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Posts posted by PhilHibbs

  1. 5 minutes ago, Mugen said:

    In MRQ1, runes are physical objects which you can pick over a dead enemy's body, but other means exist to find runes, thanksfully. :) After you integrate a rune, you can cast spells associated with it and gain a small power. It's not very different in concept from crystals, actually.

    As I said, it was a draft, and an idea to be discussed and refined, something that didn't really happen. As far as I remember, the only change to the draft was that some spells were created for runes that didn't have any. In the end, the plant and heat runes only had one spell, whereas the metal rune had a dozen (Bladesharp, Bludgeon and Dullblade, among others...).

    I'm sure the same will happen with RQG, there will be runes that have loads of spells and runes that have few. There are no sorcery spells that use the Separate technique, to stretch the definition of "rune" a little for example, and lots that use the Water rune. I might put together a spell/rune matrix to see which are the munchkin runes to go for!

  2. 6 hours ago, Mugen said:

    And even if the rule (and the game as a whole) is hated, the idea was from a draft from Steve Perrin.

    I never owned MRQ1, so I don't know what the mechanics were. I think it was about finding and "integrating" runes, you had to kill an enemy that had a rune and you could take it from them. Seemed pretty contrived to me as a concept. I'd be interested to know how much of it was directly derived from Steve's idea. And anyone can have a bad idea that doesn't work (*cough* action-point transfers), the trick is to spot it before you get too far down the road.

  3. 6 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    . Or, now that A&P are rolled into one skill,  does Bladesharp just raise the weapon skill and not just the attack?

    Blade sharp increases chance to hit, so you get the bonus twice if you split. I think that was always the case, but I once had a GM rule against it, on the basis of "where does the extra magical energy come from". :wacko:

  4. 1 hour ago, Atgxtg said:

    Other RPG companies don't expect players to go digging up previous editions. 

    Neither do Chaosium, Styopa is not a Chaosium spokesman. Also, other companies don't produce perfect games that never need a house rule either. Players have always sought other sources of information, in my day it was RuneRites and the letters pages in White Dwarf and fanzines, nowadays it's Internet forums where people share their concerns and fixes.

    Sure, when I was 12 I believed that the rules had to be followed to the letter and that anything else was cheating. That didn't last long.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, soltakss said:

    I think you need to have a certain number of posts before you can start editing posts. Maybe 10, maybe 100. I am sure Trif will be able to tell us.

    So, get posting and you will be editing your posts in no time.

    You can't edit posts in locked threads.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Psullie said:

    Fair enough, but how does it work the other way. If my 'natural' skill of 100+% is reduced to less than 100 do I lose the ability to make two attacks? Also if, for example my skill of 150% is attacking a mook with 60%, then my choice is attack once with 100 v10 (happy with this) or is it two attacks at 75v60 or two at 50v10?

    Good questions! Regarding the second, I think it's 75 v 60. Splitting is before modifiers. Reduction of skills over 100 is after modifiers. In the first case you can split your attacks and they both get reduced by whatever penalties you are suffering.

    One exception to the bonuses rule is if the bonus is to your characteristics and therefore your category modifier. This gets in well before any of the rules are applied as it affects your actual skill number.

  7. 27 minutes ago, Psullie said:

     If the opponent was good enough to reduce my skill below 100 then that would prevent me from making two attacks as both need to be 50+ 

    Which would lead to exactly the time travel loop paradox that I described. You'd need to know what the opponent is going to declare before you can declare yourself, and vice versa. The RQG rules don't have that problem. I'm not entirely happy with having two mechanics for solving the same problem, but I have yet to try it out in game, and skills over 100 are not something I typically come across in my games anyway so I'm not worrying about it too much for my own sake.

  8. I'm torn on this one. On one hand, four skills at 5% is nothing, if you want to make an Engizi God Talker then you're going to need to take an additional 30 years at least, the 9 points of POW from that is going to be a big bonus that you weren't looking for, and you'll lose 6 physical attribute points. On the other hand, if you dish out too much then everyone will want it. Personally, I trust my current group of players not to abuse it. If one player wants to be 10 years older and get decent skill bonuses for it to make a sage type character, then I can't imagine the others crying over the unfairness.

    Also I think the skill points that you get for training should be increased. Since it now takes anywhere between 5 and 20 times longer to train a skill, maybe you should get slightly more benefit from it.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, deleriad said:

    IIRC your ability to split is based on "natural skill" only. Hang on, I'll do this properly and find the actual text "Thus, an adventurer can only split attacks
    with a natural skill rating of 100% or higher with the weapon (magical benefits or augments that bring a skill over 100% do not count in this case)." p202

    Ok, fair point, looks like my example was wrong. So if you split your 140% attack to two 70%s, and then you find out that you're being parried or dodged by two enemies with 120%, you get two 30% attacks. That's going to be a real kicker! So don't split your attacks unless you are really sure how tough the opponents are!

