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Posts posted by frogspawner

  1. Yawn. Do we need to do this?

    Griping about D&D (especially 4e) might be useful if it helps us hone our arguments and persuade it's players to upgrade to BRP...

    [deleted - silly joke]

    I can't allow that precedent! Most of my 'contribution' is silly jokes. Please re-instate it! ;)

  2. I'm looking for hit location rules that determines what percentage of hit points (out of the total hit points) it takes to cause a limb to be severed or to determine when enough damage has been done to a certain limb to cause serious blood loss to occur (bleeding out); or to render the limb immobile.

    For the sake of simplicity and speed, I'd recommend doing it a different way...

    There's a Major Wound table that provides a number of grievous wound effects, and is consulted when a character takes more than half his/her normal HP in one injury. It's the default system.

    Yes, pretty much like that! (Sounds pretty good to me, Mr D)

    Because you only need to determine hit locations when a wound is significant, and keeping track of locational HPs before then is an unnecessary admin overhead - and a chore.

    I haven't seen the Major Wounds table yet, but I'm hoping it's rather like a Hit Location table - with effects listed for each location if they are the one to take the hit. An expanded version, including lighter/heavier wounds, might be just what you need.

  3. Sorry, but it looks broken to me too. The bar scene picture has another row of half-bottles underneath, like in dzappone's screenshot, and the word "Central" wraps down right next to it as well.

    PS: Why is doing this more important than getting on with the SharedWorld map? ;)

  4. Also, remember that the 4e juggernaut is bearing down on us. It shouldn't beat this to the market as it is probably going to do...even though I'm not sure THAT matters.

    I think it'd be better if BRP was on the shelves in time to pick up any D&D-ers disgruntled at the (fairly radical, IMHO) changes in 4e.

    An opportunity for BRP - the more mature system - to make some converts, hopefully...

  5. Ulega-Bagu mostly keeps to the background in any conflict, directing the shade and the embodied demon Baba Umbrai and using Mask's Howl ability to strategically stun foes. The shade attacks with its Fearshock and Freeze abilities in the same round, probably switching from one target to another every round or so; Baba Umbrai uses the Swallow Sun power to create another patch of darkness, and then will concentrate on individual targets, first using Fearshock and then attacking with Claw in the pool of darkness it has created - this pool of darkness will allow it to use the Limited Regenerate Ability.

    If the combat looks like it will reach Ulega-Bagu, she will summon a Fog to hide her tracks. If there are contiguous patches of darkness, she will use her Darkwalk power to remove herself from danger. If cornered she will use Spider Bite whilst Baba Umbrai casts Swallow Sun again near her to provide enough darkness for her to use the Darkwalk power to escape.

    For a statblock I'd suggest doing tactics in a shorthand style:

    "Tactics: Stay back; use shade+demon+Masks Howl; Fog if threatened; if cornered Darkwalk if dark, else Spider Bite while demon does Swallow Sun, then Darkwalk. SHADE: Fearshock+Freeze; switch target each round. DEMON: Swallow Sun; then Fearshock + Claw one target; L.Regen in dark."

    Or is that too terse? Maybe it's just my inability to read lots... :ohwell:

  6. If you're dealing with hardened D&D dungeon-bash types... use the "Total Hit Points" option... Create your characters along D&D class stereotypes, make sure healing is available... potions,new spells, "staffs of healing", etc. They'll learn to love the D100 in the end!

    Most of that is in place, I've made plenty of house-rule compromises already. Thanks for the support, that I'm on the right track. They'll learn to love d100/BRP - or die in the attempt! ;) But you can lead a horse to water...

    ...an AD&D player in several sessions who said it was actually LESS deadly than AD&D is at the first few levels.

    And he's probably right - up to 4e (where it seems characters will get 20-ish HP at 1st level, and everyone gets healed after combats). Too safe, methinks. I reckon the feeling of danger is a major benefit to BRP.

  7. That's encouraging news...let's hope so.

    Since I just ordered E0, E1 is bound to be out within seconds! :ohwell:

    Is anyone else concerned about the possibility of 4th edition D&D (due out June 6th) stealing BRP's thunder...

    Yep. BRP will have no "thunder", that's certain. Now, if they'd got it out before Christmas...

    My long-time (thrice-yearly) gaming group is in danger of being sucked down into 4e D&D. One player, disgruntled at his character dying, now insists d100 combat it "too dangerous" and railroading to go "back" to D&D with 4e. (He didn't die in combat, and from what I've seen of 4e it's not much like the 1st Ed AD&D we used to know and loathe in the old days. So that shows how much logic is involved.)

    But we should be ready with counter-arguments, to make it clear how BRP is better.

  8. Very nice. I hope you don't mind too much if she suffers a quick sex (and race) change to reappear as an ogre-ish shaman I need... ;)

    As to the length and complexity, I suspect you're stuck with it. Unless you're willing to drop details like the hit locations and separate parry percentage (after all they are optional now, right?). Hit Locs are the worst - and what do they add? Of the two that have them, both have the same armour all over (quite usual, especially for NPCs, I'd say), and a Major Wounds table should give interesting injuries (if properly skewed towards vulnerable areas). In stat blocks, it seems that hit locations aren't worth the space.

  9. While I'm enjoying the (mostly) positive comments about the EZ version, I've very mixed feelings about it knowing how substantial the edits I submitted* were.

    Don't worry on my account, Mr D. My EZ is in the post, but I'm happy to get it now, warts and all, for political reasons. Having the actual book in my hands soon will steal a march on D&D4, and could save a whole bunch of old-time RPG-ers from that terrible fate...

    (And I'll get a proper E1 later, naturally - let's just hope your Dollar stays so wonderfully cheap, eh? ;))

  10. I'm glad to hear all that, because I finally cracked and ordered mine on Tuesday. Marked as Shipped yesterday (Thursday) - but I guess it'll take a little longer to get over from that side of The Pond...

  11. I worry that Spot will get over-used, and everyone will get such a high skill that no detail could ever be missed!

    I'd prefer to reserve Spot skill for when the players actively decide to look for something (likewise Listen) and use Idea-type, INTxN, rolls when the GM is deciding whether to give out some clue. But usually I forget, and just call for Spot/Listen rolls... :(

  12. ...the CC licenses lack one feature that (IMHO) would be important in a project such as this and that is access to the "source"... So I would recommend you to go with GPL.

    This sounds like there may be problems with the CC after all. But what would it mean in practice? Could someone create their own setting based on the SharedWorld(s), and deny the rest of us the ability to use that version? Could they use it for their own profit? Would we be unable to modify anothers work, and be stuck with their exact text?

  13. I like the idea of mammoth, woolly rhino and musk-ox riders. And camels, certainly. I think I mentioned Moa-riders before (you know, the now-extinct giant flightless birds from New Zealand), or possibly Giant Dodo's? Continuing the prehistoric (but post-dinosaur) theme, maybe sabre-tooth tigers, similar to the wargs from the LotR films (easy to find figures!). And of course, various types of frogs... :)

    PS: For realism's sake, maybe have mammalian ones from one continent, and reptilian from another?

  14. If there are problems with contradictions etc...

    When a contradiction arises, it's not a problem - it's an opportunity to create more diversity, and so make the setting richer.

    Don't edit out contradictions: make up something else, that explains why the world is (seemingly) contradictory...

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