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Spanish Version


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Hello tutti,

I have heard of a Spanish version. Is it still relevant ?
Do you need playtesters?
Is there a way to get the translations for a fee?
I am launching a campaign in a Steam/Diesel Punk universe and I admit that the rules in spanish would greatly lighten my task.

Thank you for your attention

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Yes, it is still a thing, but our partners in charge of the translation are going forward more slowly than expected. Not to mention that *we* are going forward more slowly than expected. Ahem.

Between Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021 the International Edition will be out as a SRD. At that point we will give an estimate of when to expect the Spanish edition.

And of course, Dynamic D100 will probably be out in Spanish before the general rules. I already have a lot of people who absoutely *need* to play Mazinger with D100.


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