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Everything posted by frogspawner

  1. You have? Get it out and Whack it on the Wiki, please!
  2. Tortology, rather. Exactly. Some, not many, have in the past criticized BRP for not having Ads/Disads. So it would be nice to be able to refute them. (Even if many, including me, are unlikely to use the system). ...so please do, even if incomplete. I guess I'm just imagining the Wiki is too 'formal' for such works-in-progress. Go for it!
  3. I shouldn't worry about it too much. I'd use STR = STR and SIZ = Body weight (in stone, i.e. lbs/14 or so).
  4. The more I hear about this, and other SciFi stuff, the more I like it. It's even getting me, an inveterate fantasy fan*, interested in it... (* as opposed to 'invertebrate fantasist') I can't help thinking both of these situations could be helped by having a less-formal Downloads or Wiki area, like I mentioned the other day. Atgxtg should feel able to whack his not-quite-finished Spaceship Design system there, so we could all comment/playtest it. LivingTriskele could put his Ads/Disads Conversion up there too with just their names (no copyright-infringing descriptions), and those of us with spare time could help out by typing-up original wordings for them. Wouldn't that help us get things to make BRP more popular, more quickly?
  5. ...time passes... ...a whole week...! I guess we DO have a consensus on this approach! Hurrah! :thumb: --- Back to the other aspect of "Bringing It Together" (what, now how is settled)... Discussions going on in other threads ( How could BRP be more popular, My set up for a Future*World inspired campaign) might lead to a SharedUniverse based on the old WorldsOfWonder FutureWorld. If so, I think it would be somehow right also to include the (few) setting details of WoW MagicWorld into SharedWorld. Instantly, we'd have a world with not only great fresh ideas but also a long-established BRP pedigree...
  6. Exactly - the basis for SharedUniverse. I realize it's a big thing to give up total control of your own creation. Which is why I've advocated a "similar parallels" approach for SharedWorld (where each contributor gets final say over what 'goes' in their version). And these could continue being separate parallels of FutureWorld, just like that. But the ideal would be to have every contribution in the same universe. One big problem I can see with retro-fitting DoorwaysInTheSky to GateWardens is this snippet I recently noticed about Outpost 19: "In the setting, humanity lost earth to an out break of nanotechnology over a millennia ago..." But it could fit, say, if DITS were the history of GW... Nightshade, Nick? Your thoughts are obviously key.
  7. Would it be a good thing to combine the creativity of Nightshade's version of FutureWorld here with Nick's Gate Wardens vision of it? (And make it a framework that wondrous worlds like Rust's Pharos IV could fit into?) There are various inconsistencies, but they could be ironed out... IF it's seen as a worthwhile exercise.
  8. Mmmm, well, this would clearly make FPs into D&D-style HPs. And everyone having effectively +30hp (or more), on top of their double-normal-BRP 'Total Hit Points', might be a bit too much...
  9. It occurs to me that all these fine ideas - Points-Buy Mechanics, Non-Con Hero Points, Spaceship Design Sytems - deserve a better fate than to be lost, then forgotten, in this now ludicrously over-long thread. We should be able to type them up, even if just into very rough unfinished form, and publish them... somewhere. So others can appreciate and maybe enhance (or finish!) them. But where is best? The downloads area seems more for finished articles (and doesn't invite modifications). The wiki is good for making mods, but putting stuff there seems a bit presumptuous. Could/should we have a "Works In Progress - Please Enhance" section in the wiki? And when no longer 'In Progress', maybe they could go for publication in Uncounted Worlds #X? (Just like the good old days of White Dwarf...<sigh>)
  10. Well, I didn't think it should be very hard but I've never looked that closely at such things (happy with randomness!), so I expect I'm being overly simplistic. But if you guys (and anyone else who cared to help) could get together on it... maybe LivingTriskele would be willing to put what he's got in the downloads, and go from there...? PS: Or even use Rosen's !
  11. If the End of the World is the cost of A's postings, then so be it. A price well worth paying for such gems! :thumb: Conversely, if he wants to post only tripe from now on, then we can all perish proud that we died defending his Freedom so to do. :innocent: Either way - bring it on!