  10. 13 minutes ago, Psullie said:

    Not saying I'm correct but I'd GM that Broo encounter slightly differently. but you raise a valid point

    Sure. Grievously contrived, guilty as charged. It was going to be even worse, with an infinite loop of "Split attck!" "One of them parries, you can't!" "Ok, single attack on the other!" "It will dodge, so you can split!"

  11. 7 hours ago, Joerg said:

    What's its duration?

    As I recall it, the RQ3 spell was useless for anything but defense against vampires, as it was standard temporal in effect. The priest casting it would have to expend several rune points (for extension) and be able to regain only one. You would need a number of priests for just letting everybody get their rune points back, and only additional participants would be able to profit.

    It doesn't say. It is not Temporal, and there's no mention of how long it lasts. It does specifically mention that Rune Points can be regained in a Sanctified area, so at least that is clear.

    What is less clear, however, is what else you need to do - clearly it needs to be at least a minor holy day of the deity, less clear is whether you need a priest or God Talker to lead the worship.

    ...although the section on worship mechanics seems to be all about regaining Rune Points, and it lists the bonuses you get, and on a minor holy day you get a +10% chance to your Worship. Which kind of implies that you can do it on other days, but it's unclear what you get back if it isn't at least a minor holy day.

  12. 49 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    Okay. Are there any options for more or less experienced started characters, such as in RQ2 and RQ3? 

    Not really. The rules for older adventurers are pretty weak, you can get four skills at +5% for each ten years older. It's possible that I've missed another rule, since it's not easy to flick through a PDF.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    Start with one Lore at 90%? I take it that RQG characters start off with a lot more experience that those from RQ2.

    Most occupations get two or three skills at +30, you can add +25 to three skills of your choice, and your cult gives some fixed skills at between +10 and +20, plus two choices on top of that at +20 and +15 each. Hence Lhankor Mhy can get +30 and +25 from occupation, and +20 and +15 from the cult.

    Engizi just gets Cult Lore +15. Occupations giving Lore are Crafter (any +10), Fisher (River Lore +30), Entertainer (any +10), Philosopher (cult +10), Scribe (any +30, +10).

    So a Fisher can get River Lore at 5+30+25+bonus, Scribe can get Cult Lore up to 5+30+25+15+bonus, others can get Cult Lore to 5+10+25+15+bonus. So 50, 75, or 55 +bonus (5-15) are the closest you can get to God Talker of Engizi.

    *Edit* Fixed a few numbers

  14. 6 minutes ago, simonh said:

    I'm familiar with the old rules, I just think the restriction was unnecessary and didn't make a lot fo sense.

    I'm used to the Elric system, where you can make split attacks so long as 1) You divide your skill evenly between each attack roll and 2) each attack roll muse be at least 50%. It works fine, but then in Elric you can also make any number of Parries in a round, but each parry after the first suffers from a cumulative 30% penalty.

    Also now in RQG you can split unevenly as long as they are all 50% or more. The example has a 120% chance split into a 70 and a 50.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    As I posted in another thread, you need to make sure you start with one Lore at around 90% if you are going to push for Sage, which isn't too hard.

    I couldn't see a way to do that. 30+25 for occupation, 20+15 for cult, 5 base, +10 modifier, I guess it is quite easy. Engizi is a problem, since he needs Cult Lore or River Lore, but gives neither.

  16. 2 minutes ago, simonh said:

    I never really bought that though. In 12 seconds you can absolutely stab/hack/slice someone up more than once.

    I think the rationale was that your attack in melee isn't literally a single swing of the weapon, it could represent a number of blows, so there's no need to break it down and represent the same actions in two different game mechanical ways. The extra damage from a crit or special could be from multiple hits. It's only when you want to spread that out over multiple targets that you have to have a special mechanic.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    Well except that in Pendragon you get it only once year, while in RQ you get 5 seasons - which means in theory 1D6 experience plus training on one skill each season. You also get Between Adventures experience from your Occupation. Multiply that by 5 and you get 0% to 30% per skill per year, plus 0 to 24% in training in a single skill. I've seen characters shoot up from starting to 75% in less than three years.

    Sure, regular skills are not a problem, but the concern is lores that can't be increased by experience (so occupation doesn't help, since that gives experience checks). Lhankor Mhy requires two, and Engizi requires one lore at 90%.

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