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PK Games

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Posts posted by PK Games

  1. Have you gotten in touch with any of the guys at Chaosium? A BRP Berlin '61 would be great - better rules and a greater audience too! :)


    Yes, I have been in contact. I am currently reworking it for a BRP Monograph. Evenhave permission to use the real mythos.

  2. Thanks for the advice everyone. Im still working on a BRP revision of Berlin '61 and hope to get some work done on it over the next few weeks, mission permitting.

    The goal right now is to have it primarily as a setting. With a section for spy games, super hero games and horror games. The main focus overall will still be the horror however.


  3. Iron Maiden




    Demons and Wizards

    Blind Guardian

    For my Dark Heresy campaign I mix Harry Manfridinni's Friday the 13th Part VI soundtrack in as stingers and during those 20 or so seconds, the bad guys get +10 on combat skills and +1 damage.

    Then if any of the Indiana Jones/Batman soundtrack stingers come up the players get the same benefits.

  4. Mmmm, interesting. I think I read that a while back. Was that the one where Sharp is in India and trying to capture a mountain fortress?

    I do not recall what the firelocks were. Where they Matchlocks? The guns that were available in the game were matchlocks and wheel-locks. Matchlocks were big and clumsy to use, not much good to adventurers and wheel-locks were very expensive and relatively rare.

    Steel and Firelocks....does not seem have the ring to it that I was looking for, but that has always been the problem. I never was able to find anything that seemed quite right. Back in the day, after the players got through with their comments and jibes, they started calling it Steel and Gunstones and it stuck.

    Why not just FireLock or Gunstone?

  5. I think most martial arts can be done as is with BRP. Want great grappling skills? But super strength with limitation "Grappling only", want to run on trees like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? Buy limited flight, or super leap (or whatever equivalent is in BRP, dont have book right in front of me).

    And so forth. Chi powers/ki powers are just variations of spells and or super powers with the emphasis being inner strength and discipline.

    Heck you could even buy points of armour, state that its only against hadn to hand attacks and represents your super ability to parry, block and dodge.

    Its all in how you describe your bonuses and limitations placed on skills, powers and abilities.


  6. You go on vacations but you always make your first stop the local game store....

    PK Games, I'm an 11A now, but I used to be an 11B1PB4...and that's not where the name actually came from...it was from a Shadowrun novel 2XS by Nigel Findley...

    So, if you're in Germany...172nd SIB??


    JMRC Operations Group out of Hohenfels. I did my time down range with the 55th Combat Camera out of Fort Meade, Maryland. Now I document training here in the "BOX". Hoping to get back to the 55th within the year.

  7. You take your "lucky dice" to Iraq and Afghanistan...and you have run a quick pick up game in an Iraqi Police Station with four other guys in between guard shifts who just happen to have their characters sheets....


    Guilty, though not in a IPS.

    Slade, this might be a stupid question because of your screen name, whats you MOS?

  8. One thing to do, assuming you can get players to sign up, to help broaden the exposure of BRP is to run games at conventions or gaming stores. A short scenario could generate possible interest with new players. Also, introduce the system to the group you normally play with.

    Currently, my group has been using various D20 systems only, but when the current campaign I'm running ends, the next game I run will be a BRP game!

    Im planning on hitting Origins (Columbus, Ohio) this year and will be toting along Berlin '61, some 40K BRP Ive been working on and maybe other BRP/GORE style games. I will be there everyday and for the first time ever, my trusty co-gamers wont be there.

    My old group from college usually meet up yearly at Origins to kick back a few beers, terrorize the vendors and play a game or two, but they all seem to be occupied this year. A few will be in and out. So I should have time to claim a hall table and play some games.

  9. Its only going to affect them if no one buys them. I always make it a point to buy as many books that support a game system I like as possible. Especially if its not 3E.

    So I own most of WFRP books, all Dark Heresy (even ordered the UK only releases) and so forth.

    Its a bit expensive at times, but Id rather shill out money here and there to help keep something I like afloat then to sit back and watch a system die and 3E lord over the world in the guise of 4E.

    So Deadworld may not be my exact cup of tea or anything, but I will fork over the cash to support the concept of BRP and Im sure I will find several things in the book that I can use.

    However, I tend to not buy adventures.

  10. If you two have served (and I have no reason to doubt) then you have every right to make grimly ironic black jokes.

    I just find it hard when people make games (more esp First person) out of wars that living men and women served and still serve in.

    I don't want to spoil the thread, but my dad served in Africa during Suez and I would get really irate with anyone who turned his very harsh experiences into a game.

    I will let it go now.

    Sorry. :focus:

    I agree with you, there shouldnt be games about conflicts that are still going on or that have current ramifications. Its just bad taste. But then again, its a personal opinion and apparently, but the success of some of these video games, not one comonly shared.

  11. I haven't read the material and likely won't*, so take this with a grain of salt.

    It's always worthwhile to see if you can get paid (again) for your work if it's a BRP or CoC sourcebook or monograph.

    If Chaosium doesn't offer to publish it themselves, you might be able to get a BRP license and retain original copyright over the material.

    In either case, I encourage you to send Dustin an email at dustin@[name of BRP publisher].com.

    * No offense intended here - I just don't have the spare cash for new games I'm not going to play - and I don't have any interest in MRQ-derived materials.

    No offense taken, even though the game is liek what, $1 now LOL.

    Not interested really in getting paid again or anything, but just would like to try to get it real published as opposed to lulu published.

    Thanks for the info.

  12. Ha!


    Ride on brother! Guess we could make other games like Sadr City:Postapocalypse Blues in a Dystopian Now or Iraq:The Eternal Burning

    Actually, I got in trouble on leave in a game shop when some college kids were talking about awesome they were at "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" and I said "Well, you can always how good you really are. There's not one, but two wars going on right now..." and I pointed at the recruiters office, across the mall walkway...

    I was asked to leave ;-(

    Ok, I'll be good...no more distasteful comments...:deadhorse:


    Its true though.

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