  12. Technically, didn't you have to roll for every spell in RQ2, too? Because 96+ would fail. Meh, who cares... Certainly RQ2 Defence was a bit broken. (In two ways: 1. Fiddly modifications of opponent's attacks rolls; 2. Runaway increase - the more you got, the more it made a difference, so the more you got...) But rather than use RQ3 Dodge, which is an alternative to parrying, I allow a Defence roll in addition. (OK, it's yet another roll, slowing combat, but helps characters survive - answering a frequent criticism of RQ). And instead of increasing via ticks, I say Defence only goes up via points awarded by the GM - for proper heroic role-playing. (Lack of a reward-mechanism for which being my main criticism of RQ2). Maybe with those house rules, RQ would be 'mythic' enough to have pleased Greg... Ah, what might have been. <sigh>
  13. Good points. The hardback/colour art thing is probably beyond Chaosium's capabilities, sadly - but I faced the truth of what you say when I was in my FLGS the other day. But is there no-one around here who could work up a 'modern' point-buy system for BRP? And someone who could create these things, too? Certainly it has interesting ideas. Most licensed settings seem to be more trouble than they're worth, though. Mmm. There doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm for FutureWorld. BUT... (see later). Sorry to hear about your hard year. Understood about spoilers. It seems to me the lack of enthusiasm for FutureWorld is an opportunity. We could make of it what we will. Or, rather, Nick - as the only author I know of who's published anything for it (?) in the last 25 years - you can make of it what you will. With some guidance from the guys here, perhaps... What IS the relationship between the Gate Warden universe and FutureWorld setting, in your view? Is it the same place? Or a slightly-different (or vastly different) parallel? Is GW the future of FW? (Whatever you can tell us without spoilers would be great). IMHO, the old FutureWorld was a stinker. (Let's politely forget the grossly stupid 'City of Wonder' bolt-on, but even so...) A Sci-Fi setting where everyone walks to the stars (via gates)?? Sci-Fi needs Starships. It's a no-brainer. However the setting could be salvaged. I'd favour some sort of technological advance, that renders the gates obsolete (difficult) or somehow unusable, perhaps due to a cataclysm (hinted at in the setting already). (Obviously not because of "things from beyond", though ) Suddenly everyone would have to rediscover the (largely lost?) space-travel technology from the First Terran Empire. But I notice O19 already has at least some proper space-travel - so, how does it tackle the problem?
  14. That's not all, no. In fact it's not even on the core shopping list, I now notice, which I'm taking to be... ... and #6. The BRP Bikini Babes, of course. Of those, #4 is done, or now do-able by anyone who cares to post links with the downloads area. I guess discussion of settings could qualify under #1. (Though maybe the SciFi discussion should go down into the Settings or SharedWorld sub-forum - but would anyone follow it there?)
  15. Naturally. What I was really asking was whether you guys sufficiently like the few details that are given about the WoW/FW setting, to think it's worth (anyone) developing it further... Nick apparently thought well enough of it to base Outpost19 there, and Rosen likes that, so... ...could it be the speck-of-dirt that, snowflake-like, a whole amazing universe can be built around?
  16. So, any of you SF-fans think the WorldsOfWonder FutureWorld, with added Outpost 19, would be good to develop into a Flagship BRP setting? Having now read the WoW/FW stuff I have my own opinion, but I'm not into SF, so what do I know? (BTW, "the Quertzl and Sauriki are in O19", Nick? How? Intriguing...)
  17. What was the problem with Niven, please remind me?
  18. No need. On the contrary - Thank You! That was spot-on.
  19. Absolutely fine, of course. Keeping one eye on making it easy for GM's with plasticine-tendencies to run that other already-published stuff might be friendly, tho'. (Chaosium being your publisher of choice, and all). Nice. But can the universe have a better name than "Future*World", please? Any of you SF-fans out there feel able to help in developing that?
  20. If you like. It's basically been done before - The High Crusade. Poul Anderson, wasn't it? And the C.Rising setting has a Holy Islamic Republic as one of Earth's great powers, leaving the door open to "Jihad In Space" - which itself has fine precedent (Dune). But SF isn't my genre - so I'll leave such details to others...
  21. OK. I'd rather not give up on retro-fitting Rising with Outpost and the others quite so easily, though. Isn't an existing body of published work worth salvaging? Of course, the flagship needs to be named. How about "BRP: Outre Space" ? (Outre's 'e' being accented or not, depending on the amount of slime in that particular volume...)
  22. Yes, that's the best definition. But remember the onus in on authors to engage that interest. I'm sure you all work very hard. RQ2. The real one. Mind you, that Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes does look interesting... (Though 50 quid plus for something with text on one of it's sample pages I know I've bought somewhere before is a bit steep. Pity it's for that daft HQ system, too.) But keep working - you may yet get there!
  23. Sure? That might be barrier to expanding O19 into a full-blown setting, since such things do tend to creep in. Really? Couldn't different Corps just have different technologies? CR's F-Drive is likely tainted by the mythos - maybe some Companies have scruples against using it... ( As if!) So... he's moving on to new SF setting? So will he leave the C.Rising setting to CoC/BRP? And anyway, why couldn't RoH span a third system - BRP? Well, is Outpost19?
  24. 'Expectation Management', mate. And think: "It made me quite enthusiastic. ... Loz/Pete seem to have done good things with combat manoeuvres and the various types of magic, though." - that's me, about MRQ! :shocked: Another achievement for you to be proud of. Oh, and... Thanks! I foresee the solution more in colostomy bags. Can't be far off, now... :eek:
  25. True, of course. Including me! (up to now) Any chance of reconciling all those (plus Outpost 19?) into ONE setting, that's basically non-Cthulhoid 'pure' SciFi?
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