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Everything posted by frogspawner

  1. But that's so apt! (PS: How come it says "Voters:8" when 11 votes have been cast?)
  2. If "Unhappy" hadn't been an option, Pyraea could have had it's own separate entry. (Isn't it max 10?) Ah, turtleophiles should vote Coronaria, 'cos it's a sort-of synonym for DiscWorld. Well, doesn't that rule Pyraea out, 'cos Mr D found one in Texas? And can we not rely on Rosen as our one-man international trademark search? Why, are they rude?
  3. I wasn't thinking this poll would be anything like a final decision, but just 'Round One' to find the preferred names from what we have so far. In that light, there's little point voting Unhappy/Turtles, imho.
  4. That's what we get: Better appreciation of the smileys we always had!
  5. Ta! You sure? I saw "Add Poll" in the Thread Tools pop-down of a thread I'd started...
  6. How about a poll? (Trif - it's yours, so could you add one into this thread please? It'd be a good test!) Summary of names from the thread so far: Igneous Pyraxleflat Sky Mountain Gestault Pyraea Caldaria/Caldaia Chokmah's Eye (or other Kabbalah-related) Realm of Coronaria/Land of Tzand Rodinia ...and, may I add...? Octalarne
  7. Yep, that's Luck alright. I was looking at this from the Mongoose site: PS: I'm glad that's explained. For all your good work, you guys deserve a better Fate!
  8. Because physical runes were a Bad Thing. (For me, symbolizing the D&D-minded insensitivity to Glorantha that permeated MRQ1). But you know that... Anyway, I've seen a picture of your new MRQ2 now - and I note it's not a physical rune, just a Rune. That's fine! (Disappointed it doesn't say "Mongoose" on it, though. And I was so sure it would...) By the way, it's not Luck. It's Fate. What? After all the effort I put in over on the Mongoose forum, working out how they could be compatible with Glorantha??
  9. It does sound like a pretty good system. I must give it a try sometime. Shame. Do you still have to kill people to get (the use of) their Runes?
  10. Well that's nice and simple, at least. What are the basic effects (forgetting CMs for now) of attack & parry Crits, though?
  11. Thanks for all that detail! Mmmm, interesting, but I'm still not sold. That's still Opposed Rolls, whatever they assert. (Part of current BRP that I dislike). The manoeuvres may well be fun, but introducing decisions about them into the combat sequence will slow down play, I expect, and also spoil the immediacy (all-important to me) of knowing what effect you have had. Not simple enough for me, I'm afraid. And introducing manoeuvres for parrying as well compounds the problem already mentioned. But if the book really does look as nice as all that, I might just get it anyway. PS: It hasn't got a Physical Rune on the cover, has it?
  12. Y'know, even I am tempted. But rules content will swing it. Pray tell, what are the new Combat Manouevres like? And exactly how "opposed" are the attack/parry rolls?
  13. CoC Resurrection, with "onlie the liveliest awfullnesse"... :eek: :shocked:
  14. Seconded. There are some losses I'm really quite sad about...
  15. That's all fine and dandy, thanks! But... <sigh>... I just wanted to look something up on the wiki, and... Anyway, ETA for the new, improved wiki?
  16. Heck, those things are scary! Even scouring clean the fossil records...
  17. Nice! "Finally a shirt for the paleogeographically aware" But... "...Rodinia itself was entirely barren. It existed before life colonized dry land..."
  18. Sorry, my mistake - I thought the original alien generation download was that, but it's actually ODT. Keep up the good work!
  19. It's a trap! There were two of them! (Yes!)
  20. Careful, there! Fall much further and you'll be down to my level... :eek:
  21. Has it? I only meant in the sense of general fairness (perhaps with a hint of sanity!) - not game- or even bank- and certainly not cosmic-... So no need for the Moorcock Estate to sue me, surely?
  22. Any chance you could re-post the lost "Reliable Spell Casting" rule update for Classic Fantasy, please Mr L?
  23. And another one... I have now re-added the lost "alien generation system (PDF version)" But it hasn't appeared on in the Downloads list (should be in SciFi|Other) or on the Latest Downloads sidebar list. PS: Though curiously, it has updated the uploads count both for me and for that area... (and you can find it if you "Search Downloads"). Weird!
  24. 618 downloads

    PDF version of the alien generation system below (which is ODT)
  25. How about these...? 1. The "Go to first unread post" buttons, on each Forum's thread list screen, don't. They just go to the top of the first page with an unread post on it. 2. The "Go to first unread post" button, in the threads themselves, work ok - but the "View First Unread" text is crashed into and written-over the button - in Chrome (but is fine in IE).
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