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    Kiev, Ukraine

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  1. I plan to participate if the start will be right Is there a deadline?
  2. Thank you a lot for sharing your thoughts and advices! Yesterday I threw few new critters at my players, hand crafted from alien pictures I used for inspiration and it worked very well. Only one casualty, but he was asking for it anyway. Long live BRP!
  3. 576 downloads

    This are my character sheets I made for my Warhammer 40k game I put a lot of effort to make them as universal as possible, yet pretty. Could be used for any BRP game - Generic BRP compatible - Hit Locations - Allegiances - Optimized layout - Fillable vD - Sanity, No Fatigue, Fillable
  4. 203 downloads

    This are my character sheets I made for my Warhammer 40k game I put a lot of effort to make them as universal as possible, yet pretty. Could be used for any BRP game - Generic BRP compatible - Hit Locations - Allegiances - Optimized layout - Fillable vC - Sanity, No Fatigue, Not-Fillable
  5. 161 downloads

    This are my character sheets I made for my Warhammer 40k game I put a lot of effort to make them as universal as possible, yet pretty. Could be used for any BRP game - Generic BRP compatible - Hit Locations - Allegiances - Optimized layout - Fillable vB - Fatigue, No Sanity, Fillable
  6. 134 downloads

    This are my character sheets I made for my Warhammer 40k game I put a lot of effort to make them as universal as possible, yet pretty. Could be used for any BRP game - Generic BRP compatible - Hit Locations - Allegiances - Optimized layout - Fillable vA - Fatigue, No Sanity, Not-Fillable
  7. Got mine today. Very impressive book. It really delivers what it promises. Plenty of good-written material that can enrich any of your setting with nordic feel or could be run as a stand-alone game. Mythic Iceland presents a very authentic yet eerie viking'ish setting, far from Hollywood viking archetype presented today. Magic system is extremely interesting and fits setting like no other would. Lay of the lend has been done with astonishing quality and many adventure seeds. Bad things? None yet. May-be some more evocative art would be a nice addition. I almost want to visit Iceland now. Can't recommend highly this book. I am very glad that BRP received such unique supplement.
  8. I have a question to BRP community members and authors of all those wonderful supplements: "Нow do you come up with genuine monster stats? Do you have some general guidelines to flesh out characteristics for new critters when all you have is just a mental image of the beast or race?" I was a DnD player before and had a habit of constantly creating new monsters or morphing existing ones. But in d20 there is a wealth of templates, charts and examples that guide this process. Now I don't expect something similar for BRP, but hearing some thoughts on the matter from experienced GMs will definitely help.
  9. Thank you a lot for your answers. It helps a lot.
  10. Hello dear BRP community. I am about to start new BRP campaign with fantasy flavor and one question kind of bothers me right now. As stated in BGB, magic spells are skills and treated as such. Advancement of these skills happens when character overcomes enemy's POW with a spell or similarly resists a magic attack. Ok with that. Now, the shadow of D&D is looming again over me as I read about spell memorization and dismissal. Although it is quickly corrected with a passage on page 92: "Your character can cast a magic spell directly from his or her grimoire, but this will take 1 combat round per level of spell effect desired. You can use another character’s grimoire if you can read it (with a successful relevant Language roll), and can make a successful roll of INT x 1 on D100% for every spell you attempt to use.". So I have few questions. 1. Will the magic skill rating would be the same for readied spells as for spells cast directly from grimoire? 2. If spells are cast from grimoire, are they advanced in the same manner? 3. What are the base chances of new spells that are copied from found/bought scrolls or stolen/captured grimoires?
  11. Are there any news regarding Advanced Sorcery? ETA, rumors, estimation or bold speculations? I am really interested in this title.
  12. Look at Eclipse Phase RPG. Superb setting with very BRPish rules.
  13. Thank you a lot for clearing things out!
  14. So movement only delays your action, no matter when it was made before or after it? That is, if you have two characters with DEX 10 and one decides to move and than shoot while other does the opposite - shoots than moves they both will unload their firearms on DEX 5 (considering that they moved only 6-16 meters). But let’s consider three different weapons : A. Light Pistol (3 attacks per round) B. Light Revolver (2 attacks) C. Heavy Revolver (1 attack) D. Rifle, Musket ( ¼ attacks) Using example above, would both characters would be allowed to fire once with A,B and C? If they had 20 DEX (yea, right ) that would had 10 DEX after the movement, thus allowing for second shot with A and B, but not C. D is a bit a mystery, if it takes so long to fire with it, doesn’t movement is disallowed? Am I correct with my understanding?
  15. Ah...I see a breach in my logic now. D&D combat rules messed up with my brains after all. So, as I understand now each action in combat round is separated by - 5 DEX. If you have, for the sake of example, 18 DEX and light pistol you can shot three times in your round (at 18, 13 and 8 DEX rank) and move some 5 meters. Alternatively you could move 20 meters away and shoot once at 5 DEX or move only 15 meters and shoot twice on DEX 9 and 4. Am I getting it correctly now or still messed up? In this case I'm a bit lost with "shoot first, move later" sequence. How do you calculate this?
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