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Everything posted by kafka

  1. Now, I want to talk about what I see is a diminishing quality of art in Call of Cthulhu game supplements. I see that the art is going the way of jokey and rather mundane art. Pagan products notwithstanding. The art in many CoC no longer scares me or unnerves as it ought to do. I find myself turning toward Trail of Cthulhu as a torchbearer for what Cthulhu art ought to be. As I find nowhere the haunting images of the 5.6e or the creepy paintings from in 3e nor do I find the likes of Blair Reynolds nor even the person who did the bulk of Unseen Masters. Worlds of Cthulhu did the art right (if I read German well enough - I could use the present case) and as a said, I do like much of what Trail does. Pagan still keeps the flame alive but even some of the smaller publishers are aping Chaosium's particular style. Am I a lone voice in the wilderness here...and in that case, I will wait for the Wendigo...or do others feel the same thing. For if anything there is a glut of images that are horrifying and horrific without going for gore. What do others think?
  2. Actually, for me the artwork represents a step backward from the great art that was in the 6e and also Unseen Masters. The art is akin to Arkham Now - a matter of preference...I suppose. The rules are fairly solid - although, I prefer the rules that were outlined in Worlds of Cthulhu (which also had better art).
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