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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. My particular problem are the Blast/Lightning/Frost/Fire spell in the Magic section
    (I am not going to use the other "advanced magic" inspired by RuneQuest /Mythras they seem to favor magic users too much to my liking.)

    I have conflicting relationship with them. I like to have used more often... with the caveat that they are not too deadly. Or maybe they should be boss fighting aces.


    So.. On one hand hand you can cast any level you want very easily. On the other hand spell can be just dodged or parried easily (though you can game it, wait until your target has done 1 or 2 parry already) and they are prohibitively expensive. So far that seems almost fair...


    But now the "problems" starts:

    One comparative advantage between spells:
    A 4D6 Fireball (1mR) costing 12 POW for one single attack, whereas 12 POW can give you a Weapon +8 with ByPass armour 4 for 15 minutes that make Fireball totally uninteresting by comparison.
    Also a control spell will cost only 3, or a change spell costing only 4 and will be totally game changing
    I think the idea is those spell are not really worth it, but I guess they are good attacks against high POW target (because no save), distract them with some fighter, and cast it at them after they already use their defensive move or 1 or 3 times. Might be intended and OK. I guess it's a toss up.

    Problem 2, is the big Blast spell a good Boss spell anyway?
    Let say you meet a Dragon. Perfect opportunity for Blast to shine, to fire your 9D6 Blast.
    But first problem, your dragon problem didn't bother dodge anything else so he can dodge that one (thankfullly he only has 35%), then if it fails your 27 magic point spell that does an average of 31 damage is reduce by 12 armour point = 16. It's barely a scratch. And also you can NOT cast it again because it's 27 magic point.


    To recap I am happy about the price.. But something feels not quite right... maybe damage should scale up non linearly?


    BTW, Magic already has optional rule of Familar and Staff, which I am going to remove, so this is equivalent
    This is the bonus I am settling on:

    Total Mana, used to power all power, is equal to POW plus skill modifier. For a maximum of 2xPOW

    Skill modifier is as follows:
    Each (Magic) spell, or Psionic Ability at 26% +1
    Each (Magic) spell, or Psionic Ability at 51% +1 (for a total of +2)
    Each Stunt: +1

  2. Seeing how expensive some spell are I think one need to give extra power point boost to magician.

    Yet I don't like the Staff or Familiar tropes.

    I came up with this alternate idea, what do you think:

    Each Stunt know give +x (1?) magic point bonus

    Each spell (at, say 30%?) give extra +x (+2? +1? +skill%/10?) magic point bonus


    What do you think?

  3. Hi all.. 

    I am a new comer to BRP which, after some thinking might be a better suited for my GM style than Mythras. I particularly how the magic is acutely less OP than in Mythras and few other minor tweaks.

    However there is 7 problem I want to tweak, I came up with some ideas.. But I wonder if there is already a work around...


    Problem 1:

    I like elemental attack spell. I also like how prohibitive it is to do a powerful one (3mp/D6-Level for Blast, Fire, Lightning,Cold) but I am a little disappointed by you cast it twice (or 4 at best with a Staff) and you're out power. And one can just dodge it (I'm fine with that, I just want more casting), also I don't quite like mage staff trope.. but I guess it could be a gem instead or whatever..

    Anyway I was thinking of a spell "Repeat" that cast with an other offensive spell (take lowest percentage) spread your level between the elemental attack and the repeat (cost = 1/level). (both together <= INT/2) Each level of repeat gives you 1 (2?) more round where the attack can be cast again.

    How about that?


    Problem 2:

    I am unclear on how one make magical items


    Problem 3:

    I want to have interdimensional portal that can be open for quite a long time (a yet to be defined spell that would only last a few round in its basic version).  I guess they could be enchanted (problem 2), but I was thinking to introduce some sort of other combine spell with some yet to be define limitation that could make a spell last POW hours.

    How about that?


    Problem 4:

    I like how how BRP, has in fact, special effect like Mythras but with a lighter touch. However I'd like to add a few more, like say "trip opponent". Unsure how to proceed here.. I guess I could add them on the special result?


    Problem 5:

    I like the resistance table concept. But why not do Defensive_Score+D20 >= Offensive_Score+10 for success, instead of using a table?


    Problem 6:

    I like general HP, but I kind like a soft touch of localisation. I came with an idea. No major wound table. Instead if one take 1/2 total HP in one strike (or 2/3) one roll localisation do the HP (2HP) damage to limb effect. BUt then I'd like to use the chose location so... I guess chose location will only be on special hey?


    Problem 7:

    Love the Blood and Tide Stunt. Like to gate them between some kind of XP like thingy. But there is no XP in BRP, which might not work so well with the huge number of skills... Mmm.. any thought?

    I like the way the Power Budget for Martial art is Martial score / 20. Would there be a way to do the same thing with the stunt?

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