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  • RPG Biography
    D&D since 1976, Traveller since 1977, other games come and go. Played RQ3 in the mid 80s, bought the BGB in 2010, but time is limited...
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    Preparing some OD&D, lots of historical miniatures, in a 5e game
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    Gamer since 1971 ...

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  1. I’m pretty sure they do have a shrink wrap machine; personally, I always buy something intending to use/read it, so I’d just as soon that someone had checked the contents. BITD, my SPI games needed parts or replacements for bad die cutting a couple of times, and you’d have no way of knowing if you were getting a good/complete copy without opening it. If anyone needs any of that, the store is Days of Knights in Newark, Delaware, and they’ve been in business since 1981. They do have a web presence, but not much (if any) of the vintage stash is listed. One of the founding owners passed away a couple of years ago, so I’m not sure how much of the vintage stuff is preserved old stock vs. recent buys vs. part of John’s estate sale. The RQ3 stuff I bought last week, and that Pendragon were all super crisp, I’ll say.
  2. Shopping there can be dangerous to your wallet. Last summer I, um, adopted a stray Pendragon 1st: The 1980s were a pretty good time for gaming …
  3. Well, it’s my project/initiative, so I guess I get to make the rules to suit myself, so I could. But, practically, I have about 1600 small/true/vintage 25mm fantasy figures already painted and based, so it seems most likely that I will set something up with those. I noted upthread that I had gotten copies of RQ3 Vikings and Griffin Island from my FLGS recently. I stopped in Friday to see what else was left. Here’s the RuneQuest shelf…
  4. I mentioned my unfortunate collector genes; I also recently acquired a Warhammer 1st edition and Forces of Fantasy supplement all tucked into the FoF box. This is also on my list to try out as part of the “Game Like it’s the 1980s” “thing” I seem to be doing.
  5. According to Heroic Worlds all three sets are from 1981. I honestly don’t remember them at all, but I will say that 1981 was my last year in college (I graduated in December) and I was a little short on both time and money. Like @Bill the barbarian, I was using a battle mat for games, so I’m not sure that I would have paid any attention anyway. It’s a nice idea and I really like the counters.
  6. Well, I’ll certainly take that under advisement, as we say at the office. Are you recommending it for the mechanics? For btter or worse, I feel like the opportunity to burrow deep into Glorantha lore has already passed me by.
  7. By the way, is there a community rule/custom here against posting images?
  8. From the context, I’m guessing that they meant the 2012 Magic World…
  9. So it would be reasonable to play with it for a while, and then add stuff if anyone in the group wanted to continue…?
  10. I’m Rob, and functionally new here. According to the log, I joined the site in 2012, but never posted anything until a couple of weeks ago. Short bio: I was introduced to historical miniatures gaming in 1971 at the tender age of 10, picked up D&D in 1976, and was introduced to RQ when Avalon Hill published RQ3. I ran a Fantasy Earth based RQ3 game for a few years in the 1980s. The ‘90s were the new family time and having kids left me with barely enough time for miniatures. I was on hiatus with rpgs (apart from a brief flirtation with D&D3e) until about 2008. I picked up a BGB (and presumably joined the Forum), and have recently re-collected some RQ3 material plus Worlds of Wonder, and am considering offering a BRP fantasy game to my current 5e group when the existing campaign runs out of steam. Miniatures (historical and fantasy) remains my primary gaming interest, so anything I do with rpgs tends to have that influence in the background.
  11. Sorry to have dropped a thread starter and run off, but it’s been quite a week at my job… To be a little clearer about the context, I have the BGB and Magic World (2012) on my shelf. Somewhere along the way, I also picked up a reprint copy of RQ2 out of curiosity, since I’d never owned it. I’d given away my RQ3 stuff around the turn of the century to some kids who were in an active campaign, but ended up with a free copy of the stripped down Avalon Hill Standard Edition one of my club members was disposing of. I thought it might be nice to have that on my shelf, since I flirt with the idea of BRP every once in a while, but I opened it up and saw that it varied considerably from what I had remembered. The the plague hit and there wasn’t much to do except shop online 🤪, so I tracked down an intact RQ3 Deluxe Edition box, like the one I had had. I looked at that and was amazed that I had ever thought myself up to running something so crunchy… So, here we are in 2023, and I’m reading through a description of Drakar och Demoner, and start wondering what the 1982 Magic World in my long-ago-sold-off copy of Worlds of Wonder had looked like, so I invested some Christmas money in a nice copy, which arrived a couple of weeks ago. Now 2023 Rob is attracted to the idea of short rules and limited palettes for creative projects, but also has an unfortunate usually-dormant collector gene. So when I wandered down to my FLGS and found that their used/vintage shelf had crispy new copies of RQ3 Griffin Island and Vikings, they came home with me, and I rounded out this acquisition spree with a copy of Questworld and the reprint of the Gateway Bestiary for good measure. If I want to make a homebrew BRP fantasy stew, those are the resources that I have. With the BGB and Magic World in pdf, I could presumably knock together a player quick reference sheet without having to retype everything. A better statement of my original question, I suppose, would be whether a minimalist game based just on 1982 materials would be fun for a while, or whether I would be longing for hit locations, single-percent skill increments, and other embellishments from the rest of the potential source material before the characters got out of the door of the sketchy tavern where the mysterious hooded figure had handed them a quest…?
  12. For various reasons I am noodling around some ideas for non-D&D fantasy and have been wondering whether anyone used the Magic World from Worlds of Wonder or Questworld (1982)? It’s probably heresy here, but I came in at RQ3 in ~1984/5, and was more interested in doing “fantasy Byzantines” than Glorantha. I bought BRP in ~2009 after an RPG hiatus but got distracted by my son’s sports and didn’t do anything with it at the time. Anyway, vintage non-Gloranthan RuneQuest/BRP…any fans?
  13. Well, I don’t know about Critical Role, but that prompted me to dust off my copy and think about BRP games…
  14. Code 2020 is the original file; 2026 is the update. I bought mine from DriveThru years ago, so when I go to the link in the first post, I’m offered the opportunity to download either or both versions.
  15. Got it, thanks! For some reason the Word doc wouldn’t show up for me yesterday…
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