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Posts posted by Fallingtower

  1. I am not liking the Dreamlands aspect of the scenario.

    If this is to be an intro type campaign for newbies, I think inserting the Dreamlands into this might muddle the more sci-fi/horror elements of the MiGo and their threat and end up being confusing (especially since the Dreamlands will not be part of the campaign after the first episode). I prefer to keep my Dreamland's adventures separate.

    Not totally done reading the first Episode...once I'm done, will see if there's a way to surgically remove John Jeffrey, the Moonbeast and the Men From Leng.

    MiGo should be plenty enough to keep folks occupied.

    Anyone here have any tips on excising the Dreamlands from the story? (Read your spin on it Agrivar)

  2. Keeper- "I said hunting weapons....I don't care if your Uncle Zeke hunted squirrels with a flamethrower."

    Keeper- "Yes technically whaling is hunting...but a truck mounted harpoon gun is not what I meant."

    Keeper- "Ok...normal, typical hunting weapons you'd find in Vermont...excluding Uncle Zeke and his flamethrower...and yes it's clever to be able to roast squirrels and chestnuts at the same time..."

    I used to have this type of guy in my games....sadly he recently passed.

    • Like 1
  3. Keeper: "Ok lemme look at your character sheets" "Uhm why does Charley, the folklore student need a Lewis Gun?"


    Player: "Bears...remember the previous expedition went missing. Could be bears,"


    Keeper: "I'm gonna have to say no to the Lewis Gun...sorry."


    Player: "Ok...B.A.R.?"


    Keeper: "No..."


    Player: "Thompson?"


    Keeper: "No again..."


    I will allow hunting type weapons...a couple shotguns, maybe a lever action rifle.

  4. I am trying to get back into gaming after a real life shake up. 

    The long delays for Call of Cthulhu 7e also was a small contributor to my lapse.

    Anyway....BRP is hands down my favorite system and I really dig the changes that 7e is bringing. I've run a few 7e games and the new Keeper 'tools' have made running the game more entertaining from that side of the table.

    The question on how to get this site to work better for Chaosium....

    Well for me, the obvious way is bring the Keeper's CULT OF CHAOS here as well.

    • Like 1
  5. I am working on an idea for a game based on WW1 aerial combat....aka...lotsa dogfighting. There will be zeppelin attacks, tanks blitzing across the desert, strafing runs on enemy trains, desert spy intrigue taking place in a neutral holy oasis city etc.

    I have kinda worked out a ruleset...not being able to find any real air combat rules down this or any vein in the Big Gold Brick.

    Anyway, have any of you developed any rules dealing with aerial combat??

    I will post what I have come up with thusfar. Later at least (left them at work actually)

    The concept is basically something down the line of the old anime show...Area 88

    It takes place in an alternate history universe where WW1 never really ended, other than in a stalemate and the various powers have exported the war to other countries.

    The PC's will be air aces with or without WW1 experience. The setting will be in a ficticious arabian-ish country with various different terrains...desert for the most part.

    One of the big concerns for the characters will be upkeep of their plane, they are true mercenaries paid by the mission and by bounties for bringing down targets.

    Anyway...I'm interested to hear how folks have dealt with brp aerial combat.

  6. Cthanx....that's the only rule I found remotely applicable to my aforementioned rules dilemma.

    So if the party wizard wants to suit up in full plate, he's gonna have to deal with that pesky skill penalty.

    I have reasonable players, so I kinda doubt I will have trouble keeping the wizard out of the plate mail.

  7. Hello folks,

    Just one question.

    Are there any negatives/penalties for magick types wearing armor?

    I scoured the book (just got it the other day) and haven't seen anything which would deter a spellchucker from armoring up.

    Is this right?

    I was planning on converting a few 1st ed. D&D dungeons to BRP for some beer and pretzels old school tomfoolery.

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