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Posts posted by Austin

  1. That would be cool, especially with the YGMV principle. I bet there's a lot of neat "Varying" Gloranthas to explore. I know the game I've been playing in varies, hard.

    I can also see myself trying out writing up some content/adventures. Been brainstorming a thing with a Vivamort cult rebelling against the Red Emperor for a while now...

    • Like 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    Ritual practices also can add bonuses and  represent time spent in preparations.  As the Cult of Silence, there will be no chanting, but I'd include creating mandalas or other geometric patterns, carving of Runes, perhaps even inscribing words or formulas on the ground, or even on material that can be burned or otherwise destroyed.  

    That's a cool idea.

    I feel like what would be useful rules for you depends a bit on what sort of game you'll end up playing. The "adventurers actively going out into the world" concept clashes in my thought with what it seems the Sedalpists are. I'm imagining a sort of Indian or Tibetan Buddhist monk, seeking abstraction to separate himself from the world. (I could be totally wrong in that regard.) So it seems to me that the first thing to determine would be what sort of game you're trying to play, and then see how the Sedalpist mystic character concept melds into that.

    If you're still going with the dominant game concept (adventuring in the world), I figure there's still plenty of space to try a mystic, RP-wise. Someone who wants to separate himself, but keeps getting drawn back in through community connections, and demands. A sort of constant tension between seeking enlightenment and helping others pursue it.

    Rules-wise, I figure you'll have to expand on the RQG Sorcery as written. IMHO it feels pretty incomplete (but I'm used to a massively houseruled & overcomplex version of Petersen's rules, so grain of salt). Mechanically, it makes sense that movement toward enlightenment could be represented through increased growth toward the Man rune, and maybe the Stasis rune as well. If there's a Law rune, perhaps acquiring % toward that would make sense, representing complete mechanistic understanding of the world, sans the control of it implied in Mastery (which also has all sorts of theistic implications, I think).

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  3. On 7/22/2018 at 9:17 AM, Ashurbanipal said:

    4. Apple Lane (Chaosium/GW - but really, who doesn't already have this...)

    I don't, actually! Or anything else on the list, actually. May be interested, though UK -> US shipping could be gross.

    Though I've played one of the adventures out of "Daughters of Darkness." I remember it being fun. (Then again, I was on the players' side of the GM screen...)

  4. I'm a relative newbie to Glorantha/RQ, and I'd love to be able to figure out more about the world through fiction instead of trying to bludgeon myself with RQ:G's background or the Guide.

    On a related note, will we ever get a hard copy run of the Gloranthan Sourcebook? 

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