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Everything posted by TriOpticon

  1. Everything looks good but the costs seem a bit high for that era. I thought a Colt was like $5-$6. I am not an expert in the western era, though.
  2. I would definitely like to contribute to this project if it ever happens. I do not think I have the experience to lead the project, though.
  3. Thanks, GerallKahla. I did find a link to the d100 die and they are out of stock. I did contact them and they said they would have a large Gamescience shipment delivered in a week or so. Unfortunately, I did not see a double d10 on their site. Hopefully that will be in their shipment, also.
  4. No, I have not seen a d10 inside of a d10 before. I have seen d6 that way. I will take a look at that d10. Never hurts to have multiple special dice for a special occasion.
  5. The only "true" d100 that I know of are the Zocchihedron and the Zocchihedron II (which apparently had better stopping). I know they aren't exactly the best thing to use but I figured it could be that one die where I need a good roll..Like when the GM uses the ginormous d20 to see if the hit is a true critical...or you use the tiny d20 for those games where rolling smaller is better... So, does anyone know where to buy the Zocchihedron II ? So far the online stores I have looked at have them as out of stock...
  6. I had not heard of these rules before. Thanks for the info.
  7. What does 30 represent? 30 games, 30000 games or something else? All these posts bring back memories of playing V&V, Champions and SuperWorld. I definitely would like to give a superhero resource a try for BRP once it comes out. I guess I'll have to wait till that happens, though. I would hope Chaosium is looking into this genre plus others for future expansions/supplements.
  8. This is something I would look into with BRP. I am a big comic/superhero fan. I played Champions a lot up till the 5th edition. I also have GURPS Powers, Mutants & Masterminds, Silver Age Sentinels, etc. I definitely enjoy the genre and like to read all systems about it, especially settings, to give me ideas. The only problem I have had is getting people to play a superhero game.
  9. Hello! I've been gaming for many years and have played RuneQuest back in the beginning but never really knew of a BRP system till recently. I know it is funny but even though I have a lot of Stormbringer and old RQ books, I mainly use them lately for settings, ideas, etc. No one in my area plays anything except d20 D&D. I am hoping to change that and I am hoping BRP is the system. I think GURPS and HERO are decent systems but seem overly complex, especially HERO. Anyway, I hope to learn a lot on this forum and to contribute more once the new book(s) are out. Which, I hear, is Soon.
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