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RQ:G New player looking for a game/introduction to Glorantha


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Hello all,

I've been around the forums in the past, absorbing the insights of the community all with a view to running some Runequest locally with a group of friends. Needless to say this plan hasn't really gone so well over the past year... However it's definitely still a plan, but with a bit of a hitch.

I seem to have hit a creative pothole. It might well just be events that have sapped my creative juices a bit, however I don't really have any experience with the sort of societal play Runequest leans towards. That combined with just how incredibly integrated the cults are with society (magic and myth equating to Gloranthan physics) means I'm feeling totally out of my depth. It'll probably help when I can finally read the POD cult books in paper form at Christmas (PDFs do not read well with me), but until then the question is...

Would anyone care to run a game? 

Even just one or two sessions would be good. I reckon I could run with that introduction and find my feet a little better as a player rather than kicking it all off as a GM. It's also worth stating I'm in the UK, but generally a bit of a night owl where pesky time-zones are concerned. So whatever anyone would like really... the game master adventures, something from Jonstown or homebrew. 

Thanks very much!

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I am running a game of RQ 3  adventures/modules using RAW for modern RQ G. Passions, Runes, etc. We play early Saturday Mornings at 9 am GMT -7 (4 pm in London)... 

Let me see if the players would like to have a newcomer sit it for such a good reason. I am sure they will say yes and we are about to start a great Classic RQ module for explaining RQ to the newbie. Two or three sessions. That should work perfectly, Let me just ask the rest at the virtual table so I don’t step on toes..

Edited by Bill the barbarian
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... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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8 minutes ago, Chromatism said:

I'd appreciate that greatly. Plus the time suits me down to the ground as well. Whatever the outcome of the ask, thank you very much!

Cheers and thanks for the understanding. Should have an answer in the morning. We are international. so some are sleeping and some are awake. We are not fast.

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... remember, with a TARDIS, one is never late for breakfast!

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