the example.

    Two mace-wielding uz face each other.

    Pikathulhu the Death Lord has 130% mace attack and 110% mace parry, with 10% defense.

    Nyartholepy the Karrg's Son has 110% mace attack and 130% mace parry, with 15% defense.

    So, Pikathulhu has an effective chance to hit of 115%, bringing Nyartholepy's parry down to 115%.

    Nyartholepy has an effective chance to hit of 100%, leaving Pikathulhu's parry unmodified at 110%.

    Both know a lot of dismiss magic, so either we won't count spells.

    Basically (you may add as much magic as you want) this is scenario is the result of (defender parry + def) - (attacker's attack -100) = > 100.

    The Uz will bash at each other, round after round, untill someone 96-00's their parry or 00's their attack. Even then, it may result in minor damage after armor, and/or beeing quickly healed by them or their allied spirit with magic.

    This makes combat preety dull, and it's not a "weird case", it seems it comes up quite a lot with skills over 100%. Workarounds are using magic, spirits, 2-on-1 combat, etc, but it does not fix the base problem.

    Using the BRP rules may prove interesting, since a parried crit becomes a slash/impale/crush, a special parry brings the crit to a normal hit, etc. It misses on those "max dmg ignoring armor that kills your character" results, but i don't think that's actually a bad thing. Also, a natural critical parried to a special may opt to ignore armor instead of slashing/impaling/crushing.

    The only problem i see is that i lose the "% over 100 lowers opponent parry" of RQ2, and i really like that.

    maybe i should

    a) keep it as is, and calculate special / critical success based on unmodified % (140% attack vs 120% parry is 100% with 28 special, 7 crit vs 80% with 24 special, 6 crit)

    B) go the MRQ2 way and just leave the highest skill at 100% and diminishing the other by the margin, using normal special / crit chance.

    What do you guys think?

  15. I've some issues with parrying; i'm actually using RQ2 (the classic one, not MRQ) without weapon damage rules (unless it's on purpose), but i think it's about the same in BRP sans weapon AP.

    When i have an opponent whose parry + def is more than the attacker's attack, and both are over 100%, combats seems to last forever, since the defender will parry 95% of the time.

    Has any of you have a workaround for this?

  16. one of my few RQ3 characters is a humakti (if i ever play him again, fist thing ill do is leave that psycho religion).

    He has 110ish% 1h bastard sword attack, 89% shield parry, and around 35% sword parry, shield attack and H atk/parry.

    Thing is, i REALLY wanted to swich to 2h sword... All i can do is train to 75/75, and by then i'll likely have about 100-110 shield parry (attack is irrelevant due to bladesharp). Rules kind of screw the character, since improving 2h fighting style will probably kill him (and he needs "another sword attack").

    If it was the other way around (high 2H atk and parry and low 1h atk) y could always parry 2h and attack 1h to gain the check (probably would too).

    Anyway, theres a 99% chance i dont ever play him again, and if i do ill prolly go shaman (already did several enchants and have 0 pts of divine magic), but i think the character works as example for the thread!!!

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