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Austin last won the day on February 22

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About Austin

  • Birthday 10/16/1992


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  • RPG Biography
    First game system was D&D3.5 in my teens, moved to Pathfinder instead of 4e. Been mostly playing RQG since it released, but I want to play a campaign of one of the Year Zero Engine games sometime.
  • Current games
    Currently GM an RQG game about the Circumnavigation of the Homeward Ocean, play a trickster in an RQG game set around Alone, and play a sorcerer-spy in an RQ3-ish game about classic murderhobos.

    Longest character was a mercenary Knight-Sorcerer in a game based on RQ3 but so heavily homebrewed & houseruled I barely recognize it anymore. It was set in Glorantha, mostly in Lunar territory.
  • Location
    Southern Minnesota
  • Blurb
    I'm a freelance writer & editor.

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  1. Huh, I like that quite a bit. Intriguing idea.
  2. Thanks for the update MOB. It's much appreciated. For what it's worth, I do hope Chaosium continues to provide target release windows for new books. I hoped to hear information sooner (even just "it's on a boat and out of our control, sorry!"), but I do still like knowing what future releases are intended. Missing the target isn't the end of the worldβ€”I feel it's the "not knowing" which causes frustration. Here's hoping everything reaches AU without further issue! πŸ™‚
  3. Hey all, I shared these on social media then realized I should probably share here for those folks who choose to avoid those platforms. πŸ˜„ I'm about halfway through line editing my next JC thing. It's tentatively titled Howl of the Wild Hunt. (There may be some additional stuff involved, but I don't want to go further than vague hinting at this point, hah.) A release sometime this summer would be awesome, but right now I can't really estimate how long art direction & graphic design will take.
  4. Don't make me turn this Bat around young man! Of all people, Nick, I figured you'd recognize the splendiferous multitudes of the Goddess's contradictory decrees. πŸ˜‰ Repent!
  5. Don't tempt me. I don't have the drugs required for THAT sort of pace. πŸ˜‰ Plus it definitely wouldn't have any art, and I know y'all love art. Me too - making pretty things is very rewarding.
  6. Good way to do it! Thanks for the thoughts + suggestions on the Wolf Pirates. Much appreciated! Will continue to chew on them as we make the crew community.
  7. Very exciting to hear. πŸ˜„ This looks like a really excellent book, and I'm looking forward to exploring it. I'm putting together a RuneQuest campaign playing the Wolf Pirates during the circumnavigation of the Homeward Ocean. Do you have any general advice/pointers for playing the Wolf Pirates pre-Dragonrise? I've wandered through the Guide, the Glorantha Sourcebook, and the Ygg cult in the Lightbringers book, so I do own a fair bit of the published information. I admire the attention to detail in your work, which is why I wanted to ask if you had any quick tips. Please don't feel I'm asking you to share large chunks of what's in your book about the Wolf Pirates or anything like thatβ€”I can't really afford new gaming stuff right now but once I can Ships & Shores is pretty much at the top of my wishlist. Your writing & research is awesome and I don't want to devalue your work.
  8. Thanks for giving us an update! πŸ™‚ Even just hearing "we're still working/waiting on it" is helpful to know. Much appreciated.
  9. Thanks Metcalph, this is helpful. Looks like I probably don't need a copy of the new edition. Still, I'm glad Chaosium's making sure it's available in print for new customers.
  10. Is there any chance we could get a more substantial preview on Chaosium's storefront or over on DriveThruRPG? The five preview pages are from the front matter. If this edition's new content is mostly artwork, I'd love to be able to see some of it so I can decide if I want to upgrade. πŸ˜… Right now I can't really see enough information to know whether or not I should plan to get the book. Thanks!
  11. And it's now available in POD! If you're interested in hearing me ramble and/or seeing my reaction to the book, I filmed the unboxing for funsies. It's over on YouTube. (I hit the age-restrict option because I used a few four-letter words, so figured better safe than sorry. πŸ™‚ )
  12. The Print on Demand edition is imminent! The POD coupon is up if you previously purchased the PDF. It'll be in "My Library" on DriveThru (you should also receive an email notification from them). The PDF looks like this, but if you click the "Click Here" button it'll actually add a discounted POD order to your Cart. If you don't already have the PDF, you'll have to wait until tomorrow cuz I ought to force myself to stop doing work things for the evening. It'll go live (along with an unboxing video) tomorrow!
  13. Considering all the amazing stuff which came out on the Jonstown Compendium last year, I figure y'all should know that this year's "Creator Recognition in TTRPGs" (CRIT) awards includes a category for 3rd-party content! Whether you're into swashbuckling along Genertela's coast, scheming in Nochet, praising the Red Moon in Tarsh, or in love with another part of the last year's labors there's plenty of folks in our community who deserve recognition. 😁 https://www.critawards.org/
  14. I'm not sure if that's an "unwritten rule" but I can definitely add it to my "article ideas" list! πŸ˜„ Some of those more unusual combat situations definitely become complicated.
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