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Kloster last won the day on December 13 2020

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  • Birthday 02/11/1967


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    RQ Fan since, euh, long

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  1. Civ III and Fallout 2. Sometimes Interstate '76.
  2. That's exactly how I see them.
  3. I hope this is not the case. Using both would make them more unique.
  4. In France, collecting duties was done when entering a territory (Either a free city or the land controlled by a noble). For city, it was done at the gates. For crossing borders, as most of the land limits were natural borders, it was done at choke points, i.e. bridges or narrow valley. When nothing exists, a big wall could be built: Around Paris, the royal tax collectors (the Fermiers Generaux) built a 24 km wall just to be able to collect taxes at the gates.
  5. My personal feeling would be that if said rune lord is on a business for the god himself, the god can answer whatever suits his needs, but if the lord is in a business for the cult, the god has to answer according to what he knows.
  6. I like twice, but could only click once. Thanks, Windchild.
  7. Agreed, and not necessarily for coin. It can be for services, or rune magic (spell trading is one of the trade mark of Issaries cult). I do count the trolls among the most numerous sorcery users, not among those that would teach to non members of their culture, but of course exceptions may (and will) exist. Agreed. But, as you say, their 'unique form of sorcery' make them one of the most numerous sorcery groups just because most, if not all, dwarves will be sorcery users. This is what I meant in my post.
  8. Agreed. Agreed. I mostly don't agree. Lunars, but as far as I remember, in quite good terms with Lhankor Mhy, so with most of local sorcerers. As lunars, they will have bad relationships with lots of people south of Tarsh. Feared by even the lunars and hates by almost everyone, agreed. On them, I don't know. As far as I remember what Jeff told about them, they are the most numerous, are seen by other Orlanthis as good Orlanthis with strange magics, so not as heretics, and are a closed culture (earthly equivalents we spoke about are Druzes Hazaras and Yezidis). And as a closed culture that don't proselytize, they are, as you say, very unlikely to teach sorcery to anybody else, specially with their endogamous castes. As inhabitants of one of the sixths, probably well seen by citizens of the Holy country, and unknown to other dragon pass region inhabitants. Yes, but you also can have other Issaries that are sorcerors. I think you forgot 3 of the groups, and perhaps the 2 largest: The dwarves, the trolls and the non troll arkati.
  9. I can't find any english language informations about it (mostly because I don't know how that can be translated in english), but during algerian independance war, french army (that used much torture themselves with very few results) mounted an a disinformation operation (called operation 'bleuite') that led the FLN to use torture on it's own members because they believed that some were traitors. That led to more FLN death than the whole war's military operations because tortured FLN partisans told everything just to stop what was occurring ... and everything was false because they were not traitors. That led named people to be kidnapped themselves, being tortured and thus giving other names ...
  10. The siege of Paris by Vikings lasted from November 885 to May 887, with an interruption in November 886.
  11. Agreed. I would say illumunating. I don't think so. But I think no action is intrinsically evil. Agreed.
  12. I've never heard of Jraktal before your post. I don't think. Tapping transform 'things( (matter, stats,...) in magical energy. Entropy (and thus Chaos) transform into nothingness. Pure personal opinion.
  13. I said 'rulesbook'. And I still don't have the prosopaedia. Whatever, tapping is sorcery, and should not be linked to a god (or perhaps to the invisible god).
  14. In that case, any use of tap technique should bring a chaos taint. Having the sorcery chaos rune does, but not the tap technique, nor implying it from command technique.
  15. Why do you say that tapping is chaotic? I can not see anything in any rulesbook that could hint that. Socially unacceptable, yes, if you can discern it and have any idea that it even exist, but not chaotic.
